Night on Earth e o colecție de cinci episoade (scrise în opt zile) al căror punct comun îl reprezintă relația temporară ce se stabilește între taximetrist și pasager în cinci orașe diferite: Los Angeles, New York, Paris, Roma și Helsinki.
30-minute short subject film that would become Stranger Than Paradise. This short was released as a standalone film in 1982, and shown as "Stranger Than Paradise" at the 1983 International Film Festival Rotterdam. When it was later expanded into a three-act feature, that name was appropriated for the feature itself, and the initial segment was renamed "The New World".
William Blake, an accountant turned fugitive, is on the run. During his travels, he meets a Native American man called Nobody, who guides him on a journey to the spiritual world.
A cinematic portrait of the homeless population who live permanently in the underground tunnels of New York City.
Calea Samuraiului este povestea unui killer modern din New York. Ghost Dog trăiește neștiut de nimeni pe acoperișul unei clădiri abandonate, înconjurat de un stol de porumbei. Nimeni nu-i știe adevăratul nume, nici măcar cei care l-au angajat în slujba lor. Este un solitar, maestru al puterii de adaptare, se mișcă nevăzut și fantomatic pe străzile New York-ului. Ghost Dog este un asasin, însă unul loial celui care odată i-a salvat viața, un mafiot new-yorkez. Concepția lui asupra vieții este aceea de a urma strict regulile doctrinei Hagakure, Cartea luptătorilor samurai. Când va fi trădat de cel pe care îl respectă și pentru care lucra, își va urma calea, singura pe care o cunoaște: Calea Samuraiului. Toți trădătorii vor plăti, până la unul.
Kanji este un japonez singur ce locuieste in Thainlanda, lucrand ca bibliotecar la Fundatia Japoneza din Bangkok. Tema sinuciderii are alte conotatii pentru el. [ Nu vreau sa ma sinucid din aceleasi motive pentru care o fac si restul sinucigasilor: probleme financiare, inima ranita, lipsa sperantei. Nu, nu eu. O multime de carti spun "a muri este linistitor." Stiati asta? Ca si cum ti-ai face siesta... inainte de a te trezi proaspat si pregatit sa incepi o noua viata....Este beatitudine.] Filmul se termina cu doua scene ce se exclud una pe alta, astfel incat imaginatia fiecaruia sa-si creeze propriul final. Una care-l arata pe Kanji ca fiind arestat pentru crima si cealalta ni-l indica reintors in orasul sau natal, Osaka, la tanara thailandeza Noi.
A blue-collar worker on New York's depressed waterfront finds his life changed after he saves a woman attempting suicide.
In a vignette called "Strange to meet you," Roberto sits at a small table in a coffee bar. Five cups of coffee and two ashtrays are in front of him; he drinks and smokes. Steven joins him. They start a conversation about cigarettes and coffee. Steven likes to drink coffee before he sleeps, so he can dream faster. The conversation jumps around. "You know my mother?" asks Roberto. Steven describes coffee Popsicles. They switch seats; then switch back. Steven has to leave for a dental appointment he's not looking forward to. Roberto makes a startling offer, inspired no doubt by the coffee and cigarettes.
As the devoutly single Don Johnston is dumped by his latest girlfriend, he receives an anonymous pink letter informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him.
A brother and sister, sitting in a coffee bar, bicker mildly about whose idea it was to come to Memphis and which kind of cigarette is fresher. Danny, their waiter, comes by offering refills; after determining they are twins, he guesses which is the evil one. Without a pause, he sits down and offers his theory about Elvis's twin. He drones on. The good twin finally speaks up, giving her own opinion. The waiter is unfazed. After his boss finally calls him back to work, the twins are free to resume their bickering amidst the coffee and cigarettes.
Jacques is the curmudgeonly owner of a gritty New York dive bar that serves as home to a motley assortment of professional drinkers. Jacques is determinedly drinking and smoking himself to death when he meets Lucas, a homeless young man who has already given up on life. Determined to keep his legacy alive, Jacques deems Lucas is a fitting heir and takes him under his wing.
During a train ride, a teenager recalls his upbringing in 1940s small-town Georgia and the events that have led to this point.
When a young coffee shop owner is threatened with repossession she must take a chance with life and love as she fights to save her business.
Today, there are more people in the world who play League of Legends than there are people who live in France. We wanted to look inside this rapidly expanding world of competitive gaming, so VICE host Matt Shea flew to South Korea, a country where so-called "eSports" can either make you rich and famous or land you in rehab.
In the future, a health nut and his tag-along girlfriend become trapped in a drive-in theater that has become a concentration camp for outcast youths.
A woman leaves for a quiet weekend in the country after losing her job and imploding her latest dysfunctional relationship. She rents a country house from an old-fashioned widower who’s struggling to hide his psychopathic tendencies. Soon, two generations collide with terrifying results.
Red-haired, sex-obsessed manchild Lucio lazes all day long with his friend Pino until he falls for the beautiful head of the local loony bin. A retelling of 'Pinocchio' from the perspective of a Candlewick-like character.
Given incredible power by an ancient Celtic Cross. Callan continues to fight evil... Now, joined by a team of weapons experts, Callan battles an unstoppable empire in Los Angeles.
5 best friends, in search of finding ways to get rich, finally find a lot of gold in the forest. Just as they think they finally did it, they get in trouble with a German godfather who kidnapped one of them since he wanted the gold. The besties finally save their friend and return their usual loser days.
Feliks, professional killer, has only 24 hours to get to the distant island, where his beloved woman and the money for the custom made is waiting for him. Lyova Shalamov and his brother Garik have also 24 hours to find and to kill Feliks.