This documentary by Léa Clermont-Dion and Guylaine Maroist plunges us into the vortex of online misogyny and documents hatred towards women. This bleak opus, reminiscent of a psychological thriller, follows four women across two continents: former President of the Italian parliament Laura Boldrini, former Democratic representative Kiah Morris, French actor and YouTuber Marion Séclin, and Donna Zuckerberg, a specialist in online violence against women and the sister of Facebook’s founder. This tour de force reveals the devastating effects such unapologetic hatred has on victims, and brings to light the singular objective of cyber-misogyny: to silence women who shine. Some targets of cyber-violence will crumble under the crystallizing force of the click. Others, proud warriors, will stand tall and refuse to be silenced.

故事讲述了14岁的努尔(Maél Rouin Berrandou)在法国南部的一个住房项目中长大的故事,他的哥哥们轮流照顾他们昏迷中生病的母亲。努尔梦想成为新的卢西亚诺·帕瓦罗蒂,灵感来自 《茶花女》是一部他非常熟悉的歌剧,因为他的意大利父亲通过唱咏叹调向北非母亲求爱。在社区工作和国内紧张局势加剧之间,努尔梦想着逃到一个遥远的地方。当他与莎拉(Judith Chemla,A Woman’s Life,AF FFF17),一位教暑期班的歌剧歌手相遇时,他终于找到了一个机会,走出自己的壳,探索新的视野。

Brad Pitt is a singular actor in Hollywood's glamorous world, breaking through his "playboy image" and embodying American cinema's renewal. At the beginning there was a humble Midwestern aware of being a smokescreen for the illusions of his time, who has managed to keep control of his image to better serve the most talented directors of our time. To name but a few: David Fincher, Quentin Tarantino, the Coen brothers, Terrence Malick, James Gray and soon Damien Chazelle. This documentary dives into the brain of a complex, brilliant and endearing personality, far from the cliché of a world-famous movie icon to discover the hidden side of the most handsome man in the world.

Because he forgot his identity card, Elias cannot take the entrance exam to Sciences Po. In search of a job while waiting to be able to take the exam again, he becomes an educator in a children's home. Confronted with an environment he doesn't know how to work, Elias doesn't yet know how much this experience will change his life.



1942年巴黎。François Mercier是一个普通的男人,他只渴望和他爱的女人Blanche建立家庭。他还是才华横溢的珠宝商哈夫曼先生的雇员。但面对德国的占领,两人别无选择,只能达成一项协议,其后果将在几个月后打乱我们三个角色的命运。


在法国社会僵化的阶级制度下,进行阶级之旅几乎是不可能的。尽管自己也是工人阶级,《回归故里》的叙述者却设法摆脱了自己的命运:从 13 岁起就在工厂工作,住在不合格的公寓里,被文盲、酗酒和早逝所拖累。他逃离了自己成长的地方,直到他憎恨的父亲去世后才回到这里。


年轻的犹太女孩艾琳在巴黎度过了 19 岁生日。艾琳想成为一名演员,她无忧无虑地渡过她的青年时期,探索和感受着她的友谊、她的爱情、还有对戏剧的执著的热情……

Francis, a little accountant officiating in a shady cabaret has marital concerns with his wife. After a violent argument, he wakes up to discover a surprise. It's the macabre and zany starting point of a burlesque thriller.

乔纳斯,一个已过不惑之年的巴黎男子,始终放不下前女友莉亚。在上门表白再次被拒绝后, 乔纳斯来到楼下咖啡厅。突发灵感,他推掉当天所有要做的事情,坐下来给前女友莉亚写了一封长长的情书,下定决心这是最后一次试图让她回来。而这一封信,却意外地变成了对他生活状态的写实。在这一天里, 在爱讲笑话的酒保和酒吧顾客的帮助下,乔纳斯直面他的过去,他不确定未来,更重要,他自己。

This French thriller begins with a flashback to a small village dance where a six-year-old girl is kidnapped and killed. Seventeen years later the murder remains unsolved. The girl's parents Caroline and Chris have gone on with separate lives Caroline remarried and had another daughter while Chris became an alcoholic. The two are thrown back together when each begin receiving strange messages that imply their daughter has returned from the dead for vengeance. They contact a police detective (the lover of Caroline's best friend) who finds the case intriguing and decides to reopen it. Unfortunately, as soon as he begins questioning the old suspects, people begin to die.

《窈窕主妇》由英国女星西耶娜·米勒同伊朗女星格什菲·法拉哈尼共同主演,讲述两位女主人公从芝加哥一路前往拉斯维加斯参加肚皮舞大赛的故事。   法国导演波查拉曾凭借《生命如尘》、《光荣岁月》以及《法外之徒》三次获得奥斯卡最佳外语片提名。《窈窕主妇》是他首部英文片。导演把该片同杰瑞·沙茨伯格执导、吉恩·哈克曼与阿尔·帕西诺主演的金棕榈影片《稻草人》相比,讲述了两位女伴之间不同寻常的友谊。

查理是一家时尚杂志的编辑,父亲去世后,她继承了家族屠宰场的遗产。当她准备卖掉它时,老板的前职员Martial决定为夺回生意而战。这两个截然相反的角色将会共存…… 这是一部浪漫的法国喜剧,它跨越了两个不同的世界,没有真正的联系,时尚和屠夫。这种令人震惊的转变创造了一个相当原始的框架,产生了一个激动人心的炼金术,由一对演员分享无与伦比的魅力。即使没有惊喜,也很好看。


October 2015. French customs seize seven tonnes of cannabis in the heart of the capital. The same day, Hubert Antoine, a former mole with a shady past, contacts Stéphane Vilner, a journalist at Libération. He claims to be able to demonstrate the existence of State drug trafficking led by Jacques Billard, prominent media figure and high-ranking French police officer. Suspicious at first, the young journalist finally dives into an investigation that will lead him to the darkest corners of the Republic.


Lacking inspiration, a composer isolates himself at a desolate house, on a small island, in Brittany. There he finds an old piano and receives visits from people who won't let him rest.