Pier Paolo Pasolini sets out to interview Italians about sex, apparently their least favorite thing to talk about in public: he asks children if they know where do babies come from; asks old and young women if they support gender equality; asks both sexes if a woman's virginity still matters, what do they think of homosexuality, if divorce should be legal, or if they support the recent abolition of brothels. He interviews blue-collar workers, intellectuals, college students, rural farmers, the bourgeoisie, and every other kind of people, painting a vivid portrait of a rapidly-industrializing Italy, hanging between modernity and tradition — toward both of which Pasolini shows equal distrust.

28 of the very best animated shorts starring the very wackiest Warner Bros. cartoon characters. It's an unprecedented animation celebration for cartoon lovers eager to relive the heady, hilarious, golden age of Warner Bros. animation.

James Hunt has never been equalled. Could swashbuckling Hunt catch the scientific Lauda? Could Niki overcome an appalling crash to come back from the dead and fight James all the way to the last race of the season? This powerful story captures the heart of the 1970s - told through unseen footage and exclusive interviews with the people who were really there - the team managers, families, journalists and friends who were in the front row of the season that changed Formula 1 forever.

A young boy makes a snowman one Christmas Eve, which comes to life at midnight and takes him on a magical adventure to the North Pole to meet Santa Claus.

Galiarren beste behin erromatarrak garaitu ostean, erromatarrek galiarrak duten indarraren ondorioz gizakiek garaitezinak direla usteko dute, Jainkoek bakarrik menperatu ditzazketela. Julio Zesarri berri emango diote, eta nahiz eta gogoz kontza izan ere, Senatuarekin eztabaidatu eta Armorikara joatea erabakiko du, bertan Abrarakurzix galiar buruzagiarekin biltzartuko da. Galiarrei Heraklesen hamabi lanetan oinarritutako hamabi proba burutzea proposatuko die (nahiz eta proba hauek berriak izan, lanak modaz pasatuak baidaude). Abrarakurzixek erromatarren erronkari aurre egiteko bere gerlari onenei deituko die, Asterix eta Obelix. Erromatarrak bi galiarrei Kaio Pupo izeneko gizona bidaliko diete, probetan zehar gidatu eta bakoitza betetzen dituztela ziurtatzeko.

Interpol Inspector Zenigata embarks to Egypt in hot pursuit of world's most wanted master thief, Lupin the Third, who is seeking a stone artifact with his partners, Jigen and Goemon. Notorious femme fatale, Fujiko Mine is also after the stone, lured by the promise of eternal youth and beauty by the sinister and enigmatic scientist known as Mamo. It all leads to Mamo's hideaway, where Lupin discovers the madman's dark secret and a fiendish scheme that threatens the entire planet! Now, it's up to Lupin to stop the insane Mamo before he can complete his 10,000 year-old plans of world domination.

After Doug picks up hitchhiking Rosco with his truck, they are mistaken for two bank robbers by the traffic police. They manage to escape only to be confused for two secret agents while trying to take a flight at the airport.

Britainiarrak mendeen joan-etorrian berexiak bilakatu direla esatea gehitxo litzateke. Jada jatorriz bitxiak baitziren eta gainontzekoengandik ezberdinak. Britainiarrak ez dira inoiz te orduan borrokatzen, ezta asteburuetan ere, beraz Julio Zesarri haiek irabaztea arras erraza egin zitzaion, nahiz eta erromatarrak Britainian nahiko desantolatuak agertu. Zorionez, isolatutako britainiar herrixka bat oraindik ere matxino dirau! Beren laguntza eskaturik, erromatarrak Londiniumen topatu dituzte ardo kupel guztiak bereganatu dituzte, baita galiarrena ere, beren lehen britainiar bazkaritik osatzen bauzeuden. Aginduak betez, legionariek kupelak bana-bana dastatuko dituzte, haietako zeinetan edabe magikoa dagoen jakiteko. Dastaketaren zeremonia sekulako kaosa bilakatuko da, erromatar soldaduak azken tantararte mozkortuko baidira. Orduan Asterixi kupel preziatua bereganatzea erraza egingo zaio, baina denbora laburrez. Obelix ohartzeko mozkorregi dagoenez, berehala kupela ohostuko baidiote...

