A group of juvenile delinquents live a violent life in the infamous slums of Mexico City; among them Pedro, whose morality is gradually corrupted and destroyed by the others.

Po povratku s odmora Reginu Lampert (A. Hepburn) u Parizu dočekuje vijest o suprugovoj smrti. Policija joj otkriva da je njezin bračni partner zapravo bio zločinac, optužen za krađu novca namijenjenog francuskom Pokretu otpora. Suborci njezinog supruga uvjereni su da upravo Regina ima novac i ne prežu ni od zločina da ga se domognu. Utrci za novcem pridružuje se i šarmantni Peter Joshua (C. Grant), te nekonvencionalni zaposlenik američkog veleposlanstva Bartholomew (W. Matthau), a Regina ne može odlučiti kome vjerovati.

Omnibus od 5 priča čije se radnje događaju u taksiju, istodobno, no u različitim svjetskim gradovima. Ljudi različitog karaktera, zanimanja i namjera sjedaju u taksi te, vozeći se, kroz konverzaciju otkrivaju dio sebe dok kadrovima prolaze gradske vedute, avenije, ulice, svjetleće reklame... Razgovori između taksi vozača i putnika o bitnim i nebitnim stvarima odvijaju se na različitim jezicima u 5 svjetskih metropola: Los Angelesu, New Yorku, Parizu, Rimu i Helsinkiju. I dok je u Los Angelesu večer tek pala, u Helsinkiju već stiže zora. Izvor: www.mojtv.hr

Ada Harris je čistačica koja radi u Londonu 1950-ih i zaljubljuje se u Diorovu haljinu koju otkriva u ormaru bogatog klijenta. Nakon što je skupila potreban novac, putuje u Pariz kako bi mogla kupiti vlastitu haute couture haljinu.

U noći prije odlaska u mirovinu, policijski poručnik Franco Amore pozvan je da istraži smrt svog dugogodišnjeg partnera u pljački dijamanata u koju je i sam bio uključen.

Sportašica Diana Nyad odluči u 60. godini ostvariti gotovo nemogući životni san: preplivati više od 160 kilometara otvorenog oceana od Kube do Floride.

During a trip to Sicily in 1920, Luigi Pirandello meets two gravediggers-turned-playwrights rehearsing a play with their amateur dramatics. Pirandello takes an interest in the odd couple, having been suffering from writer's block while working on his eventual masterpiece, Six Characters in Search of an Author.

In 1930s England, a group of pretentious rich and famous gather together for a weekend of relaxation at a hunting resort. But when a murder occurs, each one of these interesting characters becomes a suspect.

Caterino is a worker at the Ilva factory in Taranto. When the company executives decide to use him as a spy to identify the workers they should get rid of, Caterino starts to track his colleagues, in search of reasons to report them. He then asks to be assigned himself to the Palazzino LAF where as punishment, some employees sit out their time with no job assignment. There he discovers that what looks like paradise is actually a strategy to psychologically break troublesome workers.

Gianni is a serial seducer but his life is destined to change when he meets Chiara, a beautiful woman who has had an accident and is paraplegic.

Unpopular best friends PJ and Josie start a high school self-defense club to meet girls and lose their virginity. They soon find themselves in over their heads when the most popular students start beating each other up in the name of self-defense.

God lives in Brussels. On Earth though, God is a coward, morally pathetic and odious to his family. His daughter, Ea, is bored at home and can't stand being locked up in a small apartment in ordinary Brussels, until the day she decides to revolt against her dad...

To be able to travel to Europe and find the love of his life, Sam Ali, a Syrian refugee, accepts to have his back tattooed by one of the most sulfurous contemporary artist; becoming that way a precious work of art.

A man whose brain becomes magnetized unintentionally destroys every tape in his friend's video store. In order to satisfy the store's most loyal renter, an aging woman with signs of dementia, the two men set out to remake the lost films.

A man wakes up from a coma that has lasted since 1984.

U ovoj blagdanskoj komediji-avanturi, Eddie Murphy glumi heroja koji pobjeđuje na godišnjem natjecanju u božićnom ukrašavanju svog susjedstva i slučajno sklapa dogovor s nestašnim vilenjakom koji će 12 dana Božića učiniti stvarnošću.

Za Zoe, redateljicu dokumentaraca i ovisnicu o aplikacijama za upoznavanje, svajpanje udesno samo je donijelo beskonačan niz krivih odabira, na užas njezine ekscentrične majke Cath. Za Zoeina susjeda i prijatelja iz djetinjstva Kazima, odgovor na pitanje kako pronaći pravu ljubav je krajnje jednostavan: treba slijediti primjer svojih roditelja i odlučiti se za dogovoreni (ili “potpomognuti”) brak s bistrom i lijepom nevjestom iz Pakistana. Dok Zoe snima njegovo putovanje od Londona do Lahorea kako bi se oženio za djevojku koju su odabrali njegovi roditelji, počinje se pitati ima li što naučiti iz duboko drugačijeg pristupa pronalaženju ljubavi.

Sofia is the black sheep of her family. She is a 28-year-old gay girl who can’t help but cheat on her partner and struggles to find a stable job. She has left a little town in Calabria, her homeland in Southern Italy, to move to Milan, where she lives with her roommate Alessandro. Mauro is Sofia's brother. Reliable and loving, unlike Sofia with whom he has a troubled relationship, Mauro has never left Calabria and runs the family winery. Despite their opposite attitudes, Sofia and Mauro has one thing in common. Michela is Sofia's first and only love, but she is Mauro’s bride-to-be. When Sofia realizes that she is about to lose the woman of her life, she decides to go back home to Calabria and win back her true love. This unexpected return will break the delicate balance of Mauro and Sofia’s family and will force the two siblings to a showdown, when they will choose who they really want to be when they grow up. A story of rekindled loves, friendship, growth, and family.

Each year Lucia volunteers at a Summer Camp in Sicily. This summer however, will be the hottest on record, not just because of the crazy weather, but also because of Nicola, the new soon-to-be-priest deacon who, besides being extremely handsome, hides a tormented and idealistic soul. His arrival sows panic in this seaside community, upsetting Lucia's plans forever.

Missing the train is very bad. Seeing it leave with your children and those of your friends you had to accompany on vacation is a whole other story ... that of the crazy pursuit from Turin to Sicily of a father and grandfather as different as they are unreliable.