When Jesper distinguishes himself as the Postal Academy's worst student, he is sent to Smeerensburg, a small village located on an icy island above the Arctic Circle, where grumpy inhabitants barely exchange words, let alone letters. Jesper is about to give up and abandon his duty as a postman when he meets local teacher Alva and Klaus, a mysterious carpenter who lives alone in a cabin full of handmade toys.

Mystery Inc. is summoned to investigate occurrences in a haunted villa, where a black knight terrorizes anybody who tries to get close to treasure hidden by the former owner of the building.

Stāsts par leģendāro britu rokgrupu Queen un viņu līderi Frediju Merkūriju. Dibināta un savos pirmsākumos pastāvējusi tāpat kā daudzas citas muzikālās apvienības, grupa Queen drīz kļūst par īstām rokenrola ikonām, bet viņu dziesmās ieklausās miljoniem fanu visā pasaulē. Filmas darbība aptver 15 gadu periodu – no grupas dibināšanas līdz triumfālajam koncertam festivālā Life Aid.

Pāris, adoptējis trīs bērnus uzreiz, attopas darba pilnām rokām. Tikai pa īstam mīlošas vecāku sirdis spēs tikt galā ar jaunajiem pienākumiem!

Mutantam Veidam Vilsonam (viņš arī – Dedpūls) jāapvieno sabiedroto mutantu komanda, lai aizstāvētu jaunu puisi ar pārdabiskām spējām no nežēlīgā, laikā ceļojošā kiborga Keibla.

20. gadsimta 60. gados superslepenā pētnieciskā laboratorijā strādājoša vientuļa apkopēja sadraudzējas ar neparastu būtni, kas tiek turēta gūstā.

A week in the life of Paterson, a poet bus driver, and his wife Laura, a very creative artist, who live in Paterson, New Jersey, hometown of many famous poets and artists.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party -- complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night.

Četri vidusskolēni atrod vecu spēļu konsoli ar līdz šim neredzētu videospēli – džumandži. Viņi tūliņ pat tiek ierauti spēlē, kas norisinās džungļos, un iemiesojas pašu izraudzītajos avataros. Jaunieši apjauš, ka džumandži ir kas vairāk par spēli, tā ir cīņa par izdzīvošanu. Lai uzvarētu spēlē, viņiem jādodas bīstamākajā piedzīvojumā mūžā, jāatklāj Alana Periša pirms 20 gadiem atstātās pēdas un jāmaina priekšstats pašiem par sevi, pretējā gadījumā viņi paliks ieslēgti spēlē uz visiem laikiem...

A deaf woman is stalked by a psychotic killer in her secluded home.

An ex-soldier, a teen and a cop collide in New Orleans as they hunt for the source behind a dangerous new pill that grants users temporary superpowers.

A year after Amber helped Richard secure the crown. The two are set to tie the knot in a royal Christmas wedding — but their plans are jeopardized when Amber finds herself second-guessing whether or not she's cut out to be queen, and Richard is faced with a political crisis that threatens to tarnish not only the holiday season but the future of the kingdom.

A lonely beach on the southernmost coast of Brazil is the scene for two friends, on the brink of adulthood, to explore their understanding of themselves and one another. Martin has been sent by his father to retrieve what appears to be an inheritance-related document from the family of his recently deceased and estranged grandfather. Tomaz accompanies him, seemingly hoping to regain some of their former closeness. The two boys shelter themselves in a glass house, in front of a cold and stormy sea.

Stranded at an airport at Christmastime, Ashley Harrison accepts a ride from Dash Sutherland, who has just rented the last car in town. As the pair heads north, their adventures include car trouble, adopting a puppy and being secretly tailed by federal agents, who believe Ashley is up to no good. With a hint of romance gradually filling the air will these two fall in love or will their journey bring about an unexpected road bump to romance?

A quarantine hotel where overseas travellers stay in isolation to curb the spread of a contagious virus, but they soon become prey to a strange breed of a 100-legged monster.

Filmas notikumi risinās tuvā nākotnē kādā nelegālā slimnīcā Losandželosā, kur slepus ārstējas pilsētas neģēlīgākie noziedznieki. Slimnīca, kas slēpjas aiz viesnīcas "Artemīda" izkārtnes, ir miera osta visiem ļaundariem, taču viss mainās, kad iestādījuma vadītāja Džīna Tomasa atklāj, ka viens no pacientiem patiesībā te atrodas ar mērķi nogalināt otru pacientu.

Recently orphaned, a young boy is taken in by his godmother who is shocked to realize that she can see the boy's imaginary friend: a flamboyant, French magician named Bogus.

Ella Vuda dodas uz Vašingtonu, kur strādā pie kongresmenes, lai pieņemtu likumu, kas aizliedz izmēģinājumus ar dzīvniekiem.

One year after his young son disappeared during a Halloween carnival, Mike Cole is haunted by eerie images and terrifying messages he can’t explain. Together with his estranged wife, he will stop at nothing to unravel the mystery and find their son—and, in doing so, he unearths a legend that refuses to remain buried in the past.