On Halloween night, a young girl has no one to go trick-or-treating with....until The Jester offers to tag along.

John’s gospel is depicted, complete with Aramaic narration, highlighting Christ’s life including birth, baptism, first miracle, healing the blind man, walking on water, feeding the multitude, raising Lazarus from the dead, the Last Supper, his flogging and crucifixion, and most importantly his resurrection.

من الأفضل أن تنتبه. عندما يقتحم فريق من المرتزقة مجمعا عائليا ثريا عشية عيد الميلاد ، ويأخذون الجميع إلى الداخل كرهائن ، فإن الفريق غير مستعد لمقاتل مفاجئ: سانتا كلوز على الأرض ، وهو على وشك إظهار سبب عدم كون قديسا.

" الولاء " ، ملحمة حرب جوية تستند إلى الكتاب الأكثر مبيعًا الذي يحمل نفس الاسم ، وتحكي القصة الحقيقية المروعة لاثنين من نخبة الطيارين المقاتلين في البحرية الأمريكية خلال الحرب الكورية. تضحياتهم البطولية ستجعلهم في نهاية المطاف أكثر رجال البحرية شهرة.

Around the year 1000 AD warlike people, the so-called "tjuder", roam in northern Scandinavia. As they brutally kill a family in a remote area, including the parents and their little daughter, the family's teenage son, Aigin, observes the slaughter. He manages to flee from these killers and reaches a camp with other Sámi whose inhabitants are worried if he has been able to hide his track. Afraid of the murderous people, they decide to flee to the coast. The boy stays alone to avenge his family's murder. Unfortunately, they get him before he can do anything and force him to lead them to the other Sámi. He guides them but has a plan to destroy the barbarous people before reaching the camp.

Maycon is a boxer who trains to return to the ring while sharing his time with two underemployees. Malu's father, the result of a casual relationship he had with Michele, he has his life overturned when he finds himself in the situation of having to take care of his daughter alone. Between the exhausting routine of training and training to survive Maycon's biggest fight has yet to be won: becoming a father.

Caroline, a young waitress who seems to have bad taste in men, is on her way home one night when thugs attempt to rape her. Adam, the mysterious busboy who works at the same diner, helps fight off the assailants, and she begins a relationship with him -- but not all their fellow Minnesotans are happy for them. Meanwhile, the couple face their own difficulties when Caroline finds about Adam's past, including his unique health condition.

The arrival of children, as seen through the stories of four different couples, just when a pregnancy comes along and conflicts with their lives. A marital crisis becomes a family tragedy; a mad man's gun forces a young couple to reconsider a premature pregnancy; a long struggle of in-vitro fertilizations brings together and forces apart two sterile women who have shared the same man; and a young Iraqi immigrant, all alone in her apartment, is forced to give birth to her child with the help of her Greek stalker and next door neighbor. The stories unfold within a day and collide in a violent and fatal incident.

تعرض هذه الملحمة المثيرة للحرب العالمية الثانية ، التي تتميز بتسلسل الحركة باستخدام الطائرات القديمة ، كيف يمكن لشجاعة رجل واحد أن تغير العالم. في مهمة استطلاعية فوق فرنسا التي تحتلها النازية ، تم إسقاط الطيار هولدن مع قاذفة B-17. لقد هبط بالقرب من مطار ، حيث علم أن الألمان يقومون بتحميل الطائرة التي تحمل علامة أمريكية بقنبلة خارقة تدمر المدينة يمكن أن تساعد المحور في الفوز بالحرب. الآن ، يجب على هولدن التهرب من دوريات البحث والجندي النازي المنتقم لإنقاذ الطاقم الأسير ووقف مؤامرة يوم القيامة.

A young woman witnesses a bus accident, and is caught up in the aftermath, where the question of whether or not it was intentional affects many people's lives.

The story focuses on the exploits of rivals Reinhard von Lohengramm and Yang Wen-li, as they rise to power and fame in the Galactic Empire and the Free Planets Alliance, respectively.

في إطار من الرعب، تجد عائلة -تسعى لتجاوز خسارة ومأساة كبيرة- نفسها تحت رحمة شيطان تاريخي يسعى لتدمير نفوسهم.

تم تكليف مورينو ، وهو نصف روماني ، بمهمة عبور الجبال الثلجية في أرمينيا ، المليئة بالدوريات البارثية ، لطلب المساعدة لرجاله الذين يموتون ببطء.

A hiker finds shelter in a mountain lodge inhabited by two strange women.

Two oafs must rescue their stranded pal in Mexico.

Detective Breslin crosses paths with Calloway, a ruthless hacker desperate to find his wife, who has been kidnapped by a drug cartel. When Calloway escapes police custody, Breslin joins forces with a no-nonsense female cop to reclaim his prisoner. But is Calloway’s crime-boss father somehow involved in this explosive situation?

على أمل الفوز بجائزة بقيمة 5 ملايين دولار، يعزل زوجان شابان أنفسهما في غرفة بيضاء فارغة لمدة 50 يومًا، ولكن سرعان ما تظهر الأسرار والمفاجآت على الساحة بينهما.

All Gary wants is to make awesome home movies with his best buds. All his older sister Samantha wants is to hang with the cool kids. When their parents head out of town one Halloween weekend, an all-time rager of a teen house party turns to terror when aliens attack, forcing the siblings to band together to survive the night.

بعدما يرث والد أرمل مزرعة مع حلول موسم عيد الميلاد المجيد، يجد صعوبة في التأقلم مع الحياة القروية… بينما يرسم أطفاله خطّة للبقاء فيها إلى الأبد.

Guru has the ability to predict future events. With his unique ability, he identifies several future events, including the attempted murder of his lover by a look-alike.