Desmitgadīgais Augusts Pulmens, kas piedzima ar nopietnu sejas defektu un slimības dēļ līdz šim ir mācījies mājās, pirmoreiz dosies uz skolu, lai uzsāktu mācības vietējās skolas 5. klasē. Augija vienaudžiem nebūs viegli pieņemt citādo un aiz neparastās ārienes ieraudzīt to stipro, drosmīgo un labsirdīgo zēnu, ko pazīst viņa mīlošā ģimene. Lai gan Augijs pūlēsies būt tāds pats kā citi skolēni, viņš tikai vēlreiz apliecinās, ka ir īpašs, un ne jau neparastā izskata dēļ.

Šis ir stāsts par padomju zemūdens kapteini Marko Ramiu, kas nepakļāvās pavēlēm un devās uz ASV austrumu krastu. Aprīkota ar inovatīvām pretizsekošanas tehnoloģijām, viņa zemūdene "Sarkanais oktobris" bija neredzama. Tiesa, kad amerikāņu zemūdene uz mirkli pamanīja krievu klātbūtni, CIP aģents Džeks Raiens devās noskaidrot Ramija motīvus.

Jauns precētais pāris secina, ka īsti nav gatavi vel radīt bērnus, tādēļ nolemj sagatavoties šai lomai, iegādājoties labradora kucēnu.

Murderesses Velma Kelly and Roxie Hart find themselves on death row together and fight for the fame that will keep them from the gallows in 1920s Chicago.

Četras kāzas un vienas bēres – tieši tik daudz pasākumu apmeklē zvērinātais vecpuisis Čārlzs, līdz apjauš, ka ir atradis sava mūža lielo mīlestību. Amerikānieti Keriju viņš sastop jau pirmajās draugu kāzās – tāpat arī visās nākamajās, taču kaut kas visu laiku nostājas viņiem ceļā. Čārlzs, kurš vienmēr domājis, ka “es nekad”, beidzot pošas savām kāzām. Neiztrūkstošais britu humors, spilgti personāži, jautri pārpratumi – tas viss romantiskajā komēdijā “Četras kāzas un vienas bēres”.

Visa pasaule sastingusi vissenākās ceremonijas – katoļu baznīcas galvas Romas Pāvesta iecelšanas – gaidās, bet liktenīgā lēmuma pieņemšanā iejaucas kāds varens spēks — niknākais katoļu baznīcas ienaidnieks — noslēpumainais Iluminātu ordenis! Svētā amata kandidāti viens pēc otra tiek pakļauti rituālas izrēķināšanās draudiem. Sastopoties ar nāves draudiem, Vatikāns ir spiests vērsties pēc palīdzības pie profesora – reliģiozās simbolikas eksperta Roberta Lengdona, kurš atrod pierādījumus par noslēpumainas, Viduslaikos nežēlīgi iznīcinātas brālības atdzimšanu.

Rons Burgundijs 70-jos gados bija populārākais ziņu vadītājs San-Dijego. Kad feminisms televīzijas pasaulē ielaužas ambiciozas žurnālistes Veronikas Corningstonas veidolā, Rons nepievērš tam uzmanību, jo viņas pārziņā ir tikai tēmas par modi, ēdienu un citām sieviešu interesēm. Taču kad Veronika sāk interesēties par ziņu pasauli, pie kam visai veiksmīgi, Rons izsludina karu, kāds visā televīzijas vēsturē vēl nebija un vairs nebūs!

Ninja Assassin follows Raizo, one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Taken from the streets as a child, he was transformed into a trained killer by the Ozunu Clan, a secret society whose very existence is considered a myth. But haunted by the merciless execution of his friend by the Clan, Raizo breaks free from them and vanishes. Now he waits, preparing to exact his revenge.

The inspiring true story of Eleanor Riese, a mental illness patient herself, who brings a class action suit to give competent mental patients the right to have a say in their medication while they’re in a hospital, and Colette Hughes, the lawyer appointed to her case.

