A hitman is tasked to take out ex-mobsters when he suddenly hears a voice that questions his morality.

Vasek, 8 years old boy is desperate to find a new "father" for his mother.

A boy walks through an abandoned building and films the interior. Suddenly his camera disappears.

Princeza Annika otkriva čari pustolovine kada se sprijateljuje s Briettom - veličanstvenim krilatim konjem - na čijim leđima odleti do prelijepoga Oblačnoga kraljevstva. Annika ima samo tri dana da razbije čaroliju kojom je Wenlock, zli čarobnjak, njezinu obitelj pretvorio u kamen. Na svom pohodu protiv Wenlocka Annika upoznaje nove prijatelje i oni zajedno putuju zabranjenom šumom, kližu se po ledenim pećinama i lete iznad najviših oblaka dok pokušavaju sastaviti čarobni štapić od svjetla.

A queue at the ATM machine, a displaced family after a seismic shock that has half-washed their home, a tour within an art gallery, moments of everyday life that become the cues for the emergence of comic, farce, paradoxical situations – trademarks of one of the most successful Italian comic groups.

Set in the early ’80s and ’90s in Gujarat, India, ‘Raees’ is a fictitious story of a crime lord named Raees, who builds an entire empire from scratch, and a police officer who is determined to bring him down.

The story of a beautiful mermaid who gave up a kingdom for her beloved prince.

Chandru's friends make fun of him as he does not have a girlfriend. He points out at a girl claiming that she is his girlfriend, due to which a number of unfortunate events take place in her life.

Stationed in West Germany, soldier Tulsa McLean hopes to open up a nightclub when he gets out of the army. Tulsa may lack the capital for such a venture, but a chance to raise the cash comes his way through a friendly wager. Local dancer Lili (Juliet Prowse) is a notorious ice queen, and Tulsa bets everything he has that a friend of his can earn her affections. But, when that friend is dispatched to Alaska, it's up to Tulsa to melt Lili's heart.

The film ' Antboy: Revenge of the Red Fury ' is a sequel to the Danish superhero film Antboy, based on the books by Kenneth Bøgh Andersen. The story is again on the ordinary Danish boy Pelle, who secretly fights crime as a superhero Antboy. In the first film, he made ​​short work of the super villain flea , now tucked away on the local insane clinic.

Veliki brod isplovi i punom parom hrli u susret katastrofi. Propast luksuznog putničkog broda RMS Titanic 1912. godine čitav je svijet doživio kao prvi znak katastrofe do koje će jednog dana dovesti tehnički napredak. Njemačkom filmu Titanic iz 1943. pošlo je za rukom da tu tragediju iskoristi kao temelj za antibritansku propagandu. Iskvarena moć novca ili, bolje rečeno, cinični britanski 'berzanski' kapitalizam (Börsenkapitalismus), kako su nacisti pogrdno nazivali ekonomski sustav u Velikoj Britaniji, brod su, navodno, bukvalno otjerale u propast. Vlasnik linije po svaku cijenu je htio postaviti novi rekord u brzini putovanja. On se nadao da će na taj način omogućiti porast vrijednosti dionica njegove tvrtke, što bi ga spasilo od bankrota. Da bi ostvario taj cilj, spreman je i da sve putnike i članove posade otjera u propast. Na opasnost u kojoj se brod nalazi upozorava samo prvi časnik, Nijemac Petersen (izmišljeni lik), ali ga nitko ne sluša.

Russia has a surfeit of overqualified graduates. Nastya Sokolova is one of them. Her career, if you can call it that, gave her a plethora of unexpected work experiences: from desk slave in banking to head bookkeeper of an illegal brothel. The film’s eight tableaus detail the various workplaces, colleagues and situations. To finish it off: deadpan commentary.

Drifting through his gap year with its internships and travel plans, Jack has always suspected there was more to life than this. A chance encounter with the beautiful and ethereal Evelyn swerves his life radically off course.

The story of a busy man, who fills his time travelling to Africa, South America and the Middle East. His passion for his job has distanced him from his loved ones. He’s been divorced for three years and has since seen his son very little. When the latter disappears, he is forced to stand still, and soon discovers things about his ex-wife and, above all, his son. A terrible feeling of guilt overwhelms him and he decides to find his son at all costs...

After a night of carousing, the amateur photo model Zina heads for a fashion shoot in the nature, accompanied by the ambitious Mia, apathetic Dragica and snobby photographer Blitcz. On the idyllic location, a supposedly ordinary fashion shoot soon turns into a fierce fight for survival.

Nakon što je stručnjak za sigurnost Ray Breslin angažiran da spasi kidnapiranu kćer tehno mogula iz Hong Konga iz groznog latvijskog zatvora, Breslinova djevojka također biva zarobljena. Sada on i njegov tim moraju da izvedu smrtonosnu spasilačku misiju kako bi se suočili sa svojim sadističkim neprijateljem, i spasili taoce prije nego što bude prekasno …

Kada trojica prijatelja iz srednje škole East Great Falls slučajno pronađu legendarnu "Knjigu ljubavi", čiji su autori njihovi bivši kolege, upuste se u urnebesnu pustolovinu kako bi izgubili nevinost s djevojkama o kojima sanjaju.

This Best Short Subject Academy Award winning film begins in the spring of 1940, just before the Nazi occupation of the Benelux countries, and ends immediately after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It chronicles how the people of "Main Street America", the country's military forces, and its industrial base were completely transformed when the decision was made to gear up for war. Original footage is interspersed with contemporary newsreels and stock footage.

A dance between moon and ocean, forests and rivers. A short film by Scott Barley, originally made for a "half moon phase" sequence for Tadhg O'Sullivan's essay film, 'To the Moon' (2020). Shot on iPhone Xs with various rephotographing techniques, combined with superimposed drawings and paintings by Scott Barley. Released as a standalone short film in 2024 as part of 'Short Films (2012–2020): Solo Works by Scott Barley' on Blu-ray.