A scientist in a surrealist society kidnaps children to steal their dreams, hoping that they slow his aging process.

Dominique Pinon takes the viewer through various examples of what he "likes and dislikes."

Meet Chala, an eleven year-old boy with a hard life and strong respect for Carmela, his sixth grade teacher. The pair develops a solid bond, but after Carmela suffers an accident, things get complicated…

Best friends Alma and Margot are inseparable, whether it’s terrorizing cheating lovers or crashing wedding parties. The two women also share the same dream of a successful career on the stage. They get one step closer when they are cast as lead and understudy in a high-profile play in Paris. Alma is keeping a secret that puts her role in jeopardy, but with the unwavering support of Margot, they will try their best to ensure that the show goes on.

Percy Nilegaard collects Swedish single men and embarks on a bus trip to Tallinn with a so-called "highly-experienced driver".

Aboard a ship early in the 20th-century, a middle-aged Italian tells his story of love to a Russian.

Bennie travels to Buenos Aires to find his long-missing older brother, a once-promising writer who is now a remnant of his former self. Bennie's discovery of his brother's near-finished play might hold the answer to understanding their shared past and renewing their bond.

A group of maverick scientists on a remote Australian sheep farm are the globe's only hope for obtaining the epic images of man's first steps on the moon.

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

Using human corpses and invoking the spirits of two damned Secretaries of State, a girl performs a ritual to free the kingdom of Chile from its feudal heritage.

Michaela, an epileptic, enrolls in college to study education. She goes off her medication and soon begins hearing voices and seeing apparitions that tell her to avoid religious objects, although she is devoutly Roman Catholic. One priest scoffs at the idea that Michaela could be possessed by demons, but a younger pastor arranges an exorcism for the young woman.

In an alternate Japan, territorial street gangs form opposing factions collectively known as the Tokyo Tribes. The simmering tension between them is about to boil over into all-out war.

Les, a small-time celebrity photographer desperate to make it big, befriends Toby, a homeless young man with no direction except a vague desire to become an actor. When by chance, Toby becomes romantically involved with K'Harma Leeds, the hottest pop star of the moment, Les grows jealous and plots revenge.

A love story between two savants with Asperger's syndrome, a kind of autism, whose conditions sabotage their budding relationship.

An ambitious young skier, determined to break all existing records, is contemptuous of the teamwork advocated by the US coach when they go to Europe for the Olympics.

Three sisters enter the house of a senator with the intention of stealing money obtained from bribes, but once inside, they begin to hear strange cries coming from the basement.

Jeanne, a receptionist at a travel agency, is looking for the love of her life. She thinks she has finally found it with Olivier. However, Olivier reveals he has AIDS and disappears from her life after her profession of love and confession of infidelity.

Two brothers plan to steal the precious jewel of Nefertiti's eye in a famous exhibition hall, but they are not the only ones who want it. There is a scuffle in which a policeman dies and one of the robbers falls on the dead man.

A young woman is awakened to a world of cruelty, shadowy passions and sensuality.

Leta 2020 Elias van Dorne, direktor največjega robotskega podjetja na svetu, predstavi svoj najpomembnejši izum – Kronos, superračunalnik, ki naj bi končal vse vojne. Ko Kronos oceni, da največjo grožnjo svetovnemu miru predstavlja človeštvo samo, sproži robotski napad, da bi človeško vrsto izbrisal z obličja Zemlje. Skoraj sto let kasneje je med živimi le peščica ljudi, ki so na begu pred roboti. Dva najstnika, Andrew in Calia, skleneta nepričakovano zavezništvo, da bi našla še zadnjo človeško naselbino, kjer naj bi ljudje živeli brez strahu pred roboti. Jima bo uspelo najti ta skriti kotiček sveta?