On the way to Daphne's relatives' condominium, the Mystery Inc. gang detours through the town of Winter Hollow, where the vengeful Headless Snowman has destroyed the town's Christmas spirit.

Liana and Alexa (Barbie and Teresa) are best friends who share everything, including their love of singing. Upon meeting a girl inside a mirror, the duo embark on a journey that will put their friendship to the ultimate test.

Corinne (Barbie) is a young country girl who heads to Paris to pursue her big dream – to become a female musketeer! Never could she imagine she would meet three other girls who secretly share the same dream! Using their special talents, the girls work together as a team to foil a plot and save the prince. It's all for one and one for all!

As a pair of towers in Tokyo are being prepared for their grand opening, there is a series of murders of people connected to the towers. Conan suspects that the mysterious Syndicate may also be involved.

Abandoned in the barren wasteland of Kyoto, a savage, enraged orphan does whatever it takes to survive in the wild. When he crosses paths with civilization, he must learn to tame the beast within.

The Minions fight over a delicious banana... but is that all they want?!

When royal Princess Courtney trades places with famous rock star Erika, two worlds collide while both learn to appreciate new friends and experiences.

Rapunzel grapples with the responsibilities of being a princess and the overprotective ways of her father. While she wholeheartedly loves Eugene, Rapunzel does not share his immediate desire to get married and settle down within the castle walls. Determined to live life on her own terms, she and her tough-as-nails Lady-in-Waiting Cassandra embark on a secret adventure where they encounter mystical rocks that magically cause Rapunzel's long blonde hair to grow back. Impossible to break and difficult to hide, Rapunzel must learn to embrace her hair and all that it represents.

Follow Ariel's adventures before she gave up her fins for true love. When Ariel wasn't singing with her sisters, she spent time with her mother, Queen Athena. Ariel is devastated when Athena is killed by pirates, and after King Triton outlaws all singing. Along with pals Flounder and Sebastian, Ariel sets off in hopes of changing her father's decision to ban music from the kingdom.

Two Minions are busy at work in the mailroom. One of them, bored, decides to throw a box of expired PX-41 samples into its designated chute.

Po nepozabni fantovščini v Las Vegasu se divjim prijateljem Philu, Stuju, Alenu in Dougu obeta nov kaos prekrokane noči. Med čakanjem na Stujevo poroko skušajo na Tajskem doživeti vse, kar jim pade na pamet, toda njihova lahkomiselnost jih hitro spravi v številne zelo boleče težave, pravo paniko pa povzroči skrivnostno izginotje nevestinega brata. Ob odkrivanju dogodkov pozabljene noči se morajo soočiti s številnimi neprijetnimi posledicami svojih nepremišljenih dejanj.

Zdi se, da je Peter Parker vendarle našel pravo ravnotežje med predanostjo veliki ljubezni M.J. in nalogami superjunaka. Toda na obzorju se že zbirajo nevihtni oblaki, saj zavoljo oboževanja javnosti in zelo vsiljive občudovalke Gwen Spider-Man postaja vse bolj prevzeten. Ko v igro vstopi še negativec Sandman, ki je kriv za smrt Petrovega strica, se Spider-Man prične spreminjati v temnega maščevalca, ki sicer premore neslutene moči, a za ceno izgube stika z ljudmi, ki Spider-Manu največ pomenijo.

Wolverine faces his ultimate nemesis - and tests of his physical, emotional, and mortal limits - in a life-changing voyage to modern-day Japan.

A man who loves when a plan comes together, Col. Hannibal Smith leads a close-knit team of elite operatives and Iraq War veterans. Framed for a crime they didn't commit, Smith and his men, Capt. H.M. ‘Howling Mad’ Murdock , Sgt. Bosco ‘B.A.’ Baracus, and Lt. Templeton ‘Faceman’ Peck, break out and go rogue, using their special talents to clear their names and find the perpetrator. Hot on their trail is Capt. Charissa Sosa, who was once involved with a member of Smith's team and has sworn to capture them, no matter what it takes.

The sequel of the "Men in the city" movie which reunites all the characters.

Volčji trop divjih zabavljaških prijateljev se ob koncu avantur vrača na kraj zločina, kjer so se njihove nepozabne pustolovščine začele - v prestolnico zabave in pregrehe, Las Vegas. Vzrok tokratnih zagat ni poroka ali praznovanje fantovščine, temveč nepričakovana smrt Alanovega očeta. Ker občutljivi čudak zapade v depresijo, ga prijatelji pospremijo v psihiatrično bolnišnico, toda na poti nepoznani kriminalci ugrabijo Douga. Da bi rešili prijatelja, se morajo Phil, Stu in Alan podati v Las Vegas, poiskati zloglasnega znanca Chowa in ga dostaviti gangsterjem.

Mojstrski plesalec stepa Fuši se znajde v težavah: njegov drobni sin Erik ima namreč "koreofobijo" – in ker noče plesati, pobegne od doma. Na begu spozna Veličastnega Svena, pingvina, ki zna leteti. Fuši se s tako karizmatičnim vzornikom pač ne more kosati. Stvari se še bolj zapletejo, ko svet pretresejo mogočne sile. Erik spozna, da tudi njegov oče premore pogum: Fuši namreč zbere pingvinske narode in vse sorte čudovitih bitij – od drobcenega krila do mogočnih morskih slonov, – da bi uredil zmešnjavo.

As a newly crowned princess, Cinderella quickly learns that life at the Palace - and her royal responsibilities - are more challenging than she had imagined. In three heartwarming tales, Cinderella calls on her animal friends and her Fairy Godmother to help as she brings her own grace and charm to her regal role and discovers that being true to yourself is the best way to make your dreams come true.

Film se začne po epskem spopadu, ki je skoraj uničil mesto, vendar rešil svet. Človeštvo se pobira na noge, v poskusu, da bi usmerjala zgodovino, pa se razkrije temačna skupina. Hkrati pa Zemlji grozi starodavna močna nevarnost. S pomočjo nove skupine ljudi se Optimus Prime in Avtoboti soočijo z najhujšim izzivom doslej. V neverjetni pustolovščini jih ujame v vrtinec vojne med dobrim in zlom, ki pripelje do strašne bitke po vsem svetu.

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...