Marianne Riblon runs a small construction business in the south of France. Widowed and estranged from a daughter she hasn't seen in 15 years, she spends her time and working and has a life devoid of affection. An active member of the town council, she has strong conservative and racist convictions. One day, her daughter Charlotte calls her to tell her she's a grandmother. Her grandson, Nicolas, is 12 and is on his way to come see her. Charlotte wants her to take care of the child while she's being treated for leukemia. A the station, Marianne discovers the boy is half-black. The two learn to know each other...

A drama set at a Swiss ski resort and centered on a boy who supports his sister by stealing from wealthy guests.

When Ilan Halimi is kidnapped for ransom because Jewish and supposedly rich, his family and the police start a race against time to save him from the tortures of the "gang of barbarians".

Casey is upset about having struck out his last chance at bat but his wife suggests they have a son to follow in their dad's footsteps. Eventually, a child is born but, to Casey's dismay, it's a girl, not a boy. His wife suggests they try again several more times but each time, it's still another girl. Casey is depressed but his pals tell him that in spite of everything, they still make a powerful baseball team. Casey likes the idea and accepts. However, the day of the big game, he is nervous that one of them will strike out and attempts to make the last home run himself disguised as one of his own daughters.

In 1971, five college buddies from the University of Texas embark on a final road trip odyssey across the Mexican border before facing up to uncertain futures, in Vietnam and otherwise.

An account of the life and career of Marilyn Monroe, one of Hollywood's most famous and glamorous movie stars.

In 1968 the lives of a retired doorman, hotel manager, lounge singer, busboy, beautician and others intersect in the wake of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Thirty-year-old Hlynur still lives with his mother and spends his days drinking, watching porn and surfing the net while living off unemployment checks. A girl is interested in him, but he stands back from commitment. His mother's Spanish flamenco teacher, Lola, moves in with them for Christmas. On New Year's Eve, while his mother is away, Hlynur finds out Lola is a lesbian, but also ends up having sex with her. He soon finds out he and his mother are sharing more than a house. Eventually he must find out where he fits into the puzzle, and how to live life less selfishly.

Tínedžer Jude žije s matkou Diane vo Vermonte. Po tom, čo jeho najlepší priateľ Teddy zomrie na predávkovanie drogami, dospievajúci chlapec sa odsťahuje k svojmu otcovi Lesovi do New Yorku. Vyhnanec, cudzinec a rebel získava nových priateľov. Zoznámi sa s Johnnym, spevákom v punkovej kapele a nevlastným Teddyho bratom. Potom sa pripojí k hnutiu Hard Core, ktorého stúpenci bojujú proti drogám, alkoholu a špinavému sexu. Spoločne s priateľmi sa pokúša pomôcť 16-ročnej Elize, dcére súčasnej priateľky jeho otca, ktorá je tehotná s nebohým Teddym, nemá rodinu a nevie si rady so životom. Začína sa očistná púť šiestich hrdinov, ktorí hľadajú svoje miesto v živote. Aj napriek všetkým ťažkostiam a osobným problémom sú optimisti. Podarí sa im spoločne vytvoriť rodinné prostredie pre Elizino očakávané dieťa? Ako sa vyrovná Jude so svojimi citmi k Elize a nájde cestu k svojmu odcudzenému otcovi?

One day Zano suggest a crazy idea to his companion Naïma: travel across France and Spain down to Algeria, where they might ultimately come to know the land their parents once had to flee.

The story follows Jamie, a troubled young man with a birthmark on his face, which has left him feeling isolated and fearful, hiding from the world outside. He lives in the East End of London, an area notorious for its violent hooded gangs. According to news reports, the gangs are now wearing demon masks. But, one night, Jamie discovers the terrifying truth.

Tess Thorne, a famous writer, is determined to seek revenge on the man who brutally assaulted and raped her on a desolate New England road.

In 1976 in Nice, Agnes, the daughter of the owner of the Palais de la Méditerranée, falls in love with an older lawyer.

Mingus sa živí ako redaktor a rozhlasový moderátor, jeho francúzska priateľka Marion Dupré sa pokúša presadiť ako fotografka. Žijú celkom pokojný život vo svojom newyorskom byte so svojimi dvomi deťmi z predchádzajúcich vzťahov – pokiaľ nepriletí na návštevu Marionin žoviálny, výstredný otec Jeannot, jej nadržaná sestra Rose a jej priateľ Manu. Dva dni s energickými francúzskymi príbuznými, stupňuje v peklo na zemi aj fakt, že Marion práve chystá prvú vernisáž svojich fotografií, reflektujúcich jej doterajší súkromný život. Trojici hlučných votrelcov však chýbajú zábrany a nepoznajú žiadne hranice, pokiaľ ide o jedlo, sex a o kritiku všetkého amerického s výnimkou „socialistu“ Baracka Obamu. Vzťah Marion a Minguse je vystavený náročnej skúške. Ako to s nimi dopadne, po tejto zdrvujúcej invázii Francúzov v New Yorku?

Satya Azad, an upright Home Minister wants to cleanse the country of corruption with his Anti-Corruption Bill. However, it fails to get enough ‘Ayes’, not only from his allies, but also from his wife Vidya a member of the Opposition, who votes ‘Nay’ in the Vidhan Sabha. When a couple of gruesome killings take place in the city, ACP Jay Azad is brought in to nab the murderer, never mind his motive.

Grant Cogswell, a liberal music critic decides to run for city council against a popular black incumbent and is assisted by a reporter who recently lost his job. Initially given no chance, things turn dark when Cogswell makes it into the general election. Based on a true story.

Three longtime friends set off on a boat trip with their romantic partners, but inclement weather, jealousy and confessions, will put to test their friendships.

Gloucesterská stredná vstúpila do histórie ako škola s najrapídnejším nárastom počtu mladistvých rodičovstiev. Počas krátkej doby tú otehotneli dve desiatky študentiek a vzniklo tak podozrenie, že sa dievčatá na svojom tehotenstve dopredu dohodli. Napriek súčasnej situácii sa konzervatívne školská rada vedená Lorraine Douganovou, matkou pätnásťročnej Sáry, jednej z budúcich mamičiek, rozhodne aj naďalej zakazovať antikoncepciu ako jedinú fungujúcu prevenciu. Záhade hystericky priživovanej záujmom médií sa rozhodne prísť na kĺb internetová blogerka a miestna rodáčka Sidney Bloomová, ktorá bola nútená odtiaľto v šestnástich rokoch z podobného dôvodu odísť.

Daffy Duck overhears Speedy Gonzales and another mouse talk about a hidden cheese storage area, thinking it is really gold they are talking about.

When their aunt's inheritance is given to their annoying cousin, three brothers and sisters have to work to get it back.