Directed by John Allison and Tim O'Grady, this documentary chronicles the restoration of a rusty motorcycle owned by firefighter Gerard Baptiste, who died in the World Trade Center terrorist attacks. To honor Baptiste, the colleagues who worked alongside him raised donations from big companies, local stores and individuals to turn the decrepit machine into a dream bike. The film captures the firefighters' devotion as they pay tribute to a hero.

Udayabhanu is an assistant director and scriptwriter, who dreams of making it big in the film industry. His attempt is thwarted by his roommate, a junior artiste, Rajappan Thengamoodu who steals his script to become superstar Saroj Kumar

Adults meet up with the people who changed their lives twenty years ago by confronting them about their lifestyles as teenagers.

Sous un ciel changeant. Jean-Claude Rousseau uses his signature black frames to create Durasian elisions between painterly, Corot-conjuring tableaux.

A centuries-lasting relationship between Ayesha and her oft-reincarnated true love. She, H. Rider Haggard's fanciful novel about the immortal queen of a lost tribe, has been filmed at least 10 times, with seven versions emerging between the years 1910 and 1930.

The Age of Anxiety is a film that delves into a crisis in motion according to the World Health Organization, disorders related to dread are the most prevalent mental illnesses on the globe at the moment. Is this a disease of modernity? Or is our highly competitive and material culture itself undermining our nerves? The Age of Anxiety explores these questions, while also investigating the role that pharmaceutical companies and even the psychiatric profession play in this phenomenon. Is our anxiety fueling an industry that in turn is profiting from and exploiting our dread in a vicious and self-perpetuating cycle?

A building, a landing, two tenants: he, Jacques Loursier, is president of the U.R.A.F (Union and Resistance Anti-Woman); she, Eliane Cahuzac, is president of the Association for the Triumph and Independence of Women. Unaware of each other until then, a cold war begins between the two parties. An attempt at conciliation fails then, after many adventures, love triumphs.

Based on the true story of Louis "Red" Deutsch. A New Jersey bar-owner is plagued with prank phone calls that prompt him to flip into psychotic, profanity-laden rages.

A maniac killer returns to the scene of a ten-year-old crime, only to find the ghost of a murdered servant girl waiting to exact her revenge.

When the promise of living in a perfect digital world traps the citizens of Sanctuary City online, Combat Wombat and Sweetie must return to save the day and kick some wom-butt!

After graduating high school, Carrie needs something to do for the summer. She goes to lifeguard try-outs and gets the job. In this hot Los Angeles summer, she will fall desperately in love with a much older lifeguard.

Окупаторска полиција ухапси човјека, јер је физички јако сличан вођи отпора. Почиње заврзлама, присиљавање полиције да он игра двоструку игру. Преко њега желе ликвидирати припаднике покрета отпора.

In this romantic comedy, three man-hungry sisters consult a fortune-teller to help them with their romantic futures.

Esmeralda, a beautiful gypsy street dancer, arouses the desire of men, especially of Claude Frollo, the archdeacon of Notre Dame. The latter asks Quasimodo, the deaf and deformed bell-ringer of the cathedral, to kidnap the girl. Quasimodo, who has been adopted by Frollo and obeys his every word, captures the gypsy but she is saved thanks to Phoebus, a handsome captain, and his archers. Arrested by Phoebus, the hunchback is condemned to be flogged at the pillory. When Esmeralada, moved to pity by his lot, gives him water to drink, Quasimodo falls in love with her. Later, Phoebus is stabbed to death and Esmeralda is wrongly accused of the murder. Sentenced to hang, she is saved by Quasimodo who offers her asylum and... the love of his heart.

Instructional film on how to use a dial telephone.

Andrew Garret is a cop trying to reveal the background of secret killing fights named "Game". He takes part in the fights under the nickname Gladiator. One of the Game bosses, Parmenion, wants him to fight with the ancient sword that once belonged to Alexander the Great against his own fighter Mongol to recall the 2000 years old duel between Alexander and his enemy whose re-incarnations he believes to be Andrew Garrett and himself.