Farah hits the road with her buddies to stump for John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, hoping the trip will be her opportunity to finally shed her unwanted virginity. She soon finds her efforts on both political and sexual fronts continuously thwarted.

Current instability of climate system impacts ice cores and rises global sea level, as well as changes human life. At the same time only data code of intelligent machines remains constant in the modern geography.

A young college student is given a disturbing ultimatum when a dark secret from his past is resurrected.

What do you know about the Darknet? Silk Road, hitmen for hire and outlets for the most depraved aspects of human behaviour? This film delves beyond this notoriety to reveal to undiscussed depths of this network, exposing how activists from around the world are hiding in the shadows of the Darknet to protect the freedoms we all hold dear. As privacy, anonymity and freedom of speech come under increasing threat, a group of self-appointed freedom fighters stand on the frontier of an unseen battleground. This Gonzo-style exploration tumbles ever deeper down this rabbit hole, guided by hackers, cypherpunks and cryptoanarchists, to find the hidden light at the bottom of the deep dark web.

Chalk n Duster is an emotional journey of two teachers Vidya ( Shabana Azmi) & Jyoti ( Juhi Chawla) , serving at a Mumbai - based High School. Their passion and love for teaching, bonds them in a special relationship with their students. Their gratification is good grades, moral values they strive to impart to students

  早年丧妻的大学教授安藤聪(内野圣阳 饰),一直和正就读女子高中的女儿加奈相守度日。谁知突如其来的意外,将安藤家原本还算宁静的生活彻底打破。加奈不知为何坠楼身亡,根据目击者声称,她的死亡属于自杀。悲剧让安藤倍受打击,他为没能注意到女儿的心理变化而懊悔不已。这一日,自称笹川七绪(葵若菜 饰)的女孩登门拜访,她带来加奈生前的日记,日记记录了亡女遭到欺凌的事实,而幕后黑手指向了名叫木场咲的女孩。安藤震惊之余开始追查真相,却发现面似桃花的女孩,有着一颗蛇蝎般歹毒而狡诈的心肠……   本片根据芦泽央的原作改编。

A woman returns to the Philippines after working abroad to find that her family has fallen apart in her absence.

An indictment of the Greek military junta of 1967–1974. The film tries to give a reconstruction of the events during the students' uprising in the Athens Polytechnic (November 1973) by documents, rehearsals, interviews, songs and poems.

A man masters the ancient art of arnis with the help of his grandfather to get revenge on a group of crooks who attempted to beat him to death.

Farmers at work in their fields during the August harvest in Bad Zweesten.

A Syrian girl and her mother try to survive under the rule of ISIS.

《困倦之眼》根据Amy Yamada的一部论战小说改编,讲述了一位二流的日本爵士歌手和一位美国黑人GI在法律边缘的强烈爱情关系。