Življenji premožnega plemiča Phillipa in revnega kriminalca Drissa ne bi mogli biti bolj različni, toda usoda preplete njuni poti. Invalidni Phillipe išče negovalca in med prijavljenimi kandidati naleti na Drissa. Ta si službe v resnici ne želi, temveč hoče zgolj zadostiti pogojem za prejemanje socialnega nadomestila, zato se skuša prikazati v najslabši luči. Toda Drissova spontanost je Phillipu všeč, zato ga najame, njuno prvotno nezaupanje pa počasi prerašča v iskreno prijateljstvo.

Resnična biografska zgodba o temnopoltem Solomonu, ki sredi 19. stoletja v New Yorku svobodno dela in srečno živi z družino. Zlobna dvoličneža mu ponudita delo, vendar ga ugrabita in na jugu ZDA prodata v suženjstvo. Med mukotrpnim delom na bombažnih poljih zamenja več lastnikov, dokler ne pristane pri sadističnem Edwinu, ki uživa v zlorabljanju sužnjev. Solomon kljub vsem krivicam ne obupa in išče način, kako bi se vrnil k svoji družini. Film je prejel Zlati Globus za najboljšo dramo.

In 1938, an art collector appeals to eminent archaeologist Dr. Indiana Jones to embark on a search for the Holy Grail. Indy learns that a medieval historian has vanished while searching for it, and the missing man is his own father, Dr. Henry Jones Sr.. He sets out to rescue his father by following clues in the old man's notebook, which his father had mailed to him before he went missing. Indy arrives in Venice, where he enlists the help of a beautiful academic, Dr. Elsa Schneider, along with Marcus Brody and Sallah. Together they must stop the Nazis from recovering the power of eternal life and taking over the world!

Clark Davis adventurous dreams of seeing the world are put into jeopardy after he and a friend start a fight which damages a local cafe. Through a plea deal with the Sheriff and café owner Millie, Clark works off his sentence as a farmhand for the Barlow sisters, Ellen and Cassie. Older sister Ellen doesnt understand Cassies friendly nature with Clark; she agreed to the Sheriffs offer only because the farm has become too much to maintain alone. Clark is slowing winning Ellen over, but suddenly suffers a traumatic head injury in a fall. After Ellen nurses him back to health, her former fiancé returns to win her back. Will Clark travel on or stay behind where love begins?

Film pripoveduje zgodbo o bivšem agentu Wadeu Wilsonu, ki po rigoroznem eksperimentu pridobi nadnaravno moč celjenja in se preobrazi v svoj alterego, Deadpool. Oborožen s svojo novo sposobnostjo ter temačnim smislom za humor se Deadpool odpravi iskati moža, ki mu je uničil življenje.

When the kingdom's most wanted-and most charming-bandit Flynn Rider hides out in a mysterious tower, he's taken hostage by Rapunzel, a beautiful and feisty tower-bound teen with 70 feet of magical, golden hair. Flynn's curious captor, who's looking for her ticket out of the tower where she's been locked away for years, strikes a deal with the handsome thief and the unlikely duo sets off on an action-packed escapade, complete with a super-cop horse, an over-protective chameleon and a gruff gang of pub thugs.

Nadarjenemu programerju Calebu zmaga na računalniškem tekmovanju prinese srečanje z briljantnim izumiteljem Nathanom v njegovem skrivnostnem laboratoriju sredi divjine. Caleb navdušen spozna, da je Nathan uspel ustvariti prvega robota z umetno inteligenco Avo. Nadobudni mladenič mora preveriti njene sposobnosti, ob analizah in pogovorih pa se nanjo nenadejano naveže, kar zamegli njegovo objektivnost. Toda Nathan nadaljuje s svojimi skrivnimi načrti in Caleb kmalu ne ve več, komu lahko zaupa?

Mlad voznik, ki je prisiljen delati za vodjo kriminalnega podzemlja, se znajde v brezizhodnem položaju, ko je soudeležen v ropu, obsojenem na propad.

An adaptation of the successful stage musical based on Victor Hugo's classic novel set in 19th-century France. Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both men's lives, and soon Valjean finds himself in the midst of the student revolutions in France.

