A doctor receives an early morning callout and is kidnapped. American detective Nick Logan assists Scotland Yard in tracking down the perpetrator.

In 1976, reggae icon Bob Marley survived an assassination attempt as rival political groups battled in Jamaica. But who exactly was responsible?

Philip Hannon, a blind playwright living in London, overhears part of a conversation , that leads him into a desperate race, to find a kidnapped child. When he gets no help from the police, he along with his butler, and his ex fiancée, attempt to track down the crooks.

Biografinė drama supažindina su 1970-ųjų JAV televizijos laidų vedėju Chacku Barrisu, kuris gyveno dvejopą gyvenimą - buvo ne tik televizijos laidų prodiuseris, bet ir samdomas žudikas, vykdė (o gal ne...) slaptas CŽV užduotis. Chuckas Barris parašė autobiografinę knygą , kurioje lyg tarp kitko prisipažino nužudęs 33 žmones. Tuo nepatikėjo nei artimiausi bičiuliai, nei kolegos. Iki šiol nėra tikrai žinoma, ar CŽV agentai tikrai buvo užverbavę TV žvaigždę, ar jis pats sugalvojo šią skandalingą istoriją. Kaip atskirti realybę nuo prasimanymo? Gal jis pats išsigalvojo neegzistuojančius herojus, gal jį kankino haliucinacijos.

Klestinčios oro linijos savininkas Tomas Mulenas turtus susikrovė sunkiu ir sąžiningu darbu. Šaunią jo šeimą ištinka tragedija – pagrobiamas sūnus. Nusikaltėliai reikalauja dviejų milijonų dolerių. Iš pradžių Tomas ketina sumokėti išpirką. Tačiau vėliau kreipiasi į FTB. Kai pinigų iškeitimo į sūnų operacija nepasiseka, vyras ryžtasi pats jį susigrąžinti ir atskleisti kruopščiai parengtą pagrobimo planą. Tomas griebiasi desperatiškų ir netikėtų priemonių: per televiziją praneša, kad išpirkos milijonai dabar skiriami už... sūnaus grobikų galvas!

Hwang Jang Lee is a corrupt Ming guard who frames John Liu for murder. A wanted fugitive, John hides out with a teen who is an expert in the infamous Iron Armor technique, a technique that means the expert can withstand anything. However, Hwang is an expert in it as well as the Eagle Claw's. Can John stop Hwang before it's too late?

Although not the first feature-length animated film, as is sometimes thought, it was the first cartoon to feature a character with an appealing personality. The appearance of a true character distinguished it from earlier animated "trick films", such as those of Blackton and Cohl, and makes it the predecessor to later popular cartoons such as those by Walt Disney. The film was also the first to be created using keyframe animation.

Teisę studijuojanti Derbi savarankiškai tiria dviejų aukšto rango teisininkų nužudymo bylas. Jai pavyksta rasti labai svarbių įkalčių ir iki tol neatskleistų korupcijos faktų, įrodančių, jog tai buvo ne politinės žmogžudystės, o nusikaltimai dėl milžiniškų pinigų. Faktus Derbi išguldo teisinėje byloje ir ją pavadina „Pelikano“ byla. Bet šie atradimai merginą pasmerkia nesibaigiantiems pavojams. Kiekvienas, prisilietęs prie „Pelikano“ bylos, nužudomas. Derbi kreipiasi pagalbos į laikraščio reporterį. Vienintelis išsigelbėjimas – paviešinti surinktą informaciją. Tačiau persekiojantys žudikai taip pat nesnaudžia. Kas ją medžioja – FTB? CŽV? O gal mafija?

Based on a true story of inmates at KZ Buchenwald that risked their lives to hide a small Jewish boy shortly before the liberation of the camp.

A provocative, seemingly absurd patchwork movie which sends a worthwhile message about hope against all odds, love, children and human understanding. Schoolgirl Victorine has an insane mother and an alcoholic father who can never find his way home in their maze of slum apartment blocks. Aggressive, sexually threatening boys of all ages are everywhere, and while the teacher eventually relents to a gang of adolescent rapists, Victorine gives herself to a rowdy gang of older layabouts, eventually winning the heart of burglar Paul.

A boy is sent to a small town high school to complete his senior year.

Mysterious Orfamay Quest hires Los Angeles private investigator Philip Marlowe to find her missing brother. Though the job seems simple enough, it leads Marlowe into the underbelly of the city, turning up leads who are murdered with ice picks, exotic dancers, blackmailed television stars and self-preserving gangsters. Soon, Marlowe's life is on the line right along with his case.

In 1950s Los Angeles, a special crime squad of the LAPD investigates the murder of a young woman.

Carl, a career criminal, receives an early release from prison and immediately begins preparations for his next big heist.

Reporteriai Piteris Breketas ir Sabrina Peterson dirba konkuruojančiuose laikraščiuose. Jie labai išradingi varžovai ir skaitytojai nuolatos laukia jų sensacingų reportažų. Kartą jie susiduria aprašinėdami vieną geležinkelio katastrofą. Rinkdami žinias ir vis bandydami vienas kitam užbėgti už akių pamažu jie užuodžia didelę aferą. Dabar tenka suvienyti jėgas, kad surastų tikruosius kaltininkus. Taip iš varžovų jie tampa įsimylėjėliai...

Jealous, harried air traffic controller Max Fielder, recently dumped by his girlfriend, comes into contact with nuclear waste and is granted the power of telekinesis, which he uses to not only win her back, but to gain a little revenge.

After surviving an attempt on his life by his former partner, officer Cliff Garrett (Norris) exacts revenge on those who wronged him by going undercover as a hit man. He works to gain the reputation and trust needed in order to be accepted by the burgeoning Seattle-area criminal underworld, but it is all done in order to take it down from within.

Jimmy Alto is an actor wannabe who stumbles into the role of a lifetime. He becomes a vigilante crime-fighter, aided by his sidekick William, who has suffered a head wound and has problems with short-term memory. Jimmy's vigilante alter ego soon becomes a media wonder--but Jimmy remains a total unknown and his long-suffering girl friend Lorraine is getting fed up with the whole situation.

Mallory is the head of an elite government-run strike force dedicated to combating the supernatural. Her team includes the drag queen Vena Cava, an explosives expert; a mute, pre-teen telepath capable of possessing others named Talking Tina; and an armed governmental agent named Durand.

Corky Romano is a bumbling, simpleton, veterinarian and the youngest, outcast son of an aging gangster, named Pops Romano, who calls upon Corky to infiltrate the local FBI and retrieve and destroy evidence being used to incriminate Pops for racketeering charges.