When the Scooby gang visits a dude ranch, they discover that it and the nearby town have been haunted by a ghostly cowboy, Dapper Jack, who fires real fire from his fire irons. The mystery only deepens when it’s discovered that the ghost is also the long lost relative of Shaggy Rogers!

SKRM (Skultimate Roller Maze) is an annual tournament between Monster High and different monster high schools that consists of a roller derby of dangerous obstacles and mazes. Granite City High, a high school team of gargoyles and Monster High's oldest rivals, won the school crest after defeating them in SKRM, and with it taking the school spirit. This has resulted in the school literally beginning to fall apart, and due to the boys serious injuries after the tournament, they decide not to participate any longer. This prompts the ghouls to play SKRM in the boys place, and they suit up and begin training. However, the boys protest and claim SKRM is a boys sport only, and they won't help the ghouls train. This only pushes them to work harder, with the goal of making it to the championship game to defeat Granite City High.

Mystery, Inc. heads to Blowout Beach for a real swinging beach party when the Ghost Pirates threaten to harsh the good vibes.

Set high atop snow-capped mountains in the adrenaline-fueled world of competitive snowboarding, the Disney Channel Original Movie “Cloud 9″ tells the inspiring story of two snowboarders who must overcome self-doubt to learn that achieving their dreams is possible.

Istorija pasakoja apie Mumbajaus priemiestyje gimusį ir augusį berniuką Adžatašatrą Lavašą Patelį, kurį visi vadina tiesiog Adža. Nuo pat vaikystės žavėjęsis fakyrais, berniukas kantriai mokosi šio amato triukų bei paslapčių. Viena sūnų auginanti motina vis žada Adžą nusivežti į Paryžių, kuriame gyvena jo tėtis, tačiau nespėja. Adžai vos spėjus sulaukti pilnametystės, motina miršta. Daugybę istorijų girdėjęs sūnus nusprendžia vykti į Paryžių vienas. Pirmasis kelionės etapas pavyksta be didelių nesklandumų. Atvykęs į meilės miestą, Adža susipažįsta su vietine mergina Marie. Nors iš pradžių ji jam nepatinka, netrukus tarp jaunuolių įsižiebia jausmo kibirkštis. O tada Adžos sėkmei koją ima kišti patys netikėčiausi atsitiktinumai.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Meet the Murphys, a family with never ending bad luck. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong," it's Murphy's law! Over a century ago a witch put a magical curse on their great-great grandfather and the whole family has been jinxed for generations! After Meg Murphy (played by Big Time Rush's Ciara Bravo) and her family's house is destroyed in yet another freak accident, the family moves into their grandfather's house in Harvest Hills. In a not-so-strange case of bad luck, Meg's nemesis Ivy is also spending the summer in town. But things start to look up, kind of, when Meg meets a local boy named Brett and he casts another spell on her, a love spell that is! With help from her brother Charlie, Meg more determined than ever, must break the hex on her catastrophically cursed family! Watch this doomed teen try for a normal existence in a world full of hijinks!

Saros gyvenimas – tikras chaosas! Todėl paskutinis dalykas, kurio jai dar „trūksta“ – tai išlepęs, po kojom besipainiojantis išdykėlis mopsas. Tačiau gyvenimo ironija: Saros močiutė testamentu palieka savo mylimai anūkei šį „dailų jaunuolį“, vardu Patrikas. Žinoma, išmintinga senolė aiškiai turėjo savo priežasčių...

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Aquaman must battle foes in the air, on land and in the depths of the Seven Seas, along with some help from The Justice League, to save the day.

Milo and Kida reunite with their friends to investigate strange occurances around the world that seem to have links to the secrets of Atlantis.

Šiuolaikiškai pateikta, naujais personažais ir įvykiais papildyta animacijos juosta pagal Lymano Franko Baumo „Ozo šalies burtininko“ istoriją nukels didelius ir mažus į stebuklingą šalį, kur herojai gaus svarbių draugystės pamokų. Praūžus uraganui, maža mergaitė Dorotė ieško namų, nori grįžti į savo namelį Kanzase. Tačiau dar ji turės išgelbėti Geležinį Medkirtį, Bailųjį Liūtą, Kaliausę, kuri neturi smegenų, ir mažąją fėją nuo naujo piktadario Džesterio. Savo magiškoje kelionėje, siekdama atkurti tvarką ir laimę smaragdiniame mieste, Dorotė sutiks naujų draugų. Marga draugija stebuklų šalyje patirs begalę nuotykių!

As a professional monster truck wrestler, Mater must work his way up through the ranks from an amateur tow truck to World Champion Monster Truck Wrestler. But rival wrestlers I-Screamer, Captain Collision, and The Rasta Carian aren't about to give up without a fight.

Mater tells Lightning McQueen about his former job as a daredevil.

A stolen computer disk contains the location of a hidden tresaure trove. It's up to the sexy ladies of LETHAL (Legion to Ensure Total Harmony and Law) to find the treasure before the bad guys do.

When an actual, honest-to-goodness royal princess runs off from her official obligations and duties for a couple of days to see how the other half lives, she winds up falling for a good Samaritan who is unaware of her real identity during the holiday season. Will her true love still feel the same way once he learns the truth?

A nerdy girl creates an alter-ego to launch a successful fashion blog.

Once again someone from the future has come back to create an army of Trancers, human zombies who do what they're told without question or pause. Now officer Jack Deth, a cop from the future stranded in the past, must once again go forth to stop them. This sci-fi action sequel chronicles his courageous actions as he struggles to save the future. His difficulties are compounded when his boss sends his first wife back from the future to help Deth who has unfortunately, married a 20th-century girl.

After getting dumped on Christmas Eve, Angela must rebuild her life surrounded by her rebellious teenager, her tyrannical mother, her hysterical best friend, and a weird psychologist.

Su šia gyvate susiję nemažai mitų ir legendų, tačiau vienai ekspedicijai teks patirti, kad gyvatės-mutantės, ne žmonių vaizduotės kūrinys, o kraupi realybė. Be abejo atsiras ir žmonių, norinčių uždirbti iš neregėto trofėjaus. Tačiau niekas rimtai neįvertino kuo tai gali baigtis. Šis trofėjus negailestingai šlavė nuo savo kelio, viska kas pasimaišė, nekreipdamas dėmesio nei į ugnį, nei į sprogimus...