1917 m. pavasaris. Pačiame Pirmojo pasaulinio karo įkarštyje britų žvalgyba sužino, kad šiaurės Prancūzijoje vienas jų kariuomenės batalionų – 1600 karių – žygiuoja tiesiai į priešo paspęstus spąstus. Deja, įprastos komunikacijos linijos sunaikintos. Užduotis perduoti žinią apie pasalą patikima dviem jauniems eiliniams – Šofildui ir Bleikui (aktoriai George‘as MacKay‘us ir Dean‘as-Charles‘as Chapman‘as). Norėdami suspėti laiku, vaikinai privalo nepastebėti pereiti fronto liniją ir didžiulę priešo kontroliuojamą teritoriją. Jei jiems nepavyks, žus 1600 ginklo brolių, o tarp jų – ir Bleiko vyresnysis brolis.

A World War I veteran’s dreams of becoming a master architect evaporate in the cold light of economic realities. Things get even worse when he’s falsely convicted of a crime and sent to work on a chain gang.

An examination of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 through to the present day. A semi-biographic film, in four chapters, about a family spanning from 1948 until recent times. Combined with intimate memories of each member, the film attempts to portray the daily life of those Palestinians who remained in their land and were labelled "Israeli-Arabs," living as a minority in their own homeland.

Julie finally gets an interview for a job where she can raise her children better only to run into a national transit strike.

Everyone in Marco's life seems constantly restless, from his brilliant but unhappily married parents to his own wife Marina, or even Luisa, the real love of his life, a girl he met during a fateful summer in the '70s and always stayed in touch with. Tragedy and fate seem to haunt him, yet he somehow manages never to get ensnared in the chaos—like his namesake, “the hummingbird”, he focuses all his energy at standing still.

Julio Blanco is the proprietor of Básculas Blanco, a Spanish company producing industrial scales in a provincial Spanish town, which awaits the imminent visit from a committee that will decide if they merit a local Business Excellence award: everything has to be perfect when the time comes. Working against the clock, Blanco pulls out all the stops to address and resolve issues with his employees, crossing every imaginable line in the process.

Leila and Damien struggle with his bipolar disorder.

On election night in 1981, celebrations spill out onto the street and there is an air of hope and change throughout Paris. But for Elisabeth, her marriage is coming to an end and she will now have to support herself and her two teenage children. She finds work at a late-night radio show and encounters a troubled teenager named Talulah whom she invites into her home.

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

A woman inherits a house in her ancestral village, but she's unaware that members of the community have been trying to locate and kill her to remove the curse that has plagued them for years.

19 amžiaus Makedonijoje, atokiame kalnų kaimelyje pagrobiama maža mergaitė, kurią sena dvasia paverčia ragana.

In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest are left fighting for survival, while gangs compete for the territory. Two thirteen-year-old orphans who grew up together, dream of joining one of the gangs.

Erik Blake has gathered three generations of his Pennsylvania family to celebrate Thanksgiving at his daughter’s apartment in lower Manhattan. As darkness falls outside and eerie things start to go bump in the night, the group’s deepest fears are laid bare.

Kai tinklaraštininkas paima interviu iš technologijų guru ir sustabdo išpuolį prieš jį, vaikinas randa keistą žiedą. Šis daiktas turi paslaptingą galią, kuri nukelia penkiasdešimt septynioms sekundėms atgal į praeitį...

A debt-ridden father takes advantage of an unforeseen situation to disappear and live off the grid under a false identity. But a chance event occurs and the temptation to want to know his family resurfaces.

A matriarchal witch passes on her sinister inheritance to her grand-daughter, triggering the most horrific curses.

Sužeistą miško prižiūrėtoją, per įprastą misiją, išgelbsti du vyrai, gyvenantys miške. Tai, kas iš pradžių yra sveikintinas gelbėjimas, tampa įtartinas, nes sūnus ir jo išdavikas tėvas atskleidžia keistą atsidavimą miškui.

Four married couples find out their marriage is invalid because it was officiated by a fraudulent priest and have to decide what to do next.

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

Frida wants a baby. But although she forces her boyfriend to follow a strict fertilization regimen, she’s not getting pregnant. Just when she’s about to resort to artificial means, her boyfriend dumps her. Suddenly, she’s missing the most important pregnancy ingredient – the father. But Frida will stop at nothing to get her baby.