A small-town cat-and-dog detective duo investigate a new neighbor who they believe may have committed a murder, but the snag is, locals are attempting to pair him off with their owner.

'Toon star Roger is worried that his wife Jessica is playing pattycake with someone else, so the studio hires detective Eddie Valiant to snoop on her. But the stakes are quickly raised when Marvin Acme is found dead and Roger is the prime suspect.

A documentary on why 'Money Heist' sparked a wave of enthusiasm around the world for a lovable group of thieves and their professor.

In 2009 John Jones entered Nutty Putty Cave with his brother Josh. What happened next has been a topic of much discussion and controversy ever since. Over 127 rescuers responded to the call for aid, and each one has their own take on the events. A story about love, life, and human connection. Ultimately it is the story about how clearly you can see what matters most when you are at the edge of life and death. Made with cooperation from members of John's immediate family.

შერეული საბრძოლო ხელოვნების მებრძოლი კოულ იანგი არაერთხელ დათანხმდა ფულის გამო წაგებას. მან არ იცის თავისი მემკვიდრეობის შესახებ და რატომ აგზავნის Outworld-ის იმპერატორი შან ზონგი ძლიერ კრიომანცერ სუბ-ნულს კოულზე სანადიროდ. ახალგაზრდა შიშობს მისი ოჯახის უსაფრთხოებას და სპეცრაზმის მაიორი ჯექსი, რომელიც იზიარებს იგივე დრაკონის ნიშანს, როგორც კოულს, ურჩევს მას წავიდეს სონია ბლეიდის საძიებლად. კოული, სონია და დაქირავებული კანო მალე აღმოჩნდებიან ლორდ რაიდენის ტაძარში, უფროსი ღმერთისა და დედამიწის მფარველის მფარველში, რომელიც იცავს საკურთხევლებს მათთვის, ვინც ნიშანს ატარებს.

მოზარდების ჯგუფი სრულყოფილი დანაშაულის იმედით ბრმა კაცის სახლში იჭრება. იმედები მაშინვე ეფუშებათ.

Jim Hanson’s quiet life is suddenly disturbed by two people crossing the US/Mexico border – a woman and her young son – desperate to flee a Mexican cartel. After a shootout leaves the mother dead, Jim becomes the boy’s reluctant defender. He embraces his role as Miguel’s protector and will stop at nothing to get him to safety, as they go on the run from the relentless assassins.

'Guardian of the Palace' tells the story of a time when a plague spreads in Heishun (Blackwater) Town during the warring warlords, and Tianya, Wunian and Jiujiu set out on a treasure hunt to find the Golden Moon Gem that cures the plague. The warlord Feng Pei Chuan was trailing them and tried to take the gems for himself, but Tianya and the others managed to subdue Feng Pei Chuan, reclaim the gems and save the people.

After the death of his father, a boy growing up on a lunar mining colony takes a trip to explore a legendary crater, along with his four best friends, prior to being permanently relocated to another planet.

When Maya, a headstrong little bee, and her best friend Willi, rescue an ant princess they find themselves in the middle of an epic bug battle that will take them to strange new worlds and test their friendship to its limits.

Nicolas Bannister, a rugged and solitary veteran living in a near-future Miami flooded by rising seas, is an expert in a dangerous occupation: he offers clients the chance to relive any memory they desire. His life changes when he meets a mysterious young woman named Mae. What begins as a simple matter of lost and found becomes a passionate love affair. But when a different client's memories implicate Mae in a series of violent crimes, Bannister must delve through the dark world of the past to uncover the truth about the woman he fell for.

აგენტი ჯ იმოგზაურებს 60-იანებში, MIB-ის ადრეულ წლებში, რათა შეაჩეროს უცხოპლანეტელი რომელიც მისი მეგობრის, აგენტი კ-ს მოკვლას ცდილობს და შეცვალოს ისტორია.

A legendary secret service agent comes out of hiding and returns to France to help the son he's never met get out of trouble.

Decades after Sarah Connor prevented Judgment Day, a lethal new Terminator is sent to eliminate the future leader of the resistance. In a fight to save mankind, battle-hardened Sarah Connor teams up with an unexpected ally and an enhanced super soldier to stop the deadliest Terminator yet.

"ეფ-ბი-აის" მძევალთა სამაშველო ჯგუფის ყოფილი ლიდერი და აშშ-ს ომის ვეტერანი უილ ფორდი ახლა ცათამბჯენების უსაფრთხოების დონეს აფასებს, ის ჩინეთში იმყოფება და აღმოაჩენს, რომ ყველაზე მაღალი და დაცული ცათამბჯენი უცაბედად ცეცხლის ალში ეხვევა, მისი ოჯახი კი ამ შენობაში იმყოფება...

A deep sea submersible pilot revisits his past fears in the Mariana Trench, and accidentally unleashes the seventy foot ancestor of the Great White Shark believed to be extinct.

Kevin and his girlfriend Evelyn are camping in the woods when she is abducted and impregnated by otherworldly beings. As the entity within her begins to grow, Evelyn discovers that her cravings can only be satisfied by human flesh and blood.

A Viking boy is left behind after his clan battles a Native American tribe. Raised within the tribe, he ultimately becomes their savior in a fight against the Norsemen.

In the aftermath of a nuclear disaster, a starving family find hope in a charismatic hotel owner. Lured by the prospect of a free dinner, they discover that the evening's entertainment blurs the lines between performance and reality. Will they wind up the spectators or the spectacle?