Widowed U.S. president Andrew Shepherd, one of the world's most powerful men, can have anything he wants -- and what he covets most is Sydney Ellen Wade, a Washington lobbyist. But Shepherd's attempts at courting her spark wild rumors and decimate his approval ratings.

Rachel is a rambunctious girl from a polygamist colony in southern Utah. On Rachel’s 15th birthday, she finds a forbidden cassette tape. Having never seen anything like it before, Rachel plays the cassette tape, and finds glorious rock & roll thereupon. Weeks later, Rachel realizes a miracle has occurred - and the cassette tape must have something to do with it. She leaves her family and runs away to the closest city: Las Vegas. There she searches for the singer of the band on the cassette tape.

Upon first sight of a beautiful instructor, a bored and overworked estate lawyer signs up for ballroom dancing lessons.

Miles buys himself a state-of-the-art computer that starts expressing thoughts and emotions after having champagne spilled on it. Things start getting out of hand when both Miles and Edgar, the computer, fall in love with Madeline, an attractive neighbor.

Beatrice celebrates with her family the release of her book: she tells about the accident of her husband Frederic. He became blind and without filter - always so funny and seductive, he is totally unpredictable. But this book, hymn-to-life, will turn into a joyful fist because if Beatrice changed the names, each of his friends seeks to find his character. The book awakens secret jealousies, while the group of friends and family pitch.

Two brothers leave their home in Mexico in search of the 'American Dream', only to realize it was in front of them all the time. Angel is tired of living in his small Mexican town and has no interest in following in his father's footsteps. Instead he resolves to run away, across to cross the border and find his American dream. His older brother, Carlos, has plans of his own and they don't involve leaving home. When Angel tells his older brother of his grand scheme Carlos knows he won't be able to stop him, so he decides to tag along in order to watch over his headstrong little brother. Double-crossed by a smuggler, they find themselves alone in the desert. What follows is a strange and hilarious adventure filled with crazy characters and eye-opening truths until they finally realize the dream they were chasing was back home where they started.

In a dystopian future, Dredd, the most famous judge (a cop with instant field judiciary powers) is convicted for a crime he did not commit while his murderous counterpart escapes.

Juliet, a beautiful doctor, has found the perfect New York apartment to start a new life after separating from her husband. It's got spacious rooms, a spectacular view, and a handy, handsome landlord. But there are secrets behind every wall and terror in every room as Juliet gets the unnerving feeling that she is not alone.

In a time when breakfast is ruled by milk and cereal, a fierce corporate battle begins over a revolutionary new pastry.

“Kapone” ir stāsts par paša pazīstamākā pagājušā gadsimta amerikāņu gangstera Ala Kapones dzīvi. Filmas režisors un scenārists Džošs Trenks iecerējis gangstera vētraino dzīvi pavērot no cita skata punkta un parādīt mafijas tēvu pēc piecu gadu ieslodzījuma Alkatrasas cietumā – atkal brīvībā, sifilisa un demences mocītu. Noziedznieku autoritāte stāsta, kā Čikāgā radījis baisu, daudzu cilvēku asinīm slacītu kriminālu impēriju. Viņš atceras, kā izvarojis, nogalinājis, dibinājis mafijas klanus, veidojis slepkavu bandas, pretlikumīgi izplatījis alkoholu, uzturējis prostitūcijas tīklu, mīnējis un spridzinājis automobiļus, kontrolējis noziedznieku peļņu, bet tie, kuri atteikušies viņam pakļauties, drīz vien pametuši šo pasauli. Tas viss sējis šausmas pat noziedznieku aprindās. Daži viņu uzskata par ārprātīgo, citi – par stulbu gangsteri, kas neievēro noteikumus, bet viņa dzīve ir grāvēja scenārija cienīga.

Small lives begin at the end of high school for this surreal society. A senior who married young must contend with her life, love, and pursuit of individuality and femininity in a narcissistic, misogynistic world of irony. Gwen Adams, her husband Holden, and school rival Hilary complete the love triangle as Principal Mann makes their lives living hell.