Day 1 of BTS' concert "Map of the Soul ON:E" took place on October 10, 2020 at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena and was streamed through Weverse. It promotes their sixth extended play "Map of the Soul: Persona" and their fourth studio album "Map of the Soul: 7."
BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.
K-pop sensation BTS embark on their 2019 'Love Yourself: Speak Yourself' Tour, as the seven members begin to candidly tell personal stories they have never voiced before.
防弹少年团(BTS)和ARMY一起现场跳舞的表演“BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”。 加入我们,让 BTS 和 ARMY 再次与音乐和舞蹈合二为一,从首尔到世界各地的电影院进行不容错过的现场音乐会体验! “BTS舞台舞蹈许可:首尔实时观看”是最新的世界巡演系列,由 21 世纪流行偶像 BTS 领衔主演,拥有强大的表演和他们令人难以置信的职业生涯中最伟大的热门歌曲。 在四场售罄的演出中,约有 813,000 人观看了较早的洛杉矶演出,使其成为 2021 年最成功的演出之一。
BTS 2021 Muster "Sowoozoo" was held on June 13-14, 2021 in South Korea and broadcasted live for fans.
伴随着紫色光芒的欢呼声以前所未有的规模响彻洛杉矶。BTS时隔两年在美国洛杉矶索菲体育场举办了《PERMISSION TO DANCE ON STAGE》面对面演唱会。为了打造众⼈期待已久的绝佳舞台,防弹少年团从《On》到《Permission to Dance》 为观众们送上精彩绝伦的演出。终于得以实现的感⼈舞台和激动人心的感动时刻会通过实况电影传递给大家。期待已久的相遇,无比渴望的舞台。饱含过往思念的歌曲和欢呼声充斥着体育场,再次见证⾳乐力量能将所有⼈融为⼀体。
MTV Unplugged is the music television station's classic. In this program, top artists perform acoustically with an unusual appearance. MTV said that BTS's appearance on MTV Unplugged would later be "an unprecedented performance". They will be singing songs from the album "BE (Essential Edition)" with an intimate concept.
On the 10th anniversary of the publication of his first video on the Internet, "Rubius X" is a documentary that deals with the origin, motivation and secrets behind Rubius, one of the most followed Spanish content creators in the world. A review of the history of a pioneer, the icon of a whole generation, who represents like few others the revolution of the new digital media.
据媒体报道防弹少年团 第三部演唱会电影《Bring the Soul:The Movie》确定将于8月7日全球同步上映并公开了海报。据悉,该电影记录了防弹少年团从首尔开始经过众多的城市,结束漫长的欧洲巡演后在围坐在巴黎一个小小的屋顶举行属于他们自己的庆祝宴的模样。另外,《Bring the Soul:The Movie》将展现防弹少年团7名成员各样的魅力,他们率真坦诚的面貌将带给观众心动和感动,该片将于8月7日上映。
Shot at the Olympic Stadium in Seoul during the BTS World Tour ‘Love Yourself’ to celebrate the seven members of the global boyband and their unprecedented international phenomenon.
原名南营神经精神医院的昆池岩精神病院,最早建立于20世纪60年代。在特殊的时代它曾经历了无比的辉煌,然而更为人熟知的则是该医院身上所发生的各类恐怖事件。现如今,早已废弃的昆池岩医院被CNN票选为全球七大恐怖之地之一,更由此吸引无数寻求刺激的青年男女来此探险。三个月前,两名青少年来此探险,结果在直播中遭遇诡异事件,下落不明。此后,《恐怖世代》剧组在魏河俊的召集下,网罗了吴雅妍、朴智贤、夏洛特(文艺媛 饰)、李丞旭、朴成勋、刘帝允等人前往昆池岩,更试图打开备受诅咒的401室。 夜幕降临,全球网友一道观看这场恐怖盛宴。。。
死神硫克把一本“死亡笔记”遗落人间,被天才少年夜神月(藤原龙也 饰)拾到,月利用“死亡笔记”制裁了许多法律的正义无法制裁的犯人,他自称以“KILLER =基拉”为名的“救世主”,利用自己的双手制裁犯罪者,构筑理想中的世界;一连串杀人事件引起了ICPO(国际刑警组织)的注意,派出了天才侦探L(松山健一 饰)进行调查,步步逼近,和月斗智斗勇……两个自认代表正义的天才的对决。
米卡·阿卜杜拉(《青春相对论》)、杰克·索特([社交网络追爱记])将主演青春喜剧[吸引力](Sex Appeal,暂译)。该片由塔莉亚·奥斯汀([帮帮我])执导,塔特·汉约克操刀剧本。故事讲述功成名就的女明星艾弗里·汉森-怀特与男友异地相恋,当男友暗示想在即将到来的舞会上进一步发展两人的关系后,她开始面对自己的欲望并且学习爱情的模式,过程中,她意识到感情需要的是感性而不是理性。
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life On Stage Tour, also known as the 2015 BTS LIVE "The Most Beautiful Moment in Life On Stage", was the third concert tour headlined by South Korean boy band BTS to promote their The Most Beautiful Moment in Life series, including their EP's The Most Beautiful Moment Life, Pt.1, Pt. 2 (2015) and the compilation album The Most Beautiful Moment in Life: Young Forever (2016).