A talented martial artist who can't walk past a person in need unites with a probation officer to fight and prevent crime as a martial arts officer.
A father and a daughter. Cinema and life. The childhood that seems perfect and then become great by getting everything wrong. Fall and get up, start again, grow old, become fragile, let go but never get lost. The time it takes to save yourself.
Navdihnjena z resnično zgodbo; očarljiva pustolovščina o izgubljenem pingvinu, rešenem iz naftnega razlitja, ki spremeni življenje ribiča z zlomljenim srcem. Kmalu postaneta neverjetna prijatelja, ki sta tako povezana, da ju ne more ločiti niti širni ocean.
Alone without the protection of his father, a child embarks on a quest for answers and his destiny in a dangerous, post apocalyptic world.
Becoming a mountaineer and climbing Everest in exactly one year? That’s the dream of Inoxtag, a 21-year-old very rich YouTuber who doesn’t do any sports. By following him for a year, we will discover in this documentary all the changes in his life to achieve this dream.
Divine G, imprisoned at Sing Sing for a crime he didn't commit, finds purpose by acting in a theatre group alongside other incarcerated men in this story of resilience, humanity, and the transformative power of art.
Vznemirljiv psihološki triler o dveh najboljših prijateljicah in sosedah, Alice in Céline. Njuni popolni življenji v predmestju v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja, pretrese tragična nesreča, v katero je vpleten eden on njunih otrok. Njune družinske vezi postopoma spodkopava krivda in paranoja, kar počasi razkrije temnejšo plat materinske ljubezni.
Three married couples undergoing therapy are summoned by their female psychologist to a meeting. The psychologist won’t be attending the reunion herself, but she will give to them instructions about what they must do. Thus, to the sound of a horn (literally), the six protagonists will gradually air their dirty laundry concerning their relationships and bring up issues like taking care of the kids, the different home tasks, money, jealousy and sex, until it all leads to a most unexpected and equally shocking end.
Zločinski veleum rekrutira skupino mladih bančnih uslužbencev z namenom, da ukradejo 80 milijonov dolarjev v enem izmed največjih bančnih ropov v zgodovini ZDA.
Leta 1942 se konvoj 35 civilnih ladij, ki prevažajo nujne zaloge iz Islandije v Sovjetsko zvezo, sooča s smrtonosnimi izzivi na Arktiki. Kljub zavezniškemu mornariškemu spremstvu, je konvoj zaradi katastrofalnih obveščevalnih napak izpostavljen neusmiljenim nemškim letalskim in pomorskim napadom. V brutalnih razmerah se neizkušeni civilni mornarji borijo za preživetje, do cilja pa je priplulo le 12 ladij.
A burned-out professional sniper finds himself trapped in an all-glass penthouse by a lethal competitor and must find a way to survive and escape with little to no cover between him and the killer.
Leta 1887, v času, ko so dvoboji v Parizu prepovedani a se še vedno dogajajo, se srečata Clément Lacaze in Marie-Rose Astié. On je mojster orožja, ona pa feministka, daleč pred svojim časom. Clément se ujame v spiralo nasilja in se odloči, da bo Marie-Rose posvetil v umetnost dvobojevanja. Morata sodelovati, da bi si rešila obraz. Kako daleč bosta šla, da bi ubranila svojo čast?
France, 1870s. Rosalie is a young woman unlike any other. She hides a secret: she was born with a face and body covered in hair. She’s concealed her peculiarity all her life to stay safe, shaving to fit in. Until Abel, an indebted bar owner unaware of her secret, marries Rosalie for her dowry. Will Abel be able to love Rosalie and see her as the woman she is, once he finds out the truth?
Naglušni policijski detektiv se mora med reševanjem primera kot tolmač soočiti s skupino kriminalcev, ki skušajo eliminirati gluho pričo umora v njeni stanovanjski hiši.
After the Arcangelo affair, the Pasti brothers, together with an eccentric half-sister they didn't know they had, have made a name for themselves as "gravediggers of VIPs" and are vying for a coveted category award never won before, the Vespillone D'oro. But the evaluation commission finds a gigantic hole in the company's books, which threatens to exclude them from the race for the award. But how is this possible? The answer is in Matteo Pasti's confession: he "borrowed" large sums from company accounts to maintain a virtual relationship with the cam girl named Bella Salma. A stage name that, soon, is on the opening news of all the news: the sex worker is found dead in her villa due to an unlikely domestic accident. The Pasti phone is not long in ringing...
V temačnem svetu plačanih morilcev sodi Morgan Gaines med najboljše. Ko mu ponudijo pogodbo, da ubije sedem ljudi, hitro ugotovi, da so njegove tarče prav tako najeti morilci s pogodbo, da ubijejo njega. Edini izhod iz situacije je pustiti sledi trupel in najti genija, ki jim je nastavil past. Morgan se odpravi na lov na ljudi, enega za drugim. Medtem se atentatorji spravijo na Sophie, Morganovo ljubezen. Uporabijo jo kot kmeta v svoji smrtonosni igri in Morgana prisilijo v nemogočo izbiro: edini način, da reši njeno življenje je, da žrtvuje svoje.
A young restorer travels to a small village to restore a medieval painting to its former glory. She will put her life in danger due to a curse attached to the painting.
To overcome their financial problems, Justine, her husband and their whole group of friends organize a fake romantic cruise for Franck, a big investor, who is trying to seduce a woman.
V mestu Novi Rim, ki mu grozi propad, se razvname spor med vizionarskim umetnikom Cezarjem Katilino in konservativnim županom Franklynom Cicerom. Prvi sanja o utopični prihodnosti, drugi pa vztraja pri nazadnjaškem statusu quo, ki vzdržuje pohlep, osebne interese in strankarsko vojno. Med njiju je razpeta Julia Cicero, županova hči, katere ljubezen do Cezarja je zamajala njeno lojalnost do očeta.
Gail is forced to come to terms with Josh, her new stepson, at a remote country home. After stealing an evil talisman from a mysterious neighbor, Josh has sinister dreams of his dead mother, who commands Josh to murder Gail. When Josh's dad returns, he and Gail suspect that their son has been possessed by an ancient, bloodthirsty spirit. Is it too late to save Josh's life — or their own?