Released after being wrongfully convicted and imprisoned for 13 years, a woman begins executing her elaborate plan of retribution.

In 1992, teenager Sandi Tan shot Singapore's first indie road movie with her enigmatic American mentor Georges – who then vanished with all the footage. Twenty years later, the 16mm film is recovered, sending Tan, now a novelist in Los Angeles, on a personal odyssey in search of Georges' vanishing footprints.

A depressed musician reunites with his lover in the desolate streets of Detroit. Though their romance has endured several centuries, it is tested by the arrival of her capricious and unpredictable younger sister.

When Sanlian's ex-husband passes away, she discovers he has altered his insurance policy, cutting out their son in favor of a stranger named Jay.

Young-goon, mentally deranged and frequently electro-charging herself with a transistor radio, has been admitted into a mental institution. Firmly believing herself to be a cyborg, she refuses to consume like a human being. Il-soon is another patient, who catches the eye of Young-goon and soon becomes a close friend. Il-soon is now confronted with the biggest task: to cure Young-goon's mental problem and have her eat real food.

An Asian cross-cultural trilogy of horror films from accomplished indie directors: "Dumplings", directed by Fruit Chan of Hong Kong; "Cut", directed by Park Chan-Wook of Korea; "Box", directed by Miike Takashi of Japan. The first film "Dumplings" was extended and turned into a full-length theatrical film of the same name.

The life of Renato Russo, from his first involvement with music, to his years in the punk rock band Aborto Alétrico, to the formation of Legião Urbana, in the Brasília rock scene of 1970s and 1980s.

The one joy in the lives of a mother and daughter comes from the regular letters sent to them from Paris from the family's adored son, Otar. When the daughter finds out that Otar has died suddenly, she tries to conceal the truth from her mother, changing the course of their lives forever.

Emily (Rooney Mara) a Martin Taylorovci (Channing Tatum) sú dokonalý a úspešný mladý pár, ktorý má všetko, na čo si spomenie. Potom si však Martin odsedí štyri roky v base za zneužívanie informácií v obchodnom styku a jeho život sa premení na peklo. Rovnako je na tom aj Emily, ktorá zostáva v relatívnom prepychu ich manhattanského bytu, ale po celý ten čas sa utápa v strašných depresiách. Keď sa nakoniec pokúsi o samovraždu, nastupuje na scénu psychiater Jonathan Banks (Jude Law). Pretože sa Emily zubami-nechtami bráni zvažovanej hospitalizácii, dohodnú sa na sérii terapeutických sedení a na užívaní antidepresív. Bez toho, že by to tušili, práve toto rozhodnutie obom zásadne zmení život. Emilyina liečba totiž nepokračuje podľa lekárových plánov, a tak jej predpíše nové lieky, ktoré by malo jej psychické ťažkosti minimalizovať. Tieto pilulky však majú desivé vedľajšie účinky.

Based on Evelyn Waugh's 1945 classic British novel, Brideshead Revisited is a poignant story of forbidden love and the loss of innocence set in England prior to the Second World War.

Pokojný predmestský život rodiny Barretovcov sa začne riadne otriasať v základoch. V ich dome sa stane séria nevysvetliteľných udalostí a oni čoskoro zistia, že ich prenasleduje smrtiaca a desivá sila… Keď si Vás raz vyberú, už im navždy patríte.

Laney is an attractive, intelligent suburban wife and devoted mother of two adorable children. She has the perfect husband who plays basketball with the kids in the driveway, a pristine house, and a shiny SUV for carting the children to their next activity. However, just beneath the façade lie depression and disillusionment that send her careening into a secret world of reckless compulsion. Only very real danger will force her to face the painful root of her destructiveness and its crumbling effect on those she loves.

An introverted teenager tells his parents he is going on a ski trip, but instead spends his time alone in his mom's basement. But things didn't go as planned after his half sister joins him.

Ethan je životný smoliar. Po predčasnej maminej smrti de facto prišiel aj o otca, pretože ten sa utápa v žiali a syn pre neho prestal existovať. Navyše žije v zapadákove menom Gatlin County, kde je jeden deň ako druhý a všetky nesmierne ubíjajúce. K zásadnej zmene Ethanovho pohľadu dôjde vďaka novej spolužiačke, krásnej a tajomnej čiernovláske Lene Duchannesovej. Ethana na nej najviac fascinuje asi to, že ju pozná, pretože sa mu opakovane zjavovala v snoch. A pretože je Lena neter miestneho čudáka Macona Ravenwooda, je nenávisť tunajších ľudí priam hmatateľná. Ona aj jej príbuzní sú Zaklínači, mocné bytosti s pozoruhodnými schopnosťami. Nad Lenou však visí temné prekliatie a jej ostáva už iba sedemdesiatpäť dní. Buď bude dostatočne silná a jej moc sa pridá na stranu dobra, alebo ju pohltia sily temnoty a ona sa stane kňažkou zla ako jej matka Sarafine. U smrteľníka menom Ethan, ktorý je ochotný ju brániť, aj keby mal kvôli tomu položiť vlastný život.

An English chef with a chic restaurant on Bondi Beach trying to put his life and his relationship with his son back on track while surrounded by women.

A troubled young woman becomes obsessed with her mysterious new neighbor, who bears a striking resemblance to the girl's dead mother.

Mladá rodina sa presťahuje do historického domu v Georgii, aby sa následne všetci jej členovia bolestne presvedčili, že nie sú jeho jedinými obyvateľmi. Veľmi skoro sa ocitajú uprostred desivého tajomstva, svedčiaceho o prítomnosti zla, pripraveného odstrániť každého, kto sa mu pripletie do cesty.

George Kuffs didn't finish high-school, just lost his job, and his college-age girlfriend is pregnant. To top it off, George's brother Brad is killed and George inherits Brad's "patrol special" privatized police district and all the problems that come with it.

As investigative reporter Ward Jansen and his partner Yardley Acheman chase a sensational, career-making story with the help of Ward's younger brother Jack and sultry death-row groupie Charlotte Bless, the pair tries to prove violent swamp-dweller Hillary Van Wetter was framed for the murder of a corrupt local sheriff.

Ruth is a pregnant woman on a killing spree. It's her misanthropic unborn baby dictating Ruth's actions, holding society responsible for the absence of a father.