Jerusalem, Israel. Professors Eliezer and Uriel Shkolnik, father and son, have dedicated their lives to the study of the Jewish scriptures. Eliezer is a stubborn and methodical scholar who has never been recognized for his work; Uriel is a rising star, someone admired and praised by his colleagues. The fragile balance that has kept their personal relationship almost intact is broken in an unexpected way by a simple phone call.

Two brothers reunite at their father’s funeral after many years apart. Between bitterness from the past and forgotten affection they will embark on a trip onboard their motorbikes which they built when they were children.

Due to poor business performance, a small hotel is being sold to an international buyer. Employees do not want to lose their jobs, so they take things into their own hands and try to sabotage the sale of the hotel.

Raph sa nedokáže zmieriť s tým, že po toľkých rokoch a hádkach sa jeho manželka Julie konečne rozhodla odísť. Je pripravená urobiť čokoľvek, aby vzťah zachránila. V dôsledku jej neuváženého správania sa však obe ženy ocitnú na pohotovosti parížskej nemocnice, ktorá praská vo švíkoch pod náporom zranených počas protestov žltých viest. Zdravotnícky personál pracuje na pokraji svojich síl a vystresovaní pacienti musia tráviť dlhé hodiny v preplnenej čakárni. Vzniká prirodzený priestor na nové stretnutia, búrlivé debaty a vzájomnú podporu. Strach a bolesť pociťuje rovnako intelektuál z vyššej triedy ako vodič kamióna. Nepokoje za oknami však narastajú a napätie naberá na intenzite aj v ambulancii, kde sa rozdiely medzi postavami dramaticky prehlbujú.

A lethal assassin for a secret Chinese organisation, who sheds tears of regret each time he kills, is seen swiftly and mercilessly executing three Yakuza gangsters by a beautiful artist. She is captivated by the grace of his kill and later falls in love with him. An intense power struggle for the leadership of the Yakuza Clans ensues as they seek vengeance for the death of their leader.

Meet the McTeagues. They've come to stake a claim in their wealthy uncle's will… only he's not dead yet!

When an alcoholic relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form.

Fatal... a diminutive for Fatal Bazooka, a bling-bling and hardcore rapper. A huge music star. Millions of fans, tens of hits, 4 « Artist of the year » Music Awards of Music, a range of fashion, a magazine, and soon his own amusement park : Fataland. He is the undisputed number one, until...

Maya is living the ultimate fashionistas dream: she is working as a stylist for one of the French trend setters, in the capital of haute-couture: Paris. One of the IT girls of fashion, shes following her dreams until one night, when her life takes a sudden turn: shes being deported back to Morocco, after being stopped for over speeding, because her Visa expired some time ago. So in no more than 24 hours, shes deported back to her family and original country. The strong cultural shock and the judgmental differences are pushing the woman to obtain back her place in the city of dreams and her dreams, no matter the costs. But that doesn't mean she will have to return alone, as she finds other things also among her way back to the city.

Claire Gregory, an upper class New York personality, witnesses a murder in a luxurious nightclub. Detective Mike Keegan, recently promoted, is assigned to protect her.

Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.

Sissi a cisár Franz. Nádherný pár v nádhernom svete. Svete tak zdravom a harmonickom, že to nemôže byť ani pravda. Všetko je dokonalé. Všetkého je dostatok - peňazí na zakúrenie, čokoládových guličiek na golf. Občas musí síce cisársky pár vládnuť a reprezentovať, ale to všetko je vo svete Sissi a Franza "úžasné". Kým sa nezačnú objavovať temné mračná na inak blankytne modrej oblohe ... Cisárovná Sissi je unesená.

Andres and Elias get together one evening for their last summer joint. On his way home, Elias finds a hidden case containing 5 different types of drugs. The next morning, Elias calls Andres to catch up on his discovery. He tells him he wants to gather round with some friends to perform an experiment: each should take a different drug and see what happens. The experiment takes a sudden turn when Andres girlfriend calls him to say her grandma has died.

Obchodník s autami César Borgnoli je na pokraji finančného krachu. Jeho sestra Alex prisľúbi, že mu pomôže dostať sa z jeho ťažkej situácie, ale kladie si podmienku. Keďže Alex a jej partnerka Kim si v Thajsku nemôžu adoptovať deti, César sa má vydávať za Kiminho manžela, aby si mohli do Francúzska priviesť malú Maily. Proces adopcie thajskej siroty je ale zložitejší, ako sa zdalo. Predovšetkým dokazovanie, že César a Kim sú skutočne milenecký pár pred svadbou, sa nezaobíde bez veľkých úskalí. A to – ako sa ukáže - bude začiatok nového skutočného dobrodružstva.

The day his bank refuses to finance him, Georges will do everything he can to save his shipyard and his employees.

Hra "vadí, nevadí", ktorú študenti hrajú na univerzite, sa zvrtne potom, čo Felix spácha samovraždu. Félixov brat Justin chce vedieť, prečo ho stratil. Rozhodne sa ho pomstiť. Zapojí sa do tejto hry, avšak po svojom.

Marco is married to a gorgeous woman, has a child and a great job. Everything seems perfect, at least until his wife of 25 years announces that she has another man and wants a separation. Marco is forced to leave home.

A father enlists the help of an airport employee on a quest to find his daughter's teddy.

Muzafar a Feruz sú dvaja pastieri ovcí z Taboulistanu, maličkej krajiny v strednej Ázií, o ktorej nikto nikdy nepočul. Aby se o nej konečne svet dozvedel, rozhodne sa ju syn prezidenta trošku spropagovať a povolá týchto dvoch dobrákov na ich životnú misiu: zničit Eiffelovku! Aby dosiahli svoj cieľ, musia sa predrať tím najnepriateľskejším územím, aké si vôbec dokážete predstavit: Francúzskom! Krajinou plnou nenávisti, korzických nacionalistov, až príliš horlivých policajtov, podvodných taxikárov, nepríjemných časníkov a otrávených zamestnancov. Našťastie sa zoznámia s Marianne, mladou peknou reportérkou, která ich považuje za úbohých nelegálnych prisťahovalcov a snaží se im ukázať druhú stránku Francúzska - pohostinnú, krásnu zem plnú milých ľudí, kde je tak jednoduché žiť. Vive la France!

From multicultural Paris to designer Paris, Montmartre to the Champs-Elysées, sleazy sidewalks to high-end galleries... Watch out! Sam the courier is a man on a mission! On his scooter, Sam breaks every rule of the road to make good on the "express delivery" promise of the courier service he works for. But however hard he tries, Sam never gets a bonus from his boss, never beats his slicker colleagues and never gets past his Dad, a cop who books him every time. All Sam has up is Nadia, and she will turn on him if he doesn't show up for her sister's wedding. Trouble is, Sam has one more delivery to make and his day has just gone from bad to worse...