Rita, an underrated lawyer working for a large law firm more interested in getting criminals out of jail than bringing them to justice, is hired by the leader of a criminal organization.

„Mėlyna“ – pirmoji legendinio režisieriaus Krzysztof Kieslowski spalvų trilogijos, kine įkūnijančios nacionalines Prancūzijos laisvės, lygybės ir brolybės vertybes, dalis. Netekusi savo talentingo kompozitoriaus vyro ir judviejų dukters automobilio avarijoje, Julie (aktorė Juliette Binoche), nors ir sugniuždyta, bando viską pradėti iš naujo. Toli nuo savojo per ramaus ir prisiminimų persmelkto užmiesčio namo, artimų žmonių, ji ieško laisvės anonimiškai ir visiškai nuo nulio pradėdama nepriklausomą gyvenimą Paryžiaus metropolyje. Ir muzika jos neapleidžia, lydi visos istorijos metu, atskleisdama savo gydančią galią ir grąžindama Julie į gyvųjų pasaulį.

Auksine Kanų palmės šakele apdovanotas filmas „Žiemos miegas“ pasakoja apie centrinėje Anatolijoje gyvenantį viešbučio savininką Aydiną, buvusį aktorių, išgyvenantį egzistencinę bei kūrybinę krizę. Aydinas įsitikinęs, esąs reikšminga figūra savo miestelyje. Jis turi skiltį vietiniame laikraštyje ir rašo knygą apie Turkijos teatro istoriją, tačiau simpatijų jis nesulaukia nei iš miestelėnų, nei iš savo artimųjų. Kino kritikai filmą vadina “visiškai užvaldančiu dėmesį, pasižyminčiu ypatinga vaidyba” (“Indiewire”), “kerinčiu filmu” (“The Guardian”), “įtraukiančiu ir užburiančiu opusu” (“Variety).

Itinerant projection-equipment repairman Bruno Winter and depressed hitchhiker Robert Lander - a doctor who has just been through a break-up with his wife and a half-hearted suicide attempt - travel along the Western side of the East-German border in a repair truck, visiting worn-out movie theaters, learning to communicate across their differences.

In 1901, Elisa Sánchez Loriga adopts a male identity in order to marry the woman she loves, Marcela Gracia Ibeas.

Writer Paul Benjamin is nearly hit by a bus when he leaves Auggie Wren's smoke shop. Stranger Rashid Cole saves his life, and soon middle-aged Paul tells homeless Rashid that he wouldn't mind a short-term housemate. Still grieving over his wife's murder, Paul is moved by both Rashid's quest to reconnect with his father and Auggie's discovery that a woman who might be his daughter is about to give birth.

Put in charge of his young son, Ali leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Ali's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident.

Elliot, a successful gynecologist, works at the same practice as his identical twin, Beverly. Elliot is attracted to many of his patients and has affairs with them. When he inevitably loses interest, he will give the woman over to Beverly, the meeker of the two, without the woman knowing the difference. Beverly falls hard for one of the patients, Claire, but when she inadvertently deceives him, he slips into a state of madness.

Shortly before her wedding, art gallery director Nora travels from Paris to Grenoble to visit her preteen son, Elias, who is spending time with her aging professor father, Louis, recently diagnosed with terminal cancer. During her stay, she reaches out to her former lover, Ismaël, a viola player and father figure to Elias who has been committed against his will to a mental hospital. Ismaël, however, has his own problems to sort out.

In Ireland, American lawyer Ingrid Jessner and her activist partner, Paul Sullivan, struggle to uncover atrocities committed by the British government against the Northern Irish during the "Troubles." But when Sullivan is assassinated in the streets, Jessner teams up with Peter Kerrigan, a British investigator acting against the will of his own government, and struggles to uncover a conspiracy that may even implicate one of Kerrigan's colleagues.

1975. When Seyolo Zantoko, a doctor from the Congo who has managed, along with his family, to flee tyranny, is hired by the mayor of a small town in northern France, he begins a struggle to adapt to a new life and gain the trust of the prejudiced villagers.

