"WE ALL PLAY" addresses the reality of the LGBTQIA+ community in sport. In a trip around the world, we will meet outstanding world elite athletes, who will talk, many of them for the first time, about their personal and professional experiences in first person.

A work in honor of Davi Galdino for his art in films and series

A meditation on friendship and life in the disappearing wilderness of the West, 'Low and Clear' follows two formerly close friends who re-unite for one last fly fishing trip. Over the course of their time together they come to understand how much they have each changed and how these changes now threaten the friendship.

《再见中国》(英语:China behind),原片名《奔》,是一部1987年公映的香港电影,由唐书璇执导,曾纪律、潘极民、邵小玲、冯宝贤及宫天美望演。本片于1974年送检,遭政府以“破坏本港与其他地区间的友好关系”而禁映。在2005年,获香港电影金像奖协会票选为“最佳华语片一百部”之一。 1966年春中国文化大革命期间,医学院准毕业生宋铨与妹妹宋兰和她的男朋友梁汉伦,同学金浩东决定离开中国。

Fluxes is Arthur Lipsett's view of the human condition and the mixed-up planet where humans are found. As in his other films (Very Nice, Very Nice; 21-87), Fluxes has a disconnected flow of images that, in their erratic way, build up into a cutting indictment of the world the way it is. The film's only commentary consists of unrelated snatches of words and sounds.

Krazy Kat follows Ignatz Mouse and thinks about family as the latter takes his children out on a walk.

Britt Malm gets hit by a car on a Stockholm street and is taken to hospital. She is badly injured and must undergo surgery. While the anesthetic takes effect she sees hallucinatory images. This turns into a flashback of what happened Britt before the accident.


Today is the day Hélène emancipates herself from her ungrateful family… Hélène is a rich housewife who has dedicated her life to her perfect house, children and husband. Today is her birthday, but at her party she’ll make a gift to herself… Revenge!

《提线木偶》是由执导,李钟秀、具智成等主演的惊悚电影。 该片讲述了精神科医师任智勋(李钟秀 饰),内心虽感深深孤独,一味沉湎肉体的欢愉。他的同事兼好友俊基则不然,是一个追求真爱的传统男子。俊基通过相亲结识美丽的提线木偶师贤贞(具智成 饰),然而对方仿佛隐藏的无尽的心事。为了帮助女友摆脱困境,俊基拜托智勋采用催眠的办法为贤贞治疗。

Blood & Love tells the story of an assassin, who, before he can identify and eliminate his target, meets and finds himself falling in love with a beautiful young woman. When the hired gun discovers that his new love interest is the intended prey, he struggles with finishing the job. Assassin and target are then both marked for death by bad guy Havoc, hired by the client to out-kill the killer

A torrid affair, set in tropical splendor, between the young heritor of a wealthy empire built by German businessmen and an attractive Latin girl from a modest family. Both will have to prove the strength of their love in fighting against the ugly shadow of racial and economic prejudice.

A poetical story about little girl who feels alone even on a beach full of people.


“Another view in which the figures show larger. A springboard furnishes the bathers with much amusement; also a toboggan slide.” (Edison film catalog)

June, 2, 2021. A man walks into the woods with his camera. Between one shot and the next, he realizes that, hidden in the mountains, there's something odd. Something he'd never seen before.