"One Direction: This Is Us" is a captivating and intimate all-access look at life on the road for the global music phenomenon. Weaved with stunning live concert footage, this inspiring feature film tells the remarkable story of Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry and Louis' meteoric rise to fame, from their humble hometown beginnings and competing on the X-Factor, to conquering the world and performing at London’s famed O2 Arena. Hear it from the boys themselves and see through their own eyes what it's really like to be One Direction.
Oleg má takmer tridsať, pracuje ako zdravotník a rozhodne neabstinuje, najmä ak má po ťažkej službe. Jeho žena Kaťa je lekárkou na pohotovosti. Aj keď veľmi dobre chápe nápor, ktorý ich práca predstavuje, pochopenie pre Olegov zlozvyk rýchlo stráca. Jedného dňa mu prosto oznámi, že sa chce rozviesť.
In the wake of The Death of Supermen, the world is still mourning the loss of the Man of Steel following his fatal battle with the monster Doomsday. However, no sooner as his body been laid to rest than do four new bearers of the Superman shield come forward to take on the mantle. The Last Son of Krypton, