Nekdo temen se vrne iz Julijine preteklosti s slabimi nameni. Gabriel ima svoje skrivnosti, ki jih mora deliti, a skrbi ga, da bo v tem primeru izgubil vse. Bo njun odnos prestal ta preizkus skrivnosti?

Ivy Morgan, a college student in New Orleans, falls for Ren Owens, the last person she expected to enter her rigidly controlled life.

Osemletna Victoria in njen oče Stephane se po smrti dekličine matere preselita v majhno gorsko vasico v francoskih Alpah. Victorio mučijo nočne more, z očetom pa skoraj ne govorita več. Stephane se krivi, ker ni mogel rešiti žene. Deklica uteho najde v skrbi za volčjega mladička z zapuščene kmetije. Zaradi novega ljubljenca je njeno življenje spet lepo, a ko za volka izvedo sosedje, se ga želijo znebiti. Victoria ga želi obdržati in zaščititi, hkrati pa se zaveda, da bi moral živeti v divjini. A njegova izguba bi deklici ponovno strla srce.

Clawdeen Wolf, half human and half werewolf, has recently started attending Monster High, a school for monsters in all forms. After quickly befriending her classmates Frankie Stein and Draculaura, Clawdeen feels like she has finally found a place where she can truly be herself, or so she thinks. Soon, a devious plan to destroy Monster High threatens to reveal her real identity and Clawdeen must learn to embrace her true monster heart before it's too late.

Ognjene kočije je športna drama, posneta po resničnih dogodkih. Govori o židovskem študentu in škotskem misijonarju, ki na olimpijskih igrah tečeta zaradi povsem drugačnih vzgibov. Prvi teče za slavo in denar, drugi za boga. Glasbo za film je napisal velikan glasbe Vangelis. Film nagrajen z oskarjem za najboljši film ne govori samo o teku, temveč o mladih olimpijcih, ki se pripravljajo na prihajajoče Olimpijske Igre leta 1924. Glavni zvezdi sta Eric Liddell in Harold Abrahams, dva najboljša mlada sprinterja Velike Britanije. Bolj kot film je legendaren tekaški prizor na plaži, ki ga Outside Magazine uvršča med najbolj veličastne.

London, England, on the eve of World War II. Guinevere Pettigrew, a strict governess who is unable to keep a job, is fired again. Lost in the hostile city, a series of fortunate circumstances lead her to meet Delysia LaFosse, a glamorous and dazzling American jazz singer whose life is a chaos ruled by indecision, a continuous battle between love and fame.

Nadaljevanje filma Pirati iz leta 2014. To je akcijski pustolovski film o morski bitki med pirati, razbojniki in pionirji v iskanju pečata kraljevske družine Goryeo, ki je izginil brez sledu v napadu pred ustanovitvijo dinastije Joseon. Woo Moo Chi, nekoč vodja roparjev, s svojo desno roko Kang Seobom ostaja na gusarski ladji. Hae Rang je vodja piratov na tej ladji. Da bi povrnili izgubljeni pečat, se skupaj borijo proti Bu Heung Soou.

Nick Daley is following in his father's footsteps as night watchman at the American Museum of Natural History, so he knows what happens when the sun goes down. But when the maniacal ruler Kahmunrah escapes, it is up to Nick to save the museum once and for all.

»Ljubezen je preprosta. Družina ni.« Oče se spopada s prihajajočo poroko svoje hčerke skozi prizmo številnih odnosov znotraj velikega, razširjenega kubansko-ameriškega klana.

Peter and Emma thought they were on the precipice of life’s biggest moments – marriage, kids, and houses in the suburbs – until their respective partners dumped them. Horrified to learn that the loves of their lives have already moved on, Peter and Emma hatch a hilarious plan to win back their exes with unexpected results.

Božična pravljica, romantična komedija in zgodba o moškem pri svojih 30-ih letih, ki se nerad nauči, da ga zanese božični duh.

Evan Hansen, a high schooler with social anxiety, unintentionally gets caught up in a lie after the family of a classmate who committed suicide mistakes one of Hansen’s letters for their son’s suicide note.

A three-person crew on a mission to Mars faces an impossible choice when an unplanned passenger jeopardizes the lives of everyone on board.

When notorious womanizer Connor Mead attends his brother Paul's wedding, he is forced to re-evaluate his behavior as he comes face-to-face with the ghosts of girlfriends past, present, and future, along with his deceased uncle. The experience changes his attitude and allows him to reconnect with his first and only love, Jenny.

Jérémie, 34, wakes up in an apartment he doesn't know, next to a woman he doesn't know. She is Adna, a stunning Swedish woman who is as funny as she is sweet. Is this the beginning of a fairy tale? Not quite, since Jérémie is about to get married—to Antoine.

Charlie Waldo je bivši detektiv, ki živi minimalistično samotarsko življenje globoko v gozdu. Za seboj je nekdanji detektiv pustil uspešno kariero in dekle Loreno, da bi odplačal kazen, ki si jo je naložil sam zaradi napake v enem od prejšnjih primerov, ki ga je preiskoval. Njegovo mirno življenje bo nenadoma prekinjeno, ko bo prisiljen, da kot zasebni detektiv razišče umor soproge ekscentričnega TV zvezdnika.

A young Englishman plots revenge against his mysterious, beautiful cousin, believing that she murdered his guardian. But his feelings become complicated as he finds himself falling under the beguiling spell of her charms.

A tormented Emma, runs on her treadmill while doing online counseling, deluding herself to escape from her past. This balance will break when, after twenty-six years, her younger sister bursts in with an unsustainable request.

We meet Rosemary lying on the floor of her house, sobbing. Heartbroken. The doorbell rings. It's a Pizza Delivery Guy. Rosemary can't stop crying. She wants love, but it never works out. Fortunately for Rosemary, this Pizza Delivery Guy has the answer: forget about love and focus on wild random sex for once in her life. We cut to a fun slut-training montage where Pizza Delivery Guy teaches Rosemary his skanky ways and Rosemary learns to sexually liberate herself. Rosemary thinks she's mastered slut life, but her new skills are put to the test when she meets Ned.

Dr. Frankenstein's insane grandson attempts to create horrible monsters in modern day L.A.