Ahnus ja klassiline diskrimineerimine ohustavad vastloodud häid suhteid jõuka Parki pere ja vaese Kimi pere vahel. Kimide poeg kutsutakse eraõpetajana Parkide juurde koduõpetajaks. Ja ta oskab kogu oma pere nende juurde tööle smugeldada aga ilma et Parkid teaksid et nad on sugulased.

Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

Joe Gardner on muusikaõpetaja, kes saab oma elu võimaluse esineda linna parimas jazz-klubis. Aga üks väike viga viib mehe New Yorgi tänavalt kuhugi kaugele, maagilisse paika, kus hinged omandavad oma isikupära, veidrused ja huvid, enne kui nad Maale saadetakse. Joe tahab minna iga hinna eest tagasi oma senise elu juurde. Selleks lööb ta kampa ootamatult elutarga noore hingega, kes ei suuda mõista inimeseks olemise võlusid.

After the insane General Jack D. Ripper initiates a nuclear strike on the Soviet Union, a war room full of politicians, generals and a Russian diplomat all frantically try to stop the nuclear strike.

The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer's role in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II.

Esimese maailmasõja haripunktis antakse kahele noorele Briti sõdurile, Schofieldile ja Blake’ile esmapilgul võimatuna näiv ülesanne. Nad peavad kiiresti üle vaenlase territooriumi minema, et kohale viia teade, mis hoiaks ära surmava rünnaku sadadele sõduritele, kelle hulgas on ka Blake’i enda vend.

Peter Parker is unmasked and no longer able to separate his normal life from the high-stakes of being a super-hero. When he asks for help from Doctor Strange the stakes become even more dangerous, forcing him to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man.

On 2019. aasta Los Angeles - kahvatu neoonvalgustatud, ülerahvastatud tänavatega linn, kus pidevalt sajab happevihma. Detektiiv Rick Deckard peab tabama ja hävitama 4 replikanti, tehislikult loodud inimest, kes põgenesid maavälisest kolooniast, kaaperdades laeva, et tulla maa peale oma loojat otsima.

A stage director and an actress struggle through a grueling, coast-to-coast divorce that pushes them to their personal extremes.

Set more than a decade after the events of the first film, learn the story of the Sully family (Jake, Neytiri, and their kids), the trouble that follows them, the lengths they go to keep each other safe, the battles they fight to stay alive, and the tragedies they endure.

In a time when monsters walk the Earth, humanity’s fight for its future sets Godzilla and Kong on a collision course that will see the two most powerful forces of nature on the planet collide in a spectacular battle for the ages.

"Avatar" on lugu endisest mereväelasest Jake Sully'st, kes sai vigastada lahingus ja on halvatud vööst allpool. Ta otsustab osaleda Avatari programmis, mis peaks andma talle tagasi terve keha. Ta reisib Pandorasse, külluslikku vihmametsa, mis on täidetud uskumatute eluvormidega - mõned ilusad, mõned hirmutavad. Pandora on koduks ka Na'videle, humanoididele, keda inimesed peavad primitiivseks, aga tegelikult on nad evolustiooniliselt palju rohkem arenenud kui inimesed. Üle kolme meetri pikad, sabadega ja läikiva sinise nahaga, elavad Na'vid harmooniliselt oma maailmas. Kui aga inimesed hakkavad Pandorat kahjustama, et leida väärtuslikke mineraale, ohustab see Na'vide elu, ja nad on sunnitud näitama oma sõjalisi võimeid.

Kaks majakavahti üritavad säilitada oma mõistust, elades 1890. aastatel New Englandi kaugel ja salapärasel saarel.

In 1979, a group of college students find a Sumerian Book of the Dead in an old wilderness cabin they've rented for a weekend getaway.

A young couple travels to a remote island to eat at an exclusive restaurant where the chef has prepared a lavish menu, with some shocking surprises.

When foreman Frank shows new employee Freddy a secret military experiment in a supply warehouse in Louisville, Kentucky, the two klutzes accidentally release a gas that reanimates corpses into flesh-eating zombies. As the epidemic spreads throughout the town, and the creatures satisfy their hunger in gory and outlandish ways, Frank and Freddy fight to survive with the help of their boss and a mysterious mortician.

In 1630, a farmer relocates his family to a remote plot of land on the edge of a forest where strange, unsettling things happen. With suspicion and paranoia mounting, each family member's faith, loyalty and love are tested in shocking ways.

A horde of rampaging warriors massacre the parents of young Conan and enslave the young child for years on The Wheel of Pain. As the sole survivor of the childhood massacre, Conan is released from slavery and taught the ancient arts of fighting. Transforming himself into a killing machine, Conan travels into the wilderness to seek vengeance on Thulsa Doom, the man responsible for killing his family. In the wilderness, Conan takes up with the thieves Valeria and Subotai. The group comes upon King Osric, who wants the trio of warriors to help rescue his daughter who has joined Doom in the hills.

Following the end of the acclaimed tv series, King Arthur will oppose Lancelot's army to get the throne back after his flee to Rome.

Xander Cage is left for dead after an incident, though he secretly returns to action for a new, tough assignment with his handler Augustus Gibbons.