On September 1st, 1939, Nazi Germany invades Poland, unleashing World War II. On September 17th, the Soviet Red Army crosses the border. The Polish army, unable to fight on two fronts, is defeated. Thousands of Polish men, both military and government officials, are captured by the invaders. Their fate will only be known several years later.

A free-spirited woman "kidnaps" a yuppie for a weekend of adventure. But the fun quickly takes a dangerous turn when her ex-con husband shows up.

When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the destruction before the damage becomes irreversible and worldwide communication halts forever. As computer-based missiles are launched, and a wayward Digimon kidnaps the Digidestined, only the combined efforts of a worldwide network of kids and a new group of "Digidestined" can rescue the others and stop global disaster.

In 1978, $20 million was stolen from a Detroit bank. One of the robbers was caught, one was found dead, and the third disappeared. The money was never found. Seven years later, the robber who was caught was released from jail. He immediately went to Miami, only to be found dead the next day. Now FBI agents Doug Bennet and Steve Forest have been called in to investigate the case while posing as Miami police officers. Somewhere in Miami the third robber is hiding with his $20 million, and he has a seven-year head start on the authorities.

Behin batean, Asterix, bere kirolik gogokoena den ehizan ari da, eta lau erromatar legionario aurkitzen dute, Asterixek berehala garaitzen dituenak. Lau erromatarrak euren kanpamentura itzulitakoan, Kaius Bonus zenturioiari, halako pasara eman diena, neurrigabeko indarra zuen galiar bakarra izan dela kontatzen diote. Galiarrek indar hori nondik lortzen duten jakin nahirik, Kaius Bonusek, Zesarren tokia hartu nahi duena, espioi bat bidaltzen du Asterixen herrixkara, Kaligula Minus, galiarra bailitzan mozorroturik. Behin herrixkara iritsita, erromatarrak Panoramixen edabe magikoa hartzen du, eta, ondoren, dantza batean, gezurrezko bibotetik tiratzen diotenean, herrixkakoek, erromatarra ezagutzen dute. Hau, baina, berehalako batean korrika abiatzen da bere kanpamenturantz, oraindik edabe magikoaren eraginpean, eta, Kaius Bonusi, indar hori, edabe magiko batetik datorkiela kontatzen dio.

Panoramixek, menir batekin kolpe bat hartu eta memoria galtzen du. Horrek zorigaitz ikaragarria eragiten du, bera baita edabe magikoa egiten dakien bakarra, eta beraz herria erromatarretik salbu mantentzen duena.

Galiako herrixkan, mutiko batzuk haur eztabaida bat hasiko dute. Hika-mikan zehar, Panoramix edabe magikoa prestatzen ari zen pertza lurrera erori eta bere eduki preziaturik gabe geldituko da. Hortaz, druida edabea berriz prestatzeko asmoz basora aterako da, baina galiarren etsai izugarriek bahituko dute: erromatarrek. Asterix eta Obelix, Idefixen laguntzaz, bahiketaz ohartu eta beren laguna askatzeko asmoz erromatarren atzetik abiatuko dira. Erromatarrek itsasoz harata joan eta Panoramix munduaren amildegitik behera botatzeko asmoa dute (garaiko jendeak mundua laua zela uste baitzuen), baina nahigabean Amerikara iritsiko dira. Eta bi galiarrak eta txakurtxoa beren atzetik doaz...

Asterix and Obelix have been given a tough mission: Transform the chief's lazy nephew Justforkix into a warrior. When the Vikings abduct him and bring him back to their homeland, Asterix and Obelix must travel to Norway to rescue Justforkix.

A director attempts to understand why he does what he does.

Set against the backdrop of the infamous Theatre Grand Guignol the story revolves around iconic actress Paula Maxa - the most famous of the Grand Guignol's leading ladies and the titular Most Assassinated Woman, who was graphically slain on stage multiple times a day.

A writer struggles with her daughter's decision to drop out of college and live on the streets.

A pizza delivery guy decides to expand his job and now delivers anything, even a car.