The Kung Fu Kid is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man and Eric Tsang

Rok 2018. Mladý zloděj aut Petar Maraš skončil po přestřelce s gangstery, ve které zastřelil šéfa bělehradského podsvětí, ve vězení. Konec operace "Jižní vítr". Současnost. Nejen, že je Petar již na svobodě, ale sám zaujímá v hierarchii bělehradské mafie místo, které se před třemi lety uvolnilo po jeho výstřelech. Za tu dobu také značně pokročilo prorůstání mafie se státem a Petar využívá svých nových kontaktů s vlivnými lidmi v útrobách státního aparátu. Je pověřen úkolem dojednat v jihovýchodním Srbsku problematický odkup pozemků pro stavbu nového plynovodu. Při jednání se zarputilými vesničany vymyslí plán, jak ze situace vytěžit co nejvíc pro sebe. Události ale dostanou zcela nečekaný spád, když musí narychlo zachraňovat svého mladšího bratra Nenada, který se pustil na vlastní pěst do obchodu s bulharskými drogovými dealery.

Danny Breznitz, late 40s, a detective in the Tel Aviv Police, is hospitalized following a near-fatal car accident. His relationship with his sexy mistress, Eva, early 30s, is falling apart, and his obsession with her is pushing Eva even further away. Living in the same apartment with Ruthie, his wife, are the only remains of their childless marriage. Following convalescence, Breznitz is handed an insignificant case by his hostile superior which he considers beneath him. But when an unknown body is found in the woods, and nobody cares, Dani finds a cause he can believe in. He makes a tour-de-force of Israel's "low- life" – an Arab intellectual who wants to admit to a murder he has not committed, a prostitute turned hairdresser, a pimp who poses as a born-again Jew, a homosexual artist who was excommunicated by his parents. The journey becomes an obsession that threatens to kill him but Breznitz wouldn't stop until he reveals the shocking truth...

A film about the life and fate of a real Russian patriot. All his thoughts, dreams and hopes are inextricably linked with the greatness of the Fatherland. However, over time, cognitive dissonance suddenly penetrates into his consciousness, which did not know reproaches and doubts. Finding himself in a severe existential crisis, the hero of the film paradoxically and contradictory rethinks the concept of patriotism.

A young man from Barcelona (Marc) arrives to Venice and confronts his father (Paco), who has not seen since he was two years old. This sudden encounter with his forgotten son both shocks and pleases Paco. Marc, filled with long repressed resentments, discovers in Paco a welcoming individual. The emotions seem to move towards a feeling of connection and understanding between father and son. But Paco's semi-lies, his complex and opaque past, his unclear present, quickly transforms the encounter into a muddy pool of emotional uncertaintie.

Both Nolan and Ross are losing cattle and Ross' foreman Kerns is the culprit. When Taylor finds a wanted poster of Kerns he goes after him.

A nice guy goes into the hospital for surgery and through a series of mishaps suffers every man's worst nightmare.

Veronica and Cecilie meet on the Internet, and decide to disappear together. They travel to a cabin in a remote place by the ocean to carry out their plan. They bring along a camera to document the last days of their lives.

Jack is a real scum-bag who is going to marry Kristy. He has a bad habit of sleeping with other women and stealing all of their money. Two weeks before their marriage, Kristy sees Jack having sex with their maid, Rosa. It turns out that he was threatening Rosa into having sex as well as his secretary, Diane. When he goes away on business, Kristy, Rosa, and Diane devise a way to get him back for all of the things he has put them through. They also decide to turn his house into a special massage parlor for a few nights so Kristy can try to make some of the money back that Jack stole from her.

A group of Internet chatters decides to spend the summer together at a beach, renting an apartment and trying to know each other for real (or maybe they just want to have sex). Apparently a guy named "Sandmanz" committed suicide when he was ousted from the chatroom, and the group has split opinions on the matter. Some think he was just a psycho with no life, and he had it coming. Some others, like Yoo-na (the one who got closer to him), think that someone spread lies to force him to quit. Suddenly, the group is decimated by a mysterious figure who keeps e-mailing everyone that his/her fate will not be unlike Sandmanz's. The search for the killer begins, while people die right and left. (

Taken on the S.P. Railroad, near tunnel No. 9. The train comes rushing out of the tunnel and passes at full speed...

A movie told in the form of a documentary, wherein, various couples explore their sexuality and become further enlightened by the act of sex.

Lakshmi Nivasam is a 1968 Indian Telugu drama film released on Jul 19, 1968. The film is directed by V. Madhusudan Rao.