Studijas “Illumination” animācijas filmas “Dziedi!” varoņi atgriežas ar lieliem sapņiem un saviļņojošām dziesmām filmas turpinājumā! Vienmēr optimistiskais koala Basters Mūns un viņa zvaigžņu izpildītāju grupa gatavojas žilbinošākajam skatuves notikumam pasaules izklaides galvaspilsētā. Ir tikai viena ķibele: viņiem ir jāpārliecina rokzvaigzne – lauva Klejs Kelovejs, pievienoties viņiem. Lai to izdarītu, Basteram un viņa dziedošajai komandai – daudzsivēnu mammai Rositai, dzeloņcūkai Ešai, gorillam Džonijam, kautrīgajai zilonītei Mīnai un, protams, ruksītim Ginteram būs jābūt uzdevuma augstumos, lai apvestu ap stūri lielo, pelēko magnātu - vilku Džimiju. Ja viņiem izdosies pierunāt lauvu pievienoties, Bastera jaunais šovs krāšņajā Redšoras pilsētā būs patiesi neaizmirstams!

The Man With No Name enters the Mexican village of San Miguel in the midst of a power struggle among the three Rojo brothers and sheriff John Baxter. When a regiment of Mexican soldiers bearing gold intended to pay for new weapons is waylaid by the Rojo brothers, the stranger inserts himself into the middle of the long-simmering battle, selling false information to both sides for his own benefit.

Retired wealthy sea captain Jim McKay arrives in the Old West, where he becomes embroiled in a feud between his future father-in-law, Major Terrill, and the rough and lawless Hannasseys over a valuable patch of land.

A graphic portrayal of the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth's life.

Asinsstindzinošs stāsts par šausmām, slepkavībām un nezināmu ļaunumu, kas satriecis vispieredzējušākos paranormālo parādību pētniekus Edu un Loreinu Vorenus. Viens no sensacionālākajiem gadījumiem viņu karjerā sākas ar cīņu par kāda maza zēna dvēseli un aizved tālāk, nekā viņi jebkad iepriekš pieredzējuši, iezīmējot pirmo reizi ASV vēsturē, kad slepkavībā aizdomās turētā aizstāvībā minēts tas, ka viņu apsēdis velns.

Siblings Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter step through a magical wardrobe and find the land of Narnia. There, they discover a charming, once peaceful kingdom that has been plunged into eternal winter by the evil White Witch, Jadis. Aided by the wise and magnificent lion, Aslan, the children lead Narnia into a spectacular, climactic battle to be free of the Witch's glacial powers forever.

Dámaso Pérez Prado, known as "el rey del mambo", came back from the dead to look for the love of his life.

Vairāk nekā gadu pēc filmas „Venoms” notikumiem pētnieciskais žurnālists Edijs Broks joprojām cenšas pielāgoties dzīvei kā saimniekorganisms ārpuszemes simbiotam Venomam, kas viņam piešķir superspējas, lai viņš varētu kļūt par nāvējošu aizstāvi. Broks mēģina no jauna uzsākt karjeru, intervējot sērijveida slepkavu Klītusu Kasadiju, kurā iemiesojies simbiots Slaktiņš un kurš pēc neveiksmīgas nāves soda izpildīšanas izbēg no cietuma.

Thirteen year old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysteriously reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually the legendary vigilante Samaritan, who was reported dead 25 years ago. With crime on the rise and the city on the brink of chaos, Sam makes it his mission to coax his neighbor out of hiding to save the city from ruin.

A ruthless criminal operative has less than 24 hours to exact revenge on her enemies and in the process forms an unexpected bond with the daughter of one of her past victims.

Noslēpumainais un skarbais vientuļnieks Čūskacs izglābj sena japāņu klana mantinieku, un kā pateicības zīmi klans viņam atklāj gadsimtiem glabātas slepenās zināšanas. Bet pats galvenais: šeit viņš iegūst to, pēc kā tik ilgi tiecies – mājas un ģimenes sajūtu. Tomēr, kad kļūst zināmi viņa pagātnes noslēpumi, tiek apdraudēta viņa tuvāko cilvēku gods, lojalitāte un uzticība.

An ex-soldier, a teen and a cop collide in New Orleans as they hunt for the source behind a dangerous new pill that grants users temporary superpowers.

Viviana and Alicia have never met, but they're about to get intimately acquainted. One day, while tipping drinks back in a bar, the two women strike up a conversation that quickly turns personal, Viviana is locked in an abusive marriage, and Alicia's female lover, Lorena, has recently fallen for another woman. As the two women strangers find common ground in their lives, they enter into a secret pact to kill the people who have made their lives a living hell. Seductive, bloody and shocking events send them both plummeting down a destructive path from which there is no escape.

M. Naita Šjamalāna nervu kutinošais stāsts par atpūtnieku ģimeni, kura atklāja, ka nomaļā pludmale, kurā viņi atpūšas, kaut kādā veidā viņiem liek strauji novecot, visu dzīvi saīsinot līdz vienai dienai.

Barney Ross leads a band of highly skilled mercenaries including knife enthusiast Lee Christmas, a martial arts expert Yin Yang, heavy weapons specialist Hale Caesar, demolitionist Toll Road, and a loose-cannon sniper Gunner Jensen. When the group is commissioned by the mysterious Mr. Church to assassinate the dictator of a small South American island, Barney and Lee visit the remote locale to scout out their opposition and discover the true nature of the conflict engulfing the city.

When a man's only son goes missing, he travels to the town where his ex-wife lives in search of answers. To play a man whose life is clouded by mystery, McAvoy will not be given a script of dialogue.

Chico one of the remaining members of The Magnificent Seven now lives in the town that they (The Seven) helped. One day someone comes and takes most of the men prisoner. His wife seeks out Chris, the leader of The Seven for help. Chris also meets Vin another member of The Seven. They find four other men and they go to help Chico.

Kādas tālas galaktikas citā malā esošas planētas izpētes laikā kosmiskā kuģa "Covenant" ekipāža sastopas ar nepatīkamu atklājumu - vieta, ko sākotnēji uzskatīja par neatklātu paradīzi, realitātē ir bīstama un slēptiem draudiem pilna pasaule, kurā mīt prātam neaptveramais. Vienīgā iespēja izdzīvot - mēģināt aizbēgt no šīs vietas.

Mike Milo, a one-time rodeo star and washed-up horse breeder, takes a job from an ex-boss to bring the man's young son home from Mexico.

In the year 2524, four centuries after humans started colonizing the outer planets, retired General James Ford gets called back into service when a hostile alien fleet attacks soldiers on a remote planet. The threat against mankind soon escalates into an interstellar war as Ford and a team of elite soldiers try to stop the imminent attack before it's too late.