当 25 岁的同性恋雅皮士大卫自愿成为一名艾滋病患者的“伙伴”时,同性恋社区中心将他指派给罗伯特,一位 32 岁的热衷于政治的同性恋园丁,被朋友和恋人抛弃。 在他探访罗伯特的病房期间,这两个人成为了朋友。
Pretty Bloody: The Women of Horror is a television documentary film that premiered on the Canadian cable network Space on February 25, 2009. The hour-long documentary examines the experiences, motivations and impact of the increasing number of women engaged in horror fiction, with producers Donna Davies and Kimberlee McTaggart of Canada's Sorcery Films interviewing actresses, film directors, writers, critics and academics. The documentary was filmed in Toronto, Canada; and in Los Angeles, California and New York City, New York in the US.
Werner Herzog takes a film crew to the island of Guadeloupe when he hears that the volcano on the island is going to erupt. Everyone has left, except for one old man who refuses to leave.
One of the greatest of black art pictures. The conjurer appears before the audience, with his head in its proper place. He then removes his head, and throwing it in the air, it appears on the table opposite another head, and both detached heads sing in unison. The conjurer then removes it a third time. You then see all three of his heads, which are exact duplicates, upon the table at one time, while the conjurer again stands before the audience with his head perfectly intact, singing in unison with the three heads upon the table. He closes the picture by bowing himself from the stage.
雉鸡是一种常见的狩猎鸟,每年在猎场上丧命的雉鸡不计其数。 一旦牠们无法满足猎人对杀戮的渴望, 嗜血的枪口便会开始寻找其他更刺激的目标…… 愈难缠的猎物愈刺激, 猎人赌上的不是金钱、荣誉,而是自己的命。 丹麦最神祕离奇、却又无人能破的悬案,唯有他,能解开通往关键线索的密码。卡尔.莫尔克,哥本哈根的资探警探,具有猎犬般的直觉、对线索紧咬不放的毅力,当最优秀的警探碰上最棘手的悬案,真相能否水落石出? 一九八七年,一对兄妹在自家的度假小屋惨遭杀害, 虽然凶手指向几位家境富裕的寄宿学生,却因证据不足, 让案情伴随两张从现场不翼而飞的游戏卡片被人刻意隐匿。 二十年后,这群寄宿学生成为社会的上流人士, 表面上,他们是事业有成的正派商人; 私底下,却是从狩猎游戏中获得快慰的「雉鸡杀手」。 不论商场或猎场,「杀手们」呼风唤雨, 但如鬼魅般纠缠的往事可不受控制, 总会有人要他们为过去的错误付出代价! 卡尔接下「小屋案」后噩运不断,一连串的事件就像威胁他罢手的警告, 难道凶手真的是掌控半个丹麦的商业钜子? 他的调查又会引来什么样的危机? 这一次,卡尔除了抽丝剥茧,还原真相, 还得想办法保护自己从猎人设下的陷阱中全身而退……
From an inauspicious beginning performing comedy routines in the back of a burger joint in New York, unorthodox stand-up star Zach Galifianakis has made a splash on the scene with his inimitable brand of humor. In this live show filmed at San Francisco's Purple Onion nightclub, the versatile funnyman serves up a healthy dose of his signature wit.
为了复活死去的好友加藤胜(松山健一 饰)以及其他逝者,玄野计(二宫和也 饰)与战友们5个月来不断与各种外星人作战,赢取更多的分数。在这一过程中,不断有新丁加入Gantz,而新丁似乎又对这个看似陌生的异类世界有着莫名的熟悉感。某天,本应死去的加藤突然出现在现实世界,这令玄野等人大为不解。而之后的战斗也显现出了诸多奇怪之处,比如在与黑衣星人的战斗中,敌我双方竟然同时出现在人满为患的地铁车厢内,以致于血流成河,引起巨大伤亡。现实与虚幻的界限开始模糊,来势汹汹的外星人也准备向Gantz的总部发起最后的攻击…… 本片根据奥浩哉的同名漫画改编。
The film deals with a young man, following his “endeavors” in the city he lives in, which mostly comprise of him roaming the streets aimlessly. In the beginning, he seems peculiar but still normal, but as the story progresses, the portrait of a sadomasochistic man is revealed quite eloquently.
《外出就餐2》是《外出就餐》系列电影的第2部。由Phillip J. Bartell执导的美国喜剧片,2006年上映。 本片主要讲述的是卡尔和马克分手后,在艺术课上遇到了做裸体模特的特瑞,而特瑞还弄不清楚自己的性向,但是他希望将来可以结婚生子。卡尔和同桌的女人被误认为是一对,他为了泡到特瑞,也撒谎说自己是异性恋,随后与特瑞走的很紧密。而马克看到这一切后故意借机接近特瑞,因为他还爱着卡尔。
Ruth Butler, a clerk in an emporium, marries Jimmy Rutledge and thereby greatly displeases his mother, the owner of the emporium, because of Ruth's lowly origins. Renaud Graham, one of Mrs. Rutledge's friends, becomes interested in Ruth, forces his way into her apartment, and attempts to make violent love to her. Jimmy walks in on their embrace and, suspecting the worst, leaves Ruth. In the family way, Ruth finds refuge in a boardinghouse where she meets Al Bryant, an aspiring writer. Ruth tells Al her life story, and he makes it into a bestselling novel and then into a play. Jimmy sees the play and comes to his senses, winning Ruth's forgiveness.
On 16 July 1212, a Crusader army made up of Castilians, Aragonese and Navarrese (but also French, English and Germans) confronted the army of the Almohad Caliph an-Nasir at the foot of the Sierra Morena mountain range. The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, as the battle is known, is considered the most important battle of the Middle Ages on the Iberian Peninsula and is a key event in the history of Spain. More than 800 years later, a group of archaeologists and specialists have begun an archaeological study of the battlefield. Is everything that has been said about the battle true? What secrets does the terrain hide? And, above all, what can we learn today about events that took place hundreds of years ago and that pitted tens of thousands of people against each other in the south of our country?
About the traditional celebration at Christmas.
外出就餐 5 剧情紧承上一部“戏剧营”,讲述了扎克和和新男友本奇前往同志度假村享受二人世界。饱览各色男体的本奇食指大动,向扎克提出各有各玩的开放性周末提议……
An old Finnish athlete travels alone through eastern Europe with his van.