Trisdešimtmečių pora pagaliau sulaukė didžiojo stebuklo. Netrukus jiems gims vaikas. Todėl tėvai iškeliauja ieškoti naujo namo, kuriame galėtų apsigyventi po kūdikio gimimo. Jie sutinka daugybę keisčiausių žmonių.

Policininkas Noredinas vakarus leidžia rūkydamas cigaretę po cigaretės, o dienas – rinkdamas duoklę. Viskas pasikeičia, kai tirdamas dainininkės nužudymą „Nilo Hiltono“ viešbučio kambaryje, jis atskleidžia slaptus aukos ryšius su įtakingu parlamento nariu. Spaudžiamas uždaryti bylą, Noredinas užsispyręs tęsia tyrimą, galiausiai stodamas akistaton su šalį valdančiu „neliečiamuoju“ elitu.

Tom and Ellen are asked to perform as a dance team in England at the time of Princess Elizabeth's wedding. As brother and sister, each develops a British love interest, Ellen with Lord John Brindale and Tom with dancer Anne Ashmond.

CŽV agentas Feliksas Leiteris sužeistas, o jo žmona išniekinta ir nužudyta. Tai Kolumbijos narkotikų prekeivių vadeivos Franco Sančeso darbas. Neturėdamas galimybės veikti teisėtai, Džeimsas Bondas nepaiso įsakymo ir palieka slaptąją tarnybą, kad atkeršytų Kolumbijos narkotikų mafijos vadeivai už savo draugo šeimą.

A star is born in a time of both celebration and instability in this historical drama with music from director Christophe Barratier. In the spring of 1936, Paris is in a state of uncertainty; while the rise of the Third Reich in Germany worries many, a leftist union-oriented candidate, Léon Blum, has been voted into power, and organized labor is feeling its new power by standing up to management.

Šeši draugai, atostogaudami Kankune, Meksikoje, leidžiasi į ekskursiją norėdami aplankyti archeologinius kasinėjimus netoli Kobos - didelio, griuvėsiais virtusio Majų civilizacijos miesto. Penkiukė nutaria palydėti Matiją į brolio paieškas ir leidžiasi kelionėn į Kobą. Reikalai netrukus pakrypsta bloga linkme, nes keliautojai yra visiškai nepasiruošę iškęsti karštį ir vabzdžių antpuolius - kelionė virsta košmaru. Prastai nubraižytas žemėlapis nuveda juos i majų kaimą, kurio liūdni ir vargingai besiverčiantys gyventojai yra priešiški užsieniečiams. Tolimesni ieškojimai atveda grupę prie apleisto, paslėpto tako, kuris veda į griuvėsius...

Weimar, 1921. The life of 20-year-old Lotte Brendel seems to be predetermined. Her father sees her as a future wife and mother on the side of a man who is to take over the parental carpentry business. But the idiosyncratic Lotte joins a group of young artists against the will of her family, applies at the Bauhaus and is accepted. The Weimar Bauhaus, under the direction of the visionary Walter Gropius, aspires not only to combine arts and crafts, but also to find the place for the "New Man". In the student Paul Seligmann Lotte finds a supporter and her great love.

Marc, in his 40s, is a professor of literature at the University of Lausanne. Still a bachelor — and still living with his sister Marianne in a huge, isolated chalet that they inherited when they were very young — he carries on one love affair after another with his students. Winter has almost ended when one of his most brilliant students, Barbara, suddenly disappears. Two days later, Marc meets Barbara’s mother, Anna, who wants to find out more about her vanished daughter.

Alice invites all four men she has loved in her life for the dinner of New Year's Eve at the same time and unites them all in her house. In sentimental flashbacks they recall the former times. At 35, Alice is a career woman who doesn't think she has time for a lasting relationship. Thus, her love life has been, and probably always will be, a series of trysts and one-night stands.