In a Mexican border town plagued by neglect, corruption, and violence, a frustrated teacher tries an unorthodox new method to break through his students’ apathy and unlock their curiosity, their potential... and perhaps even their genius.
Alexej Sokolov, skúsený hasičský inštruktor, chcel po smrti svojho podriadeného skončiť s náročnou prácou a venovať sa inému oboru, ale nečakané udalosti mu v tom zabránili. Leto v Rusku je horúce a vo vzdialenej oblasti vypukli rozsiahle lesné požiare. Sokolov sa vydáva na novú misiu do oblasti Karélie a berie so sebou aj pomocníka, drzého nováčika, ktorý je zároveň priateľom jeho dcéry. A táto úloha bude oveľa ťažšia, než si dokázal predstaviť... Hlavnými hrdinami príbehu o hrdinskom boji s katastrofálnym lesným požiarom sú hasiči - Alexej Sokolov, veliteľ brigády, a Roman Iľjin, pracovník Ministerstva pre mimoriadne situácie Ruskej federácie, ktorý sa zoznámi s Alexejovou dcérou Jekaterinou. V dôsledku rozsiahlych lesných požiarov v Karélii vzniká mimoriadna situácia, v ktorej ide mnohým ľuďom o život.
A middle-aged office worker encounters aliens and is gifted with alien technology and limitless powers.
Alone without the protection of his father, a child embarks on a quest for answers and his destiny in a dangerous, post apocalyptic world.
After trying to cover up a car accident that left a man dead, a crooked homicide detective is stalked by a mysterious man claiming to have witnessed the event.
Earth has completely succumbed to an alien invasion, and the planet, which was once everyone's home, has become a hell. To stop the monsters from invading, the guard troops formed by different countries have disregarded their personal safety to defend what is left. Cheng Ling, who barely survived the times by scavenging from the garbage, met Zhu Rong's team when he was being attacked by an alien hellhound. With the help of Gao Ren and the others, Cheng Ling believes that it's destiny that leads him here, so he decided to accept the mission to destroy the aliens' evil plans and search for new hope for humanity. Along the way, the team was encircled by the plunderers and chased by hellhounds. They met Dr. Dojepamo, who had mastered the technology to subdue the hellhounds. When the group finally arrived at the resistance point, they discovered that the so-called resistance point was just a trap set by the hellhound hunters. The real danger has just begun...
Based on a true story, a group of boys from Monterrey, Mexico who become the first non-U.S. team to win the Little League World Series.
Psychicky vyšinutý zabijak sleduje v New Yorku dve ženy - jedna z nich je frustrovaná domáca gazdinka a druhá prefíkaná ľahká deva, ktorá sa však spojí so synom prvej ženy, aby vraha chytila. V šokujúcom finále filmu je potom odhalená pravá identita zabijaka.
Minsk, August 2020. Pasha and Yulia, a young married couple, leave the house at night and find themselves in the midst of peaceful protests. Everyday walk turns into a real hell, in which innocent people are victims of police brutality.
Haunted by memories of a patient's death, a nurse takes a job at an antiquated hospital for children. Soon she learns that the kids fear a ghost that prowls the floors and will not allow anyone to leave. Amy tries to protect them and convince the other staffers of the evil that lurks there.
The young family who moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of the city. The nanny hired by them for the newborn daughter quickly gained confidence. However, the older boy, Egor, talks about the frightening behavior of a woman, but his parents do not believe him. The surveillance cameras installed by the father for comfort only confirm everything is in order. Then one day, Egor, returning home, finds no trace of either the nanny or the little sister, and the parents are in a strange trance and do not even remember that they had a daughter. Then Egor, together with his friends, goes in search, during which it turns out that the nanny is an ancient Slavic demon, popularly known as Baba Yaga.
Vo filme Mačka a pes: Bláznivé dobrodružstvo sa dve nesúrodé dvojice musia spoločne vydať na dobrodružnú cestu plnú šialených príhod a zábavy. Excentrická Monica rozmaznáva svoju internetovú celebritu, mačku Divu. Zlodej Jack práve ukradol vzácny drahokam. Ten však prehltol jeden túlavý pes, a tak si ho Jack osvojil. Všetci štyria sa náhodne ocitnú spolu v jednom lietadle, ale zatiaľ čo majitelia odletia bez nehody, mačka a pes vypadnú z batožinového priestoru a zostanú trčať na zemi. Dvaja zvierací hrdinovia snáď ani nemôžu byť rozdielnejší. Asi jediné, či majú spoločné, je rovnaký počet nôh. Napriek tomu sú nafúkaná mačka a túlavý pes v dôsledku nečakaného sledu udalostí nútení spolupracovať. A stovky kilometrov odtiaľto sa musia spojiť vyfintená, afektovaná Monica a hľadaný zločinec. Ľudská dvojica sa vydáva hľadať svojich skutočne drahých a cenných domácich miláčikov. ... a mačka a pes? Tí sú úplne bezradní.
A Japanese restaurant cook/owner dies after answering his daughter's cellphone. Other people are getting strange, same ringtone calls as well and dying painfully. It happened in Taiwan as well. Can the police stop it if it's a ghost?
A retired assassin is pulled back into action when his friend uncovers a dangerous conspiracy at the heart of the South African government.
Eight horror-loving friends fight for their lives when a killer clown who seems to know the grim secret they share begins to pick them off, one by one.
Je to čas medziplanetárnej kolonizácie. Chamtivá korporácia, ktorá experimentuje na ľuďoch, sa chystá zničiť novozaložené mestá obývané rodinami svojich zamestnancov. Bývalý vojenský pilot Kane a zdravotná sestra Sy sa stretnú na planéte odsúdenej na zánik necelých 24 hodín pred katastrofou. Obaja poznajú desivé tajomstvá Exoru a uvedomujú si nebezpečenstvo, ale rýchly útek neprichádza do úvahy. Najprv sa musia dostať do hlavného mesta Osiris, kde žije Indi, Kaneova dcéra. Začína sa dramatický boj s časom a ľudskou povahou.
Eight contestants compete in eight deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive masked content creator known only as "JaxPro".
17 rokov po katastrofálnej vojne je zvyšok civilizácie zmietaný v chaose. Kontrolu nad zvyškami miest prevzali stroje – cyborgovia. Tie ovláda umelá inteligencia, ktorá okrem iného zvyšky ľudstva sterilizovala. Ale vedcom sa podarilo jednu ženu oplodniť, teraz už len treba oklamať bezcitné stroje a dostať túto nádej na nový začiatok do bezpečia.
In the near future the earth has become desolate and dangerous. Now inhabited by by a mysterious race of creatures, humanity has been forced to find refuge in the SkyArk, a man-made city in the sky. As the population grows, space becomes scarce and only the rich and powerful can stay, dumping the poor and orphaned of SkyArk to the abandoned earth.