Amikor a teljes napfogyatkozás után sötét erő borítja be a Földet, a szétszóródott harcosoknak újra egyesülniük kell, hogy visszahozzák a fényt a világba.

Bilbónak, Gandalfnak, Thorinnak és társaiknak a Ködhegység alagútjaiból kikerülve újabb veszedelmekkel kell szembenézniük.

With the Gyaos re-emerging, Gamera's ties to humanity have been severed with his bond to Asagi broken. Nagamine and Asagi investigate while an orphaned girl named Ayana discovers a new creature she names Iris. Nagamine and Asagi must reach Ayana before she takes her revenge on Gamera, who she blames for the death of her family.

Titkok, hazugságok, ármány, elnyomók és elnyomottak harcának brutalitása, valamint a lelepleződés paranoid félelme itatja át Kim Jee-woon történelmi köntösbe bújtatott kémthrillerét. Rideg, szentimentalizmustól mentes hangnem, komplex karakterek és cselekmény, stílusos és elegáns rendezés. Újabb egzotikus gyöngyszem Dél-Koreából.Lee Jung-chool (Song Kang-ho) a koreai tartomány politikai rendőrségének főparancsnoka, akit japán feljebbvalója Higashi (Shingo Tsurumi) azzal bíz meg, hogy derítse ki az ellenállás legújabb célpontját, férkőzzön a tagok közelébe, majd kerítse őket kézre. Egy korábbi rajtaütés során életét vesztette Lee egykori barátja Kim Jan-ok is, ami alapjaiban rengeti meg a férfi elkötelezettségét hűbéresei irányába. Jól érzékeli ezt Higashi is, aki nem bízva mindent a véletlenre melléküld egy ambiciózus fiatal tisztet, Hashimotót, akinek csak papíron feladata Jung-chool segítése, valójában azt kell figyelnie, hogy jól végzi-e a koreai a munkáját.

Phase Gaye Re Obama is a comedy set against the backdrop of global recession/meltdown that originated in USA. The film traces the journey of OM Shashtri, an American citizen of Indian origin, who loses all his wealth overnight to the global recession & has been asked to vacate his home by the bank unless he pays up $100,000 (mortgaged amount) within 30 days. Seeing no other option Om comes to India to sell a small piece of an ancestral property. But within days of landing in India he is kidnapped by a 'recession-hit' underworld gang those who think that he is still a millionaire. What happens to Om, is he able to save his home, how did the 'poor' gangster cope with their 'poor' catch & what do small town Indian gangsters have to say to President largely forms the rest of the story. The film, showcases how global recession/ meltdown impacted lives from an America based businessman to underworld dons in the dusty plains of small town India.

Amanda Waller, az A.R.G.U.S. nevű fiktív kormányügynökség hideg és számító tisztviselője újabb elátkozott küldetést tervez. Ismét összehozza hát a Task Force X-et, más néven az Öngyilkos osztagot, melyet olyan fickók alkotnak, mint a Lövész, Bumeráng kapitány és Harley Quinn, hozzájuk társul az újonnan érkezett Rézfejű, Gyilkos Fagy, valamint a Bronz Tigris, a harcművészet mestere. Az Öngyilkos osztag feladata, hogy megszerezze a misztikus tárgyat, amire más gonosztevőknek is fáj a foga.

The story of Charlotte Brown,a waitress and young single mother who will do anything for her daughter Jenny, and when push comes to shove, she does. With a menacing figure on the other end of the phone and a time limit of two hours,she must raise enough money to ensure that she sees the smiling face of her child again. Charlotte's customers are her only hope. The clock is ticking as we see the desperate young mother dealing with one eccentric customer after the next, displaying her charming vulnerability and inspiring strength through all the chaos. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, Charlotte maintains her focus and attempts to beat the clock and save the day.

This in-world short film takes place in the year 2036 and revolves around Jared Leto’s character, Niander Wallace. In this short, Wallace introduces a new line of “perfected” replicants called the Nexus 9, seeking to get the prohibition on replicants repealed. This no doubt has serious ramifications that will be crucial to the plot of Blade Runner 2049.

The world has begun to collapse. The rampaging Meicoomon absorbs Tailmon, who underwent a dark evolution, and changes form into the immensely powerful Ordinemon. In accordance with Yggdrasil's expectation, the real world is about to be engulfed by the Digital World. Meanwhile, Homeostasis considers Ordinemon to be out of control and puts into motion its final plan that will entangle the real world. Then the time comes for the DigiDestined to arrive at a final decision. What future do they choose for themselves?

Egy hűséges asszony végig kitart különc férje mellett, mígnem egy nap rájön, hogy a férfi elárulta őt és házasságukat.

Anton feleségül akarja kérni barátnőjét, aki azzal az ötlettel áll elő, hogy legyen nyitottabb a a kapcsolatuk és randizzanak másokkal is. Anton megismeri Teresát, akivel kitalálnak egy új randi appot. A barátaik segítségével létrehoznak egy népszerű randi alkalmazást, ám hamar kiderül, hogy nem tökéletes az új találmány. Anton és Teresa eközben egymásba szeretnek.

As the silhouette of a lonely girl runs through the woods, something in the shadows is lurking her.

Jura is 23 years old - and Lena is 23. They live in Budennovsk, play computer games, walk and learn. They live in a city where Shamil Basayev entered 23 years ago with militants, and know almost nothing about the events of that time.

A game show where Jo Firestone sets up a cookie tasting in a parking lot to try to make friends. Contestants must ultimately decide between a friendship and $50 cash.

Red is the story of three teens in rural Pennsylvania who are torn apart by the closet. James and Lizzy's seemingly normal relationship is shattered by Aaron, the guy James hooked up with and who is unable to bear their secret and confronts James.

Engagement Rate Formula is a video in which Melis proposes a serial production of social media 'Like' icons made out of plaster material. Once the 500 Likes have been reached, they are packed in boxes to be sent by post to the Moira refugee camp on the island of Lesbos, Greece.

SUMMARY:- A girl wakes up early in the morning to witness an immense Pain in her groin area & discovers blood on the bedsheet which makes her very uncomfortable to face her father. The next series of events lead her to understand whether she can speak about it or not, moreover, an important incident is highlighted between the use of face mask and sanitary pads as both are used for protection purposes. In this, her father get involved consciously and maintains stability and at the same time respecting her daughter's emotion in order to make her understand about the scenario, makes it even more effective love & affection for the father-daughter duo in facing each other and also towards the society.

The chronicles of a degenerate man who loves to masturbate, and his corporate disabled friend.

Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.