Lavigne performed a small tour to promote The Best Damn Thing. Only members of her fan club were allowed to attend the shows. She kicked off the small tour in Calgary, Alberta, and played for a crowd of around 200. The Calgary show aired on television on 2 April 2007, on the CBC Network. On this show, one could see behind-the-scenes footage and Lavigne performing songs from The Best Damn Thing, as well as other shows in Los Angeles, Paris and Madrid. She also held autograph signings in New York City and Hollywood after the album was released. The tour stirred controversy when it generated protests in Malaysia over Lavigne being 'too sexy'. However, the government finally gave permission for her to perform on 29 August 2008.

After witnessing the murder of his parents, a young billionaire makes a solemn vow to dress up like a bat and wage a one man war on crime! But when this solitary savior realizes that "one" is the loneliest number to wage a war with, he'll set off on a musical adventure to rescue the city from the greatest super-villain of all time and find a super friend.

Gimnazistė Vada išgyvena emocinius nuopuolius, kuriuos patiria po tragedijos mokykloje. Santykiai su šeima, draugais ir požiūris į pasaulį pasikeičia amžiams.

Shattering the patriarchal concept that a true crime duo requires a man, Bonnie and Bonnie showcases the development of true friendship between two strong and independent women, determined to make their mark on the world.

Two young neighbors embark on a first love relationship in which they struggle to remain kids amid the complexities of modern adolescence.

Vienas iš mafijos narių pasisavina du milijonus dolerių, tampa demaskuotas, jį kankina ir nužudo. Visą tai vyksta Violetos, gangsterio Sezaro draugės, akivaizdoje, jos namuose. Ji apskritai daug žino, nes Sezaras nieko neslėpė. O kaimyniniame bute apsigyvena ką tik iš kalėjimo grįžusi lesbietė Korki. Taip gimsta dviejų moterų aistringas ryšys, o kartu su juo ir idėja pasisavinti tuos milijonus. Bet viskas vyksta ne pagal planą.

Eddie and Amber decide to stage a relationship in order to stop everyone speculating about their sexuality. Eddie is keen to follow his dad into the military, while Amber dreams of moving to the liberal hub of London. The plan seems solid, but as their arrangement begins to fall apart, Eddie’s denial gets deeper as Amber realizes that a perilous future awaits her best friend unless she intervenes.

Through revealing interviews with experts and victims' families, this gripping documentary examines the problem of deadly foodborne illness in the US.

On 8 Dec 1980, the world stood still as it learned about the death of John Lennon, a music icon and former member of The Beatles.

A woman hires actors and strangers to pretend to be her friends and family at her wedding.

Tai istorija apie trisdešimt aštuonerių metų vyrą, prijungtą prie metalinio plaučio, bandantį prarasti nekaltybę. Markas nuo vaikystės paralyžiuotas, tačiau yra gana turtingas ir garsus žurnalistas bei poetas. Jį supančios moterys yra tik slaugės, tad intymesnio kontakto Markui vis nepavyksta užmegzti. Apimtas nevilties jis apie savo seksualines svajones išsipasakoja gana liberaliam kunigui (Williamas H Macy) ir kartu suranda moterį (Helen Hunt), teikiančią seksualines pamokas neįgaliems žmonėms ir taip jiems padedančią pradėti aktyvų seksualinį gyvenimą. Istorija paremta autobiografinias Marko O‘Brieno tekstais. Puikiai surežisuotame filme subtiliai balansuojama tarp emocionalumo ir autoironijos.

Over the course of a summer, two teenage girls develop the perfect kindred spirit friendship, with one big problem: one of them is dating the other's ex.

Rei helps the woman she's been in love with for years escape her abusive husband. While on the run, their feelings for each other catch fire.

At 19, passionate about street art, Naëlle (Najaa Bensaid) is forced to follow a reintegration project with other young people, her last chance to avoid being separated from her loved ones. Touched by the young girl, Hélène (Agnès Jaoui), the site manager and her instructor, introduces her one day to the Maison des Compagnons de Nantes, a world of traditions that promotes craftsmanship excellence and transmission between generations. Alongside Paul (Pio Marmai), a companion stained glass artist who agrees to take her for training in his studio, Naëlle discovers a universe with codes very different from hers that could give new meaning despite her difficulties in life. Naëlle will carve a place for herself in the fascinating world of stained glass and will realize that the Companions' values are not just empty words.

The film chronicles George's adventures as he befriends Kayla, a baby elephant, at a magic circus show and helps her travel across the country to be reunited with her family.Accompanied by his friend, the Man with the Yellow Hat, George travels by foot, train, and truck to reach Kayla's brother and sister in California, only to be accused of elephant-napping and brought all the way back to New York.

A powerful, intimate portrait of three women living in the same house during different eras who all face unplanned pregnancies. The vignettes follow a recently widowed nurse struggling to take control of her life in the early 50s, a mother of four balancing raising a family and maintaining a career in the 70s, and a student making a difficult decision with the help of one woman that will change the course of both their lives in the 90s.

Ambicinga jauna karjeristė įsidarbina turtingo verslininko įmonėje. Netrukus jauna darbuotoja pajunta simpatijos kibirkštis. Tačiau šiuos jausmus sukelia ne naujasis šefas, o jo žmona.

A young man in a tricky situation follows the advice of his unconventional best friend and uses social media to create a fake boyfriend to keep his awful ex-lover out of his life. But everything backfires when he meets the real love of his life, and breaking up with his fake boyfriend proves hard to do.

Javi is a teenage student so shy and clumsy that he does not know how to attract the attention of his classmate Sara, a geeky girl who is only interested in a literary saga about vampires.

Two co-dependent sisters, a recovering sex addict and a lonely lesbian who work as hotel maids in Fresno, go to ludicrous lengths to cover up an accidental crime.