Philip Glass’ opera “Akhnaten”, premiered in Stuttgart in 1984, forms the third part of the portrait opera trilogy about personalities who have influenced the course of human history. The conclusion of the trilogy deals with the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, who attempted to establish a kind of monotheistic cult around the god Aton during his reign in the 14th century BC, but failed due to the resistance of the priesthood. The production presented here was undoubtedly one of the very great successes of the 2019/20 season at New York’s Metropolitan Opera, due not only to the outstanding cast of singers (led by countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo) but also to Phelim McDermott’s imaginative staging, which captivates with sometimes breathtaking imagery.

The Red Mountain Tribe hangs out in my backyard. "Lipton's lovely home movie PEOPLE, in its affection for valuable inconsequential gestures, indicates in the course of its three minutes why there has to be a continuing alternative to the commercial cinema." – Roger Greenspun, The New York Times

A mock trial during the rehearsal of a play quickly turns into a gripping drama about desire, gender issues, power and control, this is an adaptation of playwright Vijay Tendulkar's Shantata. Court Chalu Aahe (1963).

Le quatuor espagnol Melenas libère son krautrock sous influence pop depuis la scène du Bilbao BBK Live Festival. Une magnifique introduction à l’univers de leur troisième album, Ahora.

Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.

All Elite Wrestling's preshow event for the third annual Double or Nothing, held at Daily's Place in Jacksonville, Florida.

Stranded in a small beach town, a troubled young drifter breaks into a wealthy home and cons her way into the good graces of the family that lives there.

Two lovers chase the last hour of light as it blooms and fades. He is losing himself and she is the keeper of his memory. There is no time. There is all the time in the world.

Three cosmonauts bid farewell to their loved ones and embark on a journey into space, where they encounter discoveries in uncharted territory yet to be explored by humankind.

Un photographe a tout mis en place pour prendre en photo un gentleman mais n'arrive pas à la prendre car le sujet n'arrête pas de bouger.

After having witnessed her father's brutal murder, three-year-old Alma and her mother fled their war-torn homeland and settled in Iceland. Now, 25 years later, Alma is serving time in a psych ward for murdering her boyfriend, a crime she can't remember. But when she discovers the boyfriend is still alive, Alma decides to escape and kill him after all.

Sandra et sa fille, Sophie, viennent d'ouvrir une pâtisserie. Blaine, un jeune musicien, vient jouer de la guitare devant leur magasin et provoque un petit attroupement qui permet à Sandra et Sophie de faire découvrir leurs produits. Afin de le remercier, elles l'invitent à se produire dans leur boutique. Blaine se lie rapidement d'amitié avec les deux femmes. Il séduit Sophie mais, dans le dos de celle-ci, semble également entreprenant avec Sandra. Après quelques mois, Sophie souhaite officialiser leur relation, mais Blaine lui déconseille de le faire.

The more they spit, the more they enjoy themselves. But when the teacher arrives, Xavier and Liam are moulded by their actions.

Violet reconnects with her biological mother and her half-sister, Samantha. The sisters find their common ground as both of their worlds revolve around drugs and sexual abuse.

The flight attendant Sue Chambers becomes frightened for her life when she discovers that one of her coworkers was killed because the murderer thought he was killing her. Her fear does not prevent Sue from looking into the matter and trying to learn the killer's identity.

After discovering that Misty has a magic stone called the "The Crack of Dawn", Queen Zombie Ruby sends her army of zombies to get it, get her, grope her and turn her into a zombie too.