In 1982, when the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was at its peak, more than 1.5 million inhabitants had to move to Iran looking for a new life. Taghi, born in Iran, wants to escape the ruthless discriminations Afghans are subjected to on a daily basis. Against all odds, he decides to move back to the country of his parents. But unexpected challenges await there for him.

The best women's wrestling competition of all time...and if you think it's fake you're in for a big surprise See LEGENDARY Mixed Martial Arts fighters coach their teams to victory in the cage! aka Chuck Lidell's Girl's Fight Club

《银河英雄传说》剧场版2《黄金之翼》讲述了莱因哈特幼年时代母亲去世、与吉尔菲艾斯相遇、姐姐安妮罗杰入宫、就读军官学校,以及被派驻伊谢尔伦要塞担任驱逐舰舰长时和吉尔菲艾斯一起与图谋不轨的刺客相搏斗之事。莱因哈特·冯·缪杰尔,出身于贫穷贵族家庭,幼年时母亲在一次车祸中丧生。 宇宙历786年,帝国历477 年,10岁的莱因哈特与父亲、姐姐一起搬到了吉尔菲艾斯家隔壁。这是他与终身挚友吉尔菲艾斯友情的起点。在这里,他和姐姐安妮罗杰、吉尔菲艾斯一起度过了生命中最无忧无虑的一段时光。然而,一切都因为姐姐被皇帝宣召入宫而结束了。带着对为金钱出卖姐姐的父亲的憎恨,和积蓄力量夺回姐姐的渴望,莱因哈特和吉尔菲艾斯一起进入军官学校就读,在有形与无形的敌视环伺之下逐渐成长起来,并顺利以第一名的成绩从军校毕业。此时的莱茵哈特,已经立下要粉碎高登巴姆王朝、将宇宙握在手中的誓言,并得到了挚友吉尔菲艾斯的支持和追随。 宇宙历792年,帝国历483年,同盟军的西德尼·席特列将军率领五万艘舰艇,开始对对伊谢尔伦要塞发动第五次进攻。当时16岁、刚当上少校的莱茵哈特,被派遣担任伊谢尔伦要塞驻留舰队中的驱逐舰艾姆莱特二号的舰长,担任副舰长的则是他的挚友吉尔菲艾斯。继白银之谷事件中派遣海鲁特上校试图杀害莱因哈特未果后,培尼明迪侯爵夫人再次以对莱茵哈特进行秘密调查为由,派遣格雷寇尔·封·科姆巴哈少校前来要塞。在侦讯的过程中被问及白银之谷事件的莱茵哈特,开始怀疑科姆巴哈的真正目的。在同盟军展开攻击后,科姆巴哈虽然也硬著头皮搭上出动迎击的艾姆莱特二号,但不习惯战场的他却感到十分恐惧,而莱茵哈特也在此时对他采取嘲笑的态度,更是让他感到不满。至今对伊谢尔伦要塞发动过四次攻击皆告失败的同盟军,这次的攻势可说是无比的猛烈,由于同盟军这次使用了混入敌舰队,使主炮无力化的两段式战法,使得战况异常激烈。莱因哈特成功地击毁一艘驱逐舰后,安全回到了要塞。而此刻的科姆巴哈却想趁着这场混乱,执行他此行真正的任务——暗杀莱茵哈特……经过一番艰苦的搏斗,科姆巴哈被吊死在要塞深深的钢铁峭壁上,而吉尔菲艾斯也身受重伤。 最后,同盟军因帝国不分敌我的炮轰而败退,吉尔菲艾斯也终于从病床上慢慢醒了过来。金发的少年正用冰蓝色的眼睛望着他。

A tale of one North Korean's struggle to leave behind the homeland, this stylised documentary unveils the depths of loss and longing, and the desire for legacy amongst a community of North Korean defectors who have escaped their homeland to live in the leafy London suburb of New Malden.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Dragons return to Ever After High, and so does the Evil Queen. When the most epic competition and evil scheme starts at Ever After High, Raven and Apple must let go of their story conflict and save their beloved school together.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

The famous Teahupoo wave, nicknamed "the perfect wave", was bigger than ever in 2019. In August 2019, mountains of water dropped on the coral reef like bombs. Towed by jet skis, local surfers tried and succeeded what seemed impossible. Bravery and dauntless! Commented by seasoned Tahitians like Kévin Bourez, Matahi Drollet, Kauli Vaast or Ariihoe Tefaafana who share this unique experience, their fear and pride to have faced heights never seen before. The Polynesians have proven that they are the best, that the Teahupoo wave is "made for them". Unforgettable images, interviews and testimonies… It has become an unmissable event for riders and those who love the beauty of the Pacific Islands. No need to be interested in surfing to appreciate spectacular performances. This is a pure wave of pleasure for the eyes. A wave of emotion with these “aito” (heroes in Tahitian) of surfing, who share a part of the Polynesian culture.

The making of a pop star in 2020: A young musician is plucked from obscurity -- jail, actually -- and given a multi-million dollar record deal. Meet Dominic Fike as he prepares for his first international tour and makes his debut album.

Conglomerated Assets, a brokerage firm is sinking fast as its CEO checks out and leaves the company to his inept film school drop out son. Enter Quincy, Waverly, Erica, Rudy, Tina and Yasmine. Team QWERTY--six sexy secretaries that must save the day.


一群称作「阿迪克斯之门」(Atticus Gage)的赏金猎人组织,在启示录后的末日时代,负责追踪致命的犯罪者们。

The second of two coproductions by the British Broadcasting Corporation and the National Film Board of Canada, People of the Seal, Part 2: Eskimo Winter is compiled from some of the most vivid footage ever filmed of the life of the Netsilik Inuit in the Pelly Bay region of the Canadian Arctic. Together, the two films provide insight and understanding of a culture now almost vanished, as they show the incredible resourcefulness of the Netsilik (People of the Seal) who have adapted to one of the world's harshest environments. Part 2: Eskimo Winter shows how Inuit families gather in communities on the sea ice to harpoon seal as they come up through breating holes in the ice. Also seen is the mid-winter season, a time of intense socializing in the communal igloo, with games, contests and ceremonial activities.

María Luisa Bombal is an underground writer in the early twenties trying to reconcile her passionate and very sexual lifestyle with her life as a socialite among Santiago's very conservative elite.

Odysseas Akribos is a watchmaker and wants his life to roll like clock. However, the death of his partner and his children's comrades, Angelos and Katia, will deconstructed him. He will try to put his old life in order starting with his co-operative, Electra.

Vara is an orphan, vagabond valet driver who has a massive pile-up of debt to pay. Julie is the quintessential rich girl he loves to stalk. But when their relationship goes south and he ends up embroiled in a comedy of errors, how will Vara cope?

A television is going to fit itself in a house.

A baby candle learns to accept and help their community thanks to their father.