V nadaljevanju sage o kriminalni družini Corleone mladi Vito Corleone odrašča na Siciliji in v 1910-ih v New Yorku. V petdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja poskuša Michael Corleone družinsko podjetje razširiti v Las Vegas, Hollywood in Kubo.

Kanji Watanabe is a middle-aged man who has worked in the same monotonous bureaucratic position for decades. Learning he has cancer, he starts to look for the meaning of his life.

Še nikoli videno filmsko potovanje, ki je nastajalo deset let in zajema celoten Marvel Cinematic Universe. Na velika platna nam prinaša končni, najsmrtonosnejši obračun vseh časov. Maščevalci in njihovi zavezniki superjunaki morajo biti pripravljeni žrtvovati vse, da bi lahko premagali mogočnega Thanosa, preden ta s svojim rušenjem in uničenjem pokonča celotno vesolje.

A young nurse, Alma, is put in charge of Elisabeth Vogler: an actress who is seemingly healthy in all respects, but will not talk. As they spend time together, Alma speaks to Elisabeth constantly, never receiving any answer.

Guido Anselmi, a film director, finds himself creatively barren at the peak of his career. Urged by his doctors to rest, Anselmi heads for a luxurious resort, but a sorry group gathers—his producer, staff, actors, wife, mistress, and relatives—each one begging him to get on with the show. In retreat from their dependency, he fantasizes about past women and dreams of his childhood.

Apu is a jobless ex-student dreaming vaguely of a future as a writer. An old college friend talks him into a visit up-country to a village wedding. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 1996.

Eden izmed bolj znanih obskurnih ter nenavadnih filmov je gotovo Blade Runner. Mojstrovina Ridleyja Scotta je kategorija zase – znanstvenofantastični noir film, kjer je Los Angeles antiutopično ozadje teme ter mračnosti.

Chan Wing Yan, a young police officer, has been sent undercover as a mole in the local mafia. Lau Kin Ming, a young mafia member, infiltrates the police force. Years later, their older counterparts, Chen Wing Yan and Inspector Lau Kin Ming, respectively, race against time to expose the mole within their midst.

The wife of a famous composer survives a car accident that kills her husband and daughter. Now alone, she shakes off her old identity and explores her newfound freedom but finds that she is unbreakably bound to other humans, including her husband’s mistress, whose existence she never suspected.

Kathleen Madigan drops in on Detroit to deliver material derived from time spent with her Irish Catholic Midwest family, eating random pills out of her mother's purse, touring Afghanistan, and her love of John Denver and the Lunesta butterfly.

After an encounter with UFOs, an electricity linesman feels undeniably drawn to an isolated area in the wilderness where something spectacular is about to happen.

To his chagrin, young Marcel Pagnol and his family move back to their home in Marseilles, France, far from their pastoral holiday cottage in the hills. Determined, Marcel makes the long voyage back to the cottage on foot and lands himself in trouble. One day Marcel's father discovers a shortcut to the cottage, but it requires trespassing. Despite their trepidations, Marcel and his family begin using the secret trail to reach their cottage.

Ko umre diktator Stalin, se njegovi parazitski pajdaši spopadejo v divjem boju za oblast, da bi postali naslednji sovjetski voditelj. Medtem ko se spopadajo, prepirajo in si utirajo pot na vrh, ostaja vprašanje, kdo sploh vodi vlado?

Biografska drama predstavlja življenje astronavta Neila Armstronga in legendarno vesoljsko misijo, s katero je Armstrong postal svetovno znan, saj je postal prvi človek, ki je stopil na Luno 20. julija 1969.

Set in Boston in 1978, a meeting in a deserted warehouse between two gangs turns into a shoot-out and a game of survival.

To earn extra cash, Mickey helps couples break up — but life gets complicated when he falls for Tinni, a career woman with an independent streak.

Rahul Joshi wants to be a successful businessman so he works hard for his boss Siddharth. One day Rahul meets Seema, an up and coming model, and he feels like he's finally met his match. Will Seema fall for Rahul?

When her idyllic vacation takes an unthinkable turn, Ellen Martin begins investigating a fake insurance policy, only to find herself down a rabbit hole of questionable dealings that can be linked to a Panama City law firm and its vested interest in helping the world's wealthiest citizens amass larger fortunes.

Angela Baker escapes from a mental hospital and surfaces at a summer camp as a counselor who lectures her teenage charges on proper moral behavior. Those teens who break her strict rules -- from the camp chatterbox or a sex-obsessed girl to the boys who are peeping Toms -- are murdered by the impostor in various gruesome ways. As more campers go missing, intrepid counselor Molly begins to piece together the truth.

In 1889, seventeen men die under mysterious circumstances, and spooked by recent events, the miners who populate the town leave in droves until there's nothing left but a shell of a community.