Paloma is a serious and highly articulate but deeply bored 11-year-old who has decided to kill herself on her 12th birthday. Fascinated by art and philosophy, she questions and documents her life and immediate circle, drawing trenchant and often hilarious observations on the world around her. But as her appointment with death approaches, Paloma finally meets some kindred spirits in her building's grumpy janitor and an enigmatic, elegant neighbor, both of whom inspire Paloma to question her rather pessimistic outlook on life.

يُعثَر على امرأة تحتضر على قارعة الطريق، تاركة وراءها ابنًا ورجلًا يدّعي أنّه زوجها... وغموضًا يتكشّف مثل كابوس.

The true story about legendary explorer Thor Heyerdahl and his epic crossing of the Pacific on a balsa wood raft in 1947, in an effort to prove it was possible for South Americans to settle in Polynesia in pre-Columbian times.

A college student, who sees a UFO, uses his exceptional math skills to investigate the sighting with his friends while the FBI follows closely behind.

A young tomboy, Watts, finds her feelings for her best friend, Keith, run deeper than just friendship when he gets a date with the most popular girl in school.

Jack is a charismatic larrikin who has just discovered the one thing he's really good at — go-kart racing. With the support of his mentor, Patrick, an old race car driver with a secret past, and his best mates Colin and Mandy, Jack must learn to control his recklessness if he is to defeat the best drivers in Australia, including the ruthless champion Dean, and win the National title.

نيويورك في عشرينيات القرن الماضي. ماكس بيركنز ، المحرر الأدبي ، هو أول من وقع على عظماء الأدب اللاحقين مثل إرنست همنغواي وإف سكوت فيتزجيرالد. عندما تقع مخطوطة مترامية الأطراف وفوضوية مؤلفة من 1000 صفحة لكاتب مجهول في يديه ، فإن بيركنز مقتنع بأنه اكتشف عبقريًا أدبيًا.

The story of Danièle Delpeuch and how she was appointed as the private chef for François Mitterrand.

A bohemian artist travels from London to Italy with his estranged son to sell the house they inherited from his late wife.

Seven families live in the Parisian apartment building at 8, Rue de l’Humanite - and they didn’t escape to the countryside at the arrival of the coronavirus. Three months of life under lockdown will reveal the best and worst of these neighbours.

After his wife is assaulted, a husband enlists the services of a vigilante group to help him settle the score.

A group of friends reunite ten years after their high-school graduation.

Eccentric millionaire Olivia sends her half sister Agatha, and a group of old acquaintances, a mysterious invitation for a weekend on her yacht, where they will discover the true motive behind this invitation: the celebration of… a murder?

الخطيبان حديثًا ، لا يستطيع بن وسادي الانتظار لبدء حياتهما معًا والعيش في سعادة دائمة. لكن القس فرانك من كنيسة عائلة سادي لن يبارك نقابتهم حتى يجتازوا الدورة الإعدادية للزواج "المضمونة" الحاصلة على براءة اختراع والتي تتكون من دروس فظيعة ومهام منزلية غريبة وبعض التعدي الصريح على الخصوصية.

The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull causes major disruptions to travelers' plans around the world. For Alain and Valérie, it's a catastrophe. Because to make it to the small Greek village in time for their daughter's wedding, this divorced couple, whose mutual hatred knows no bounds, will be obliged to set out on the road together.

يحاول "خوان لوبيز" في هذه القصة الفكاهية الموازنة ما بين وظيفته المكتبية وقدراته الخارقة لإنقاذ حبّ حياته وكوكبه الأصلي "تشيتون".

Sometimes, when you think you have it all, everything falls apart. That is exactly the story of Jeanne .Just when she is offered the chance to dub famous American actress Jennifer Marshall in a successful American TV Show and her salary is about to triple, Marshall decides to withdraw from the show. So Jeanne makes a crazy decision, fly to Hollywood herself and make Jennifer change her mind about leaving the series...

يقرر أنطوان البقاء بالمنزل بعد فصله من امن العمل لرعاية أطفاله، وبمرور الوقت يبدأ في فقدان السيطرة والطاقة في سبيل الحفاظ على مكانته كأب.

لا تعبر أليكس كروس أبدا بعد إخبار المحقق في واشنطن العاصمة أليكس كروس أن أحد أفراد الأسرة قد قتل ، تعهد بتعقب القاتل. سرعان ما يكتشف أنها لم تكن ضحيته الأولى وأن الأمور ليست كما تبدو.

Eight short films explore the subject of male infidelity. Serial cheaters, Fred and Greg, spend a night on the town doing what they do best, and with absolutely no regrets. The duo play various characters in assorted extracurricular situations, ranging from sexist to the darker sides of carnal desires.