Missie three years later: being a single mother after her husband Willie was shot during a poker scuffle. She and Maddy move back in with her parents Clark and Marty. She finds a new home, and finds a new teaching position that she settles right into, but Missie has lost all faith in herself, until a chance encounter at her father's church where she adopts homeless orphan Belinda Marshall.

Veterinarian Dr. Carly Monroe makes it a habit to stop by the local dog shelter as often as possible because she loves dogs and secretly loves the shelter’s owner, Dan. Unfortunately, he has agreed to marry his glamorous TV personality girlfriend and move to the Big Apple. With Dan’s big move looming, his sister decides to take matters into her own hands.

While Sergeant John Tyree is home on two weeks leave from Germany, he meets Savannah after he dives into the ocean to retrieve Savannah's purse that had fallen off a pier. John eventually falls in love with Savannah, who promises to write to him until he returns from overseas.

Pod vodstvom predsednika Coina in nasvetov svojih zaupnih prijateljev si Katniss prizadeva rešiti Peeto in ljudstvo, ki ga je ganil njen pogum.

In this sequel, Lillian has been adopted and it's several years later. Annie, married and pregnant, visits her fellow doctor friend, Dr. Owen. Dr Owen desperately wants a baby, but seems unable to become pregnant. Lillian finds a love interest, an assistant to her adoptive dad, the latter has become quite overprotective.

Ko Oh, prikupen izgnanec z drugega planeta, pristane na Zemlji in se znajde na begu pred lastnim ljudstvom, sklene nepričakovano prijateljstvo Zemljanko Tip, ki se je podala na lastno pustolovščino. Skozi vrsto komičnih dogodivščin Oh spozna, da biti drugačen in kdaj narediti kaj narobe pomeni biti človek in tako skupaj s Tip odkrijeta pravi pomen besede DOM.

A former Secret Service agent grudgingly takes an assignment to protect a pop idol who's threatened by a crazed fan. At first, the safety-obsessed bodyguard and the self-indulgent diva totally clash. But before long, all that tension sparks fireworks of another sort, and the love-averse tough guy is torn between duty and romance.

Iskalec zakladov Ben Gates se po treh letih znova vrača na velika platna, a tokrat je njegova pustolovščina še bolj osebna, saj mora oprati družinsko ime. Ponovno najdene strani iz dnevnika morilca ameriškega predsednika Abrahama Lincolna dokazujejo, da je bil v zaroto vpleten tudi Benov pra pra dedek. Da bi dokazal nedolžnost svojega prednika, se Ben poda na težavno razkrivanje sledi in ugank iz preteklosti, ki ga vodijo od Pariza do Londona, toda dokončni odgovor se skriva v knjigi skrivnosti, do katere se lahko dokoplje le tako, da ugrabi predsednika ZDA.

Mitch Buchannon je predan reševalec iz vode, ki je svoje življenje posvetil zaščiti plaže. Z novim, glasnim rekrutom mora preprečiti kriminalni načrt, ki grozi, da bo ogrozil prihodnost zaliva. Za seboj pustita surfe in gresta pod krinko, ampak ali lahko rešita dan?

Kate is a driven publishing exec visiting a summer resort with her boyfriend Eric. There she runs into Shep, an old high school friend and fellow camp counsellor, who is now the Activities Director. Shep tries to convince her to take advantage of all the resort has to offer. She reluctantly caves when Eric is pulled away on business. As carefree Shep helps Kate rediscover her fun side; Kate helps Shep to stop hiding from life and realize his own potential. In the end Kate must make a choice.

Legenda o mumiji, ki je vse od rojstva civilizacije fascinirala kulture po vsem svetu, bo doživela svoj preporod na velikem platnu. V osrčju zgodbe se nahaja starodavna kraljica, ujeta v kripti pod žgočimi tlemi neprizanesljive puščave. Njena zlonamernost se krepi skozi tisočletja ujetosti in doseže vrelišče, ko se prebudi v današnjem času. Takrat svet preplavi z nepredstavljivimi grozotami. Mumija odpira vrata v nov svet bogov in pošasti ter nas z mešanico čudes in vznemirjenja popelje vse od peščenih nasipov Bližnjega vzhoda do skritih labirintov, ki ležijo pod Londonom.