Raised on tales of a Djinn fairy princess, Azur, a young Frenchman goes to North Africa in search of the sprite, only to discover that his close childhood friend, Asmar, an Arab youth whose mother raised both boys also seeks the genie.
An idealistic and passionate literature teacher in a suburban Brussels school becomes the target of intense hostility from students and colleagues tied to Islamic extremism when she chooses to help a teenage Muslim girl accused of homosexuality.
The rise and fall of the pirate mixtape empire of three brothers from Naples, Italy, during the '80s.
Wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to death, Richard Kimble escapes from the law in an attempt to find the real killer and clear his name.
Julije Cezar boji se da vjerojatno nikada neće uspjeti pobijediti selo u kojem žive Asterix i njegovi prijatelji. Sine mu ideja da bi se s Galima mogao nagoditi. Cezar im odluči postaviti ultimatum, ako uspiju riješiti 12 zadataka koje on odabere, predat će Rimsko Carstvo u njihove ruke, a ako ne uspiju, moraju se predati te njihovo galsko selo dati Cezaru.
Zarobljena na osamljenoj farmi svoje obitelji, Pearl brine o svom bolesnom ocu pod nadmoćnim budnim okom svoje pobožne majke. Pozadinska priča o tome kako je Pearl postala osoba kakva je bila. Nastavak filma ‘X‘ iz 2022. godine.
Masashi is a photographer. He has his parents and an older brother Yukihiro. Through the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, Masashi begins to take staged photos of his family.
In the middle of a performance of the play "Le Cocu", a bad boulevard comedy at a Parisian theatre, Yannick gets up and interrupts the show to take the evening back in hand.
The imagined life of one of the world’s most famous authors, Emily Brontë, as she finds her voice and writes the literary classic Wuthering Heights. Explore the relationships that inspired her – her raw, passionate sisterhood with Charlotte and Anne; her first aching, forbidden love for Weightman and her care for her maverick brother whom she idolises.
Rimljani su 50 godina prije Krista okupirali Galiju. Asterix i njegov vjerni pratilac Obelix putuju u drevni Egipat ne bi li pomogli Kleopatri da izgradi novi ljetnikovac. Pala je i oklada između Kleopatre i Julija Cezara u kojoj Cezar tvrdi da takav projekt ne može biti gotovo za nekoliko tjedana. No Asterix s čarobnim napitkom dolazi u pomoć kraljici Nila, dok im Cezar i ljutiti arhitekt nastoje poremetiti planove te tako im odmoći u gradnji ljetnikovca lijepe Kleopatre.
TAJNA ČAROBNOG NAPITKA je nova filmska adaptacija o pustolovinama nepobjedivih junaka koji pred veliko platno dovode cijelu obitelj. U ovoj priči Čudomix odlučuje da je vrijeme za osiguranje budućnosti sela te zajedno s Asterixom i Obelixom kreće u potragu za mladim druidom kojemu može prenijeti tajnu o čarobnom napitku koji osigurava trajnu zaštitu.
Film je temeljen na istinitoj priči o Tami Oldham i njezinom zaručniku Richardu Sharpu, koji su se zaputili na putovanje preko oceana, ne sluteći da će ih zadesiti najveći uragan u povijesti. Nakon oluje Tami se budi i pronalazi njihov uništeni brod i teško ozlijeđenog Richarda. Bez ikakve navigacije i drugih pomagala, Tami će morat skupiti snage i vratiti ih na sigurno.
Espen “Ash Lad”, a poor farmer’s son, embarks on a dangerous quest with his brothers to save the princess from a vile troll known as the Mountain King – in order to collect a reward and save his family’s farm from ruin.
Obelix je zaljubljen! Odabranica je njegova srca prelijepa Aspirina koja, na žalost, u dobrodušnom snagatoru vidi tek simpatičnog suseljana. Osim toga, zanosna djevojka voli drugoga - zaručnika Targicomixa - pa Obelixu ne preostaje ništa drugo nego da pokuša preboliti nesretnu ljubav. Međutim, kada Rimljani zatoče Aspirinu i Tragicomixa i odvedu ih u Legiju stranaca, Obelix će zajedno s Asterixom pohitati spasiti mladi par neustrašivo se suprotstavljajući Cezaru u srcu njegovih legija i u samom Koloseumu".
14 godina nakon što je snimio film o svom putovanju kroz SAD-e, Borat riskira život kad se vrati u Ameriku sa svojom malom kćeri i otkrije više o kulturi, pandemiji COVID-19 i političkim izborima.
Gotovo čitavu Galiju 50. godine prije Krista, okupirali su Rimljani. Međutim, maleno selo u kojem žive Asterix i njegovi prijatelji još uvijek odolijeva rimskim legijama, i to uz pomoć čarobnog napitka koji im daje nadljudske moći. Kad jedan rimski centurion sazna za taj napitak, otme druida ne bi li saznao tajanstvenu formulu napitka. Prilikom napada na druida Panoramixa, Obelix je rastjerao rimske vojnike bacivši na njih obelisk, ali je slučajno pogodio Panoramixa. Nakon toga druid je izgubio pamćenje i ne može se sjetiti formule za njegove čarobne napitke, posebice za onaj koji daje nadljudske moći.
Two dimwitted buddies hatch a money-making scheme after discovering an overgrown fly in the boot of a car.
Marked by years of prison, Djo, a parcel delivery man in the Paris suburbs, lives modestly with his mother and daughter. One day, an aunt who has just fled the Ivorian conflict arrives at their home with her three children. In a hurry, Djo manages to find them a place to live. But faced with the growing demand and with the prospect of offering a decent life to his daughter, Djo switches and becomes a sleep merchant.
Astérix and Obélix have to win the Olympic Games in order to help their friend Alafolix marry Princess Irina. Brutus uses every trick in the book to have his own team win the game, and get rid of his father Julius Caesar in the process.
Simon lives with his aging father Joseph in the south of France. When a massive wildfire devastates their tree-covered coastal region and as the warning siren reaches their home, the two must leave everything behind to escape. But the wind intensifies and the air fills with smoke as they get caught in a massive traffic jam with other evacuees while the fire is getting closer and closer. With ash soon falling like snow, the temperature rising and a menacing fire approaching, Simon must quickly find a way out to save himself and his weakened father.