The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of 58.

1787. HMS Bounty setter ut på en ferd som skal bringe skipet gjennom farlige farvann til et tropisk paradis... og inn i historien som en av de mest skjebnetyngede fartøyer noen sinne til å seile for konge og fedreland. Lewis Milestone (All Quiet on the Western Front) har regien i denne fargerike utstyrsfilmen som fikk sju Oscar-nominasjoner, blant annet for beste film. Denne gripende historien, som ble filmet første gang i 1935 og senere i 1984-versjonen The Bounty, handler først og fremst om to menn. Marlon Brando spiller førstestyrmann Fletcher Christian, en overklassesnobb som forvandler seg til en handlingens mann. Trevor Howard er kaptein William Bligh, like kompromissløs i sin kommando som i sin ondskap. Bligh legger ikke skjul på at han bruker frykt som våpen. Men det har sin pris, mannskapet drives sakte men sikkert over i desperasjon og mytteri. Richard Harris, Hugh Griffith og Richard Haydn har andre roller i dette storslåtte dramaet.

When a plane crash claims the lives of members of the Marshall University football team and some of its fans, the team's new coach and his surviving players try to keep the football program alive.

When Banker Till (Axel Stein) is kidnapped during a bank robbery, he has the time of his life...

In a prison for the criminally insane, deranged anthropologist Ethan Powell is set to be examined by a bright young psychiatrist, Theo Caulder. Driven by ambition and a hunger for the truth, Caulder will eventually risk everything—even put his very life on the line—in a harrowing attempt to understand the bizarre actions of this madman.

A guarded woman finds out she's dying of cancer but, when she meets her match, the threat of falling in love is scarier than death.

Skylar finds out that her parents are monster hunters after she accidentally releases some monsters from a secret containment chamber; so she and her techno friends must recapture all the monsters and also save her mom and dad from these monsters who are out for revenge.

Peter Colt nærmer seg slutten av sin ganske middelmådige tenniskarriere. Men plutselig tilbys han et wild card til Wimbledon, han siste store sjanse. Lizzie Bradbury står derimot på toppen av sin karriere og er helt innstilt på å vinne. Da de to tilfeldig møtes, vekkes en tiltrekning som hjelper Pete å få tilbake sin gamle form, mens Lizzie innser at livet ikke bare handler om å vinne konkurranser.

An advertising man is slowly sliding downhill. When he is fired from his job in Detroit, he signs up for unemployment. One day they find him a job: teaching thinking skills to Army recruits. He arrives on base to find that there is no structure set up for the class.

San Francisco's premiere wedding planner, Mary Fiore is rescued from an accident by the man of her dreams, pediatrician Steve Edison, only to find he is the fiancé of her latest client. As Mary continues making their wedding arrangements, she and Steve are put into a string of uncomfortable situations that force them to face their mutual attraction.

Colin, an ambitious young American businessman, has a deal with a potential client, a rich Arab sheikh who is a passionate pigeon fancier. The sheikh has tried several times to buy a champion pigeon, but the owner continues to stubbornly refuse his offer. In an attempt to gain the trust of the Sheikh, Colin offers him a deal: if he manages to convince the owner to sell the champion pigeon, the sheikh will agree to do business with Colin's company. But when Colin meets Jos, the grumpy owner of the pigeon, and Isabella, his granddaughter, he realizes that this mission will not be as easy as he had hoped.

An alcoholic writer is visited by an incarnation of his cancer.

Jérémie, 34, wakes up in an apartment he doesn't know, next to a woman he doesn't know. She is Adna, a stunning Swedish woman who is as funny as she is sweet. Is this the beginning of a fairy tale? Not quite, since Jérémie is about to get married—to Antoine.

Når patriarken i en heller dårlig fungerende familie dør, forvandler begravelsen hans seg til et familiesirkus. Kadavre på gal plass, utpressing, uanstendig visning og et lik som ikke vil være i kista er bare starten på festen. Men når gamle familieskjeletter begynner å ramle ut av skapet, bryter helvete løs.

Tripp er 35 år, men har aldri klart å forlate redet. Nå har hans desperate foreldre fått nok. De ansetter den flotte og talentfulle drømmekvinnnen, Paula , for å få ham til å flytte ut av huset.

A former rodeo star, now a motel manager, meets a young man who is responsible for the violence that suddenly has seized his small town.

Når den fremgangsrike mekleren Michael Cromwell reiser til Amazonas jungel for å få sin kones signatur på skilsmissepapirene, får han sitt livs overraskelse. Det viser seg at han har en 13 år gammel sønn som har vokst opp blant de innfødte. Michael går med på å ta sønnen med hjem til sin egen «jungel», New York. Han innser fort at sønnen hans er flinkere med pil og bue enn i det sosiale livet. Å få sønnen til å fungere sammen med Michaels arbeidskollega og forlovede viser seg å ikke være så lett.

Tony Danza stars as a thief named Jack Clayton. When Jack is about to be caught at the mall, he dresses up as Santa Claus and hops on the bus to Evergreen. He is mistaken for the new Santa at Sarah Gibson's tree store. He is very reluctant at first, but after becoming a part of the town, and falls in love with Sarah, he begins to have second thoughts on robbing Evergreen's bank.

The story centers on a group of gossipy, high-society women who spend their days at the beauty salon and haunting fashion shows. The sweet, happily-wedded Mary Haines finds her marriage in trouble when shop girl Crystal Allen gets her hooks into Mary's man.

In Black Death era Tuscany, as in the Decameron, ten young Florentines take refuge from the plague. But instead of telling stories, they have lusty adventures, bawdy exchanges, romance, swordplay, randy nuns, Saracen pirates, and a sexy cow.