英国1924年经典纪录片,真实记录了近一百年前由斯科特船长率领英国南极考察队的传奇探险之旅。本片首次影像化,BFI进行了数码修复。斯科特在船上加入官方的摄影师特拉诺瓦和电影摄影师赫伯特庞廷,以及他拍摄的图像至今已将近一百年。庞廷拍摄了这次伟大远征的几乎每一个环节:科学工作、生活在营地和当地野生动物- 包括特色的阿德利企鹅。最重要的是,庞廷记录了南极探险的准备工作:从毛毛虫轨道到雪橇的试验,以服装和烹饪设备,数年后,直到1924年他重新剪辑成现在这部影片,具有鲜明的着色和调色。2010年英国皇家档案馆将保存的远征底片,重新采用最新数码技术和光化学色彩复杂技术进行了修复,再现了当年详细考察的辉煌景观,包括斯科特和他的团队展示他们如何做饭、在他们的支杆帐篷睡觉等场景。

With input from actor and writer Jan Hlobil, director and cinematographer Rene Smaal presents a film in the true surrealist tradition, in the sense that only 'found' elements were used, and that it defies interpretation based on ordinary cause-and-effect time sequence.

  电影讲述一个80年代末的寻父故事。乌拉(塔尼娅 帕拉依奥罗葛Tania Palaiologou饰)和弟弟亚历山大(米卡利斯 泽克 Michalis Zeke饰)偶然听妈妈说从未谋面的父亲原来远在德国,他们便决心要踏上艰辛的寻父之路。然而,母亲说的只不过是一个谎言——他们只是这个世界上某个男人的私生子。然而,固执倔强的乌拉还是和弟弟一起上路了。   旅途充满了风雪、泥泞、人情的残酷和世间的无情,两姐弟在熬不完的寒凉凄苦里挣扎着前行,直到遇见马戏团演员奥瑞斯提。他的关怀让乌拉慢慢卸下心中防卫。乌拉带着亚历山大上了奥瑞斯提的汽车,心里分外感激眼前这个唯一一个给他们带来温暖的男人。但是,令人绝望的命运无法给乌拉得到喘息,她再一次陷入了深渊当中……   疲惫的姊弟俩终于来到德国,然而他们能见到父亲吗,或许这趟旅程注定只是一场残忍的成人礼。

电影为侯麦《六个道德故事》系列之一。故事讲述一个34岁的天主教徒让-路易斯(简-路易斯·特林提格南特 Jean-Louis Trintignant 饰)爱上了一个年轻的女大学生。他偶遇老朋友维塔尔(安东尼·维特兹 Antoine Vitez 饰),被邀请到一个性情豪放的离婚女人慕德(弗兰西丝·法比安 Françoise Fabian 饰)家中共进晚餐。饭桌上,持有不同道德思想的三人大谈宗教、无神论、爱情、道德、以及哲学家帕斯卡尔的生活与哲学著作等话题。聊到深夜,外面下起了大雪,维塔尔离去,慕德劝说让-路易斯留宿一夜。慕德是情场高手,她极尽挑逗之能事去引诱他。保守忠诚的天主教徒让-路易斯面对了两难之境,一方面心中已有所爱,另一方面美艳的慕德实在又难以抗拒。他半推半就,最终还是抵制住了美色的诱惑。后来,他与心爱的女孩结婚,却发现她竟然曾是慕德丈夫的情妇。



A cheerful parking attendant considers it his job to do more than validate parking. He wants to validate the customers themselves, delivering compliments about their appearances and the inner qualities behind them. Everyone who comes up to him with a ticket walks away validated as a worthwhile human being. Soon, the parking attendant becomes so popular that people line up for validation...

From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.

The comedian and best selling author of "Cancer on $5 a Day...How Humor Got Me Through the Toughest Journey of My Life," has plenty to say on everything from raising a 17 year old daughter, bargaining with the Almighty, and how not to make friends with a dolphin.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

An excellent comprehensive look at all the music that came out of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati "Rock Legends" "James Brown" "King Records" "Pure Prairie League" "Lemon Pipers" "Syd Nathan" WEBN "Bootsy Collins" "Lonnie Mack" "The Who concert 1979" "Rick Derringer"

A teenage hypochondriac and his equally peculiar mother, father and adolescent sister set out on a tumultuous road trip from Amsterdam to Spain when a family member falls severely ill.

When Max (Eric Stoltz), urged on by "Risk Management," a self-help book for the hapless, decides to approach his fellow ferry-commuter Rory (Susanna Thompson), he hopes simply saying hello might change his life for the better. But Rory only accepts contact by contract. Max finds he can play along. As the two negotiate a whirlwind relationship on paper, Rory slowly lets down her guard; but when her unresolved personal life intervenes in the form of Donald (Kevin Tighe), Max must manage a little more risk than he bargained on.

After botching a kidnapping, two criminals hide with their victim in a friends house in the jungle. After one of them rapes the friend's wife, they're left to be eaten by a nearby cannibal tribe.

The web documentary Reza Urbana is an audiovisual section of the routine of some rezadeiras found in Salvador, and shows how important the propagation of the craft performed by them is for regional culture. This work aims to present the importance of prayers for popular culture and contribute to a discussion about the risk of the extinction of this craft in the capital of Bahia.