Filmmaking icon Agnès Varda, the award-winning director regarded by many as the grandmother of the French new wave, turns the camera on herself with this unique autobiographical documentary. Composed of film excerpts and elaborate dramatic re-creations, Varda's self-portrait recounts the highs and lows of her professional career, the many friendships that affected her life and her longtime marriage to cinematic giant Jacques Demy.

Martinaud, an illustrious notary suspected of being the perpetrator of two horrendous crimes, voluntarily agrees to be questioned by Inspector Gallien on New Year's Eve. What initially is a routine procedure, soon becomes a harsh interrogation that seems to confirm the initial suspicions.

Catherine Destivelle is an ambassador for the French Alps and is well known in France and abroad. In Beyond the Summits, viewers will feel like they are climbing up the mountain with her. The film shows three classic Chamonix routes with three different climbing partners. Each partner was chosen because they had a profound impact on her life. The camera captures the magnificent scenery, as well as frank and intimate moments during the ascents ...

The story of Vivian Liberto, Johnny Cash's first wife and the mother of his four daughters. Includes never-before-seen footage and photographs of Johnny Cash and Rosanne Cash, as well as footage featuring Reese Witherspoon, Joaquin Phoenix, Tim Robbins, Whoopi Goldberg, John C. Reilly and many more.

Dar visai jaunučiai sužadėtiniai Matilda ir Manechas buvo priversti isšsiskirti tuomet, kai Manechas buvo pašauktas kovoti prancūzų fronto linijose. Praėjus kiek laiko, Matildą pasiekia gandai, kad jos sužadėtiniui ir dar keturiems kareiviams buvo paskirta mirties bausmė po to, kai jie bandė pabėgti iš apkasų. Atsisakydama patikėti, kad jos mylimasis mirė, Matilda leidžiasi į nepaprastą kelionę, kad pati sužinotų tiesą. Nė sekundei nepaliaujanti tikėti, jaudinanti, o kartais šiek tiek komiška Matilda atskleidžia netikėtas ir itin paslaptingas Manecho ir keturių kareivių žūties aplinkybes. Praskleidus paslapties šydą pasirodo, jog Matildos sužadėtinis Manechas yra vienas iš penkių prancūzų kareivių, kurie, kaip pasakojama, buvo prakeikti ir nubausti ypatinga bausme.

Unfounded suspicions lead a married couple to begin divorce proceedings, whereupon they start undermining each other's attempts to find new romance.

The year is 2050, in this future giving birth is nothing more than a simple formality. But the birth of Désiré will be much more painful...

Born of a chance meeting in Venice, Silvestro and Camilla's rocky romance unfolds over 10 winters as new lovers come and go but they are eternally thrust back into one another's arms.

We're in an English village shortly before Dunkirk. "Mr. Tom" Oakley still broods over the death of his wife and small son while he was away in the navy during WWI, and grief has made him a surly hermit. Now children evacuated from London are overwhelming volunteers to house them. Practically under protest, Mr. Tom takes in a painfully quiet 10-year-old, who gradually reveals big problems.

Locked in her cell, a murderer reflects on the events that have led her to death row.

Drawing inspiration from the death-squad murders of several Gypsy families in Hungary in 2008, director Bence Fliegauf's chilling and unforgettable real-life horror story follows a family whose dreams of emigration and escape are suddenly, horribly destroyed.

Michel Recanati was a militant leader in the May, 1968 riots in Paris, organizing many groups to meet, discuss, and act on leftist principles both before and after the disturbances. He was imprisoned for a short while in 1973. Disillusioned after the failure of the demonstrations and the death of the only woman he had loved, his life seems to have changed from a period of hope and activism to one of bottomless despair. His friend, Romain Goupil wrote and directed this biographical documentary. Death at 30 received the 1982 Cannes Film Festival's Golden Camera Award for "Best First Feature-Length Film."

After a break-in at their house, a couple gets help from one of the cops who answered their call. He helps them install a security system, begins dropping by on short notice and unofficial patrol angling to pry into the couple's problems with the wife. The husband begins wondering if they're getting too much help.

A couple works hard to renovate their dream house and become landlords to pay for it. Unfortunately one of their tenants has plans of his own.

Medical student Paula wins a place at an exclusive Heidelberg medical school. When the body of a young man she met on the train turns up on her dissection table, she begins to investigate the mysterious circumstances surrounding his death.

Overwhelmed when a figure from her past reemerges, Joan Verra retreats to the countryside with her son Nathan. There she experiences fragmented recollections of her past romantic encounters.

The Marquis de Villemaur reunite strange visitors in his Castle, to meet a survivor of the Third Reich. There is an Italian fascist, Heinrich; a German, Matthias; a Russian; and Dromard, a blind French war hero with a black monocle. - from IMDB

Šešiolikmetį Denisą motina vaikystėje paliko vaikų globos namuose. Jis turi ypatingą savybę – dėl retos imuninės ligos Denisas nejaučia skausmo. Vaikinas tapo populiarus tarp draugų, kurie lažinasi dėl jo ištvermės žaisdami žiaurius fizinius žaidimus. Vieną dieną pasirodo jo motina ir Denisą išsiveža į Maskvą. Norėdamas jai padėti, jaunuolis įsivelia į nešvarius korumpuotos policijos darbelius. Denisas šokinėja ant mašinų, o vėliau šantažuoja turtingus vairuotojus. Naujasis gyvenimas atrodo puikus, kol vieną dieną jis pradeda jausti skausmą...

Piero arrives in Paris from Luino after having won a pool tournament with friends. In the train he meets the famous place Ramazzini and has so many incidents that culminated with his arrest and the confiscation by the commissioner Juvet. Released, find randomly hospitality at the madame Lenormand and know the great painter Valentine. Both women are tied up, as a wife and lover, Maurice, in prison for robbery. A day Piero wears a mistake and the coat of astrakhan, Maurice, and then...

The Merchant (Harvey Keitel) is a Westerner. A merchant dealing in precious stones from Afganistan and Turkey. He's above suspicion. In truth, the "Stone Merchant" is a Christian convert into Islam. He's rich, cultured, fascinating. Leda (Jane March) is a successful woman who works as Head of the Public Relations for a big company. She's married to Alceo, a professor at the Sapienza University, specialized in the history of terrorist movements. Alceo is on a wheel chair. He lost his legs in the attack to the American Embassy in Nairobi in 1998. Shahid is a terrorist. Now he's planning an attack along the English Channel. Their lives, their destinies cross in Turkey, where Leda and Alceo are on holiday. And the plot will go on to Rome and Turin till the epilogue of the attack on the ferry boat.