Inspired by the isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes, Lava is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years.

On a golden afternoon, young Alice follows a White Rabbit, who disappears down a nearby rabbit hole. Quickly following him, she tumbles into the burrow - and enters the merry, topsy-turvy world of Wonderland! Memorable songs and whimsical escapades highlight Alice's journey, which culminates in a madcap encounter with the Queen of Hearts - and her army of playing cards!

Conducting clandestine experiments within the morgue at Miskatonic University, scientist Herbert West reveals to a fellow graduate student his groundbreaking work concerning the re-animation of fresh corpses.

When yet another anniversary passes without a marriage proposal from her boyfriend, Anna decides to take action. Aware of a Celtic tradition that allows women to pop the question on Feb. 29, she plans to follow her lover to Dublin and ask him to marry her. Fate has other plans, however, and Anna winds up on the other side of the Emerald Isle with handsome, but surly, Declan -- an Irishman who may just lead Anna down the road to true love.

Sākotnēji plānotais mierīgais vakars, pieskatot kādu puiku, izvēršas pilnīgā haosā, kad pie aukles ierodas viņa draugi.

Atrodoties pa vidu starp aizliegtu mīlestības romānu un draugu cerībām, centīgais DJ Kouls Kārters mēģina atrast dzīvē ceļu, kas ved uz slavu un bagātību.

The school year is finally ending, and T.J. Detweiler is looking forward to summer. But boredom quickly sets in when his friends leave for camp — until T.J. uncovers an evil plot to do away with summer vacation! A crazy former principal, Dr. Benedict, is planning to use a laser beam to alter the weather and create permanent winter. Faced with the dire threat of year-round school, T.J. rounds up the RECESS gang and bands together with some unexpected allies — Miss Finster and Principal Prickly — in a nonstop adventure to save everyone's summer break. As the kids discover the heroes inside themselves, a platoon of wacky characters, far-out music, and sci-fi surprises turn this madcap mission into a major victory for fun!

Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...

Pēc lidmašīnas avārijas tās kravā esošais nāvējošais vīruss nonāk vietējā ūdenskrātuvē un inficē iedzīvotājus, kas kļūst agresīvi. Armijas vienība aplenc pilsētu un sāk izšaut īpaši agresīvos slimniekus.

Sivēnam Vilberam ir bail no sezonas beigām, jo viņš zina, ka drīz tiks celts uz galda pusdienās. Kopā ar Šarloti, zirnekli, kas dzīvo viņa aizgaldā, viņi izstrādā plānu, lai būtu droši, ka tas nekad nenotiks.

Lenny has relocated his family back to the small town where he and his friends grew up. This time around, the grown ups are the ones learning lessons from their kids on a day notoriously full of surprises—the last day of school.

Stjuarts ir pele, kas nelīdzinās nevienai citai. Kad Mazo ģimene izlemj adoptēt citas sugas pārstāvi, viņiem nākas daudz ko iemācīties, piemēram to, ka mājas darbi ir jāveic ļoti piesardzīgi, ir jāuzmana, ko apēd kaķis Sniedziņš, kā arī to, ka mīlestība nav atkarīga no sirds lieluma.

Two decades after surviving a massacre on October 31, 1978, former baby sitter Laurie Strode finds herself hunted by persistent knife-wielder Michael Myers. Laurie now lives in Northern California under an assumed name, where she works as the headmistress of a private school. But it's not far enough to escape Myers, who soon discovers her whereabouts. As Halloween descends upon Laurie's peaceful community, a feeling of dread weighs upon her -- with good reason.

Born into a modest family, Gerry Boulet found fame with the Québec rock group Offenbach. After a life of drug and alcohol abuse and a great love story, Gerry died of cancer in 1990.

Detektīvi no rēgu patruļas izmeklē aizkapa pasaules pretējā pusē notiekošos noziegumus un vajā kādu pārmēru veiklu mošķi. Jauns policists, kurš gājis bojā no nezināma ļaundara rokas, ierodas citā pasaulē, kur apmaiņā pret palīdzību savas slepkavības izmeklēšanā, viņš apņemas turpmākos simts gadus veltīt dienestam rēgu patruļā.

Newlyweds Nick and Suzanne decide to move to the suburbs to provide a better life for their two kids. But their idea of a dream home is disturbed by a contractor with a bizarre approach to business.

After her triumph at the Miss United States pageant, FBI agent Gracie Hart becomes an overnight sensation -- and the new "face of the FBI". But it's time to spring into action again when the pageant's winner, Cheryl, and emcee, Stan, are abducted.

1982. gadā cilvēki kosmosā nosūtīja laika kapsulu, pildītu ar Zemes dzīves un kultūras paraugiem. Starp citu, tur bija arī 80. gadu populāro videospēļu fragmenti. Taču citplanētieši uztvēra šo sūtījumu kā kara pieteikumu un nolēma uzbrukt Zemei, izmantojot videospēles kā iebrukuma stratēģiju! ASV prezidents ir spiests savākt bijušo videospēļu fanu komandu, lai uzvarētu citplanētiešus un izglābtu civilizāciju.

Džūnijs un Karmena dodas uz kādu noslēpumainu salu, kur viņi sastop ģenētisko zinātnieku un konkurējošus spiegu bērnus.

Brālim ar māsu jau atkal nākas kļūt par spiegiem, lai neļautu ļaundarim pārņemt varu pasaulē un izglābtu no nelaimes audžumāti – atvaļinātu slepeno aģenti.