Tai įkvepiantis pasakojimas paremtas tikra istorija apie Amerikos mokyklų futbolo žvaižgždę Brianą Banksą, kurio gyvenimas apsiverčia aukštyn kojomis, kai jis nuteisiamas už nusikaltimą, kurio nepadarė. Nors įrodymų trūksta, Banksas greitai prasukamas per sugedusią teisėsaugos sistemą ir gauna dešimties metų bausmę. Po kurio laiko Banksas pradeda kovoti bandydamas susigrąžinti savo gyvenimą ir įgyvendinti svajonę žaisti NFL.
The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.
Connie Doyle is eighteen, pregnant and alone. She accidentally ends up on a train where she meets Hugh Winterbourne and his wife pregnant Patricia. The train wrecks and she wakes up in the hospital to find out that it's been assumed that she's Patricia. Hugh's mother takes her in and she falls in love with Hugh's brother Bill. Just when she thinks everything is going her way, her ex-boyfriend shows up.
Daug triukšmo dėl nieko (Much Ado About Nothing) - moderni V. Šekspyro komedija apie dvi labai skirtingas įsimylėjėlių poras. Viena sužadėtinių pora, tai Benedikas ir Beatričė, jie labai kalbūs ir reiškia savo panieką meilei, santuokai ir vienas kitam. Kita jauna porelė, tai Klaudijus ir Hero, jie yra jauni mieli žmonės, kurie meile vienas kitam išreiškia be žodžių. Benedikas ir Beatričė apgaulės būdų priverčiami vienas kitam prisipažinti meilėje, o Klaudijus prie altoriaus yra priverstas atstumti savo mylimąją Hero.
During a snowy winter in the small fictional town of Knight's Ridge, Massachusetts, a group of lifelong buddies hang out, drink and struggle to connect with the women who affect their decisions, dreams and desires.
A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.
Kai nerimastingai kaukianti didžiulio muziejaus signalizacija praneša pasauliui, jog kažkas dingo nakties tamsoje kartu su neįkainojamu Claude'o Monet paveikslu, ant kojų sukeliama visa Niujorko policija. Turtingas, įtakingas ir gerbiamas Tomas Kraunas – paskutinis žmogus mieste, kurį galėtų įtarti detektyvai. Ir vis dėlto kai kas jį įtaria. Privati detektyvė Katerina Bening – ne tik nuostabi moteris, bet ir pagarsėjusi savo amato profesionalė. Jos užduotis – bet kokia kaina surasti dingusį paveikslą. Kaip ir Tomas Kraunas, ši moteris mėgsta išbandymus bei riziką. Ji priima ekscentriškojo milijonieriaus iššūkį. Ką pasiūlyti žmogui, kuris turi viską? Prasideda įtemptas žaidimas, kuris žaidžiamas dviese, tačiau nugalėtojas bus tik vienas. Tačiau ar atsispirs žaidėjai jausmų jėgai?
Tia and Tony are two orphaned youngsters with extraordinary powers. Lucas Deranian poses as their uncle in order to get the kids into the clutches of Deranian's megalomaniacal boss, evil millionaire Aristotle Bolt, who wants to exploit them. Jason, a cynical widower, helps Tia and Tony escape to witch mountain, while at the same time Tia and Tony help Jason escape the pain of the loss of his wife.
Grupė nusikaltėlių surenkama paslaptingomis aplinkybėmis, kad dirbtų kartu ir išsiaiškintų, kas iš tiesų vyksta, kai paprastas darbas pakrypsta visai ne į tą pusę.
A teenager becomes overwhelmed with guilt after her lies to support a friend's claim of sexual assault lead to the accused teacher's suicide.
Two escaped cons' only prayer to escape is to pass themselves off as priests and pass by the police blockade at the border into the safety of Canada.
Country girl Rebecca has spent most of her life on a farm in South Dakota, and, when she goes away to college in Los Angeles, Rebecca immediately feels out of place in the daunting urban setting. She is befriended by a savvy party animal named Crawl, who convinces the ambivalent Rebecca to stay in the city. When Thanksgiving break rolls around, Rebecca, no longer an innocent farm girl, invites Crawl back to South Dakota, where he pretends to be her fiancé.
Sarą paliko vyras. Gera linkinti šeima nutaria, kad jai skubiai reikia širdies draugo. Aktyviausiai dirba sesuo – į pažinčių tinklalapį įdeda jos duomenis su prierašu: „Turi mylėti šunis.“ Sara labai myli šunis, bet, juokingiausia, pati neturi! Tad aklam pasimatymui šunų aikštelėje su Džeiku pasiskolina brolio augintinį. O Džeikas taip pat „išsinuomoja“ keturkojį. Ar jiedviem suvizgins uodegą tikra meilė?
Amidst a sea of litigation, two New York City divorce lawyers find love.
Married couple Jack and Terry Linden are experiencing a difficult period in their relationship. When Jack decides to step outside the marriage, he becomes involved with Edith, who happens to be the wife of his best friend and colleague, Hank Evans. Learning of their partners' infidelity, Terry and Hank engage in their own extramarital affair together. Now, both marriages and friendships are on the brink of collapse.
Sexy couple Zack and Benji decide to have an “open” weekend to partake in the smorgasbord of available men on their vacation to a gay getaway in Palm Springs. When Zack runs into his ex-boyfriend Casey at the resort, they both do their best to look like they are having a good time. How could they not, when they are surrounded by cute, frisky guys with six-packs and very little clothing?
Two spoiled Beverly Hills sisters who have been left penniless after their father's sudden death are forced to move in with their estranged aunt in East Los Angeles.
Leslie Zevo is a fun-loving inventor who must save his late father's toy factory from his evil uncle, Leland, a war-mongering general who rules the operation with an iron fist and builds weapons disguised as toys.
A young and naive college art student becomes obsessed with assuming the identity and personality of a departed coed who used to live in her room, and in so doing causes complications that result in two men, a student and her art professor, lusting after her.
Two brothers have half of a powerful ancient Chinese talisman. An evil gang leader has the other half, and determines to get the brothers' half and have a complete medallion so he can gain absolute power.