Scooby-Doo and the rest of the ghost-busting gang visit a quiet farm town where everyone is preparing for the annual Halloween harvest celebration.

It was a chance meeting started by one of Sol’s friends trying to chat up Jennifer. However, in the end, it was those two who hit it off. Sol enjoyed Jen’s smile, her effort, and how silly she could be. Jen enjoyed Sol’s cooking, his athleticism, and that he would join her in fun moments. As you can imagine, love bloomed, and things got serious. Jen’s investment in Sol led to her pushing him to follow his dreams and even move in to save money. Sol’s investment in Jen well, it led to him proposing. But what started as a liver tumor grew into full-on cancer, so with a diagnosis of 6 months to live, Sol and Jennifer try to make the best of it.

Hellbent on taking over Earthrealm, Kano viciously attacks town after town with the aid of three cold-blooded Black Dragon mercenaries. Those who don’t submit are annihilated but one young man won’t bend the knee to Kano: Kenshi.

At a gathering of mystery and true crime fans, Aurora Teagarden’s nephew, Phillip, is accused of murder when an unplanned onstage blackout during the play in which he is performing ends, revealing Phillip holding the bloody knife that has just killed one of the other performers. 12th installment in Aurora Teagarden Mysteries

Every Thursday a group of ladies would gather to play cards and discuss their loves, lives and children while their daughters played in the next room. Thirty years later, the daughters meet at a funeral for one of the mothers. Like their mothers, they discuss their hopes, dreams and fears.

Након што је уништен брод којим је путовао у свемир, мали Вили бива одвојен од својих родитеља. Његова резервна капсула слеће на дивљу и неистражену планету на којој, уз помоћ робота Бака, преживљава до доласка спасилачке мисије.

Advokat Josef Bartok i njegova supruga Ana planiraju da pobegnu u SAD. Međutim, malo pre nego što bekstvo uspe, Džozefa hapsi Gestapo. Kad odbije da sarađuje i preda podatke u vezi s računima plemstva i sveštenstva, biva smešten u samicu. Jedini predmet koji uspeva da prokrijumčari u pritvor je knjiga o šahu. Tokom narednih nekoliko meseci, on uči sve varijante igre i igra zamišljene igre u kojima mentalno pomera i crne i bele figure. Ova podvojenost ubrzo izaziva rascep u njegovom egu i ličnosti. Izgubljene partije iznenada izazivaju želju za osvetom...

Наставак серијала о љубави и страсти двоје младих која не признаје границе, снимљеног према бестселеру писатељице Ане Тод који је проглашен светском сензацијом. Љубав Тесе и Хардина одувек је била компликована, али сада су доспели у фазу у којој се излаз не види. Управо када се Теса спрема да донесе једну од важнијих одлука у животу, све се мења. Хардин још увек не зна да се контролише и све око ње почиње да се распада. Никоме не може да верује, нико није онакав каквим се чини. Ни породица, ни пријатељи.

Set during the Vietnam war, Firebase follows American soldier Hines through an ever-deepening web of science fiction madness.

When madly in love high school graduates Riley and Chris are separated by a tragic car accident, Riley blames herself for her boyfriend's death while Chris is stranded in limbo. Miraculously, the two find a way to connect. In a love story that transcends life and death, both Riley and Chris are forced to learn the hardest lesson of all: letting go.

Eight short stories of seduction and illicit encounters between lovers, filled with humor and eroticism, which use a circular structure located in the cosmopolitan atmosphere of a colonial city of Mexico.

Inspired by the real-life German special operations unit KG 200 that shot down, repaired, and flew Allied aircraft as Trojan horses, "Wolf Hound" takes place in 1944 German-occupied France and follows the daring exploits of Jewish-American fighter pilot Captain David Holden. Ambushed behind enemy lines, Holden must rescue a captured B-17 Flying Fortress crew, evade a ruthless enemy stalking him at every turn, and foil a plot that could completely alter the outcome of World War II.

„Тор: Љубав и гром“ из студија Марвел проналази Бога грома на путовању за разлику од било чега са којим се икада суочио – у потрази за унутрашњим миром. Али Торово пензионисање прекида галактички убица познат као Гор Бог месар, који тражи истребљење богова. Да би се изборио са претњом, Тор тражи помоћ Краља Валкирије, Корга и бивше девојке Џејн Фостер, која – на Торово изненађење – необјашњиво рукује магичним чекићем Мјолнир, као Моћни Тхор. Заједно се упуштају у мучну космичку авантуру како би открили мистерију освете Бога Месара и зауставили га пре него што буде прекасно.

Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.

Good-hearted teenager William always lived in hope of following in his late father’s footsteps and becoming a storm chaser. His father’s legacy has now been turned into a storm-chasing tourist business, managed by the greedy and reckless Zane Rogers, who is now using William as the main attraction to lead a group of unsuspecting adventurers deep into the eye of the most dangerous supercell ever seen.

A revenge mission becomes a fight to save the world from an ancient threat when superpowered assassin Kai tracks a killer to Bangkok.

Педантно осмишљен живот црнкиње са привилегијама почиње да се расплиће када се два странца појаве у њеном чудном граду у предграђу.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.

Decades ago, the USSR developed unkillable sharks and launched them to the moon. Today, a team of American astronauts will endure the fight of their lives.

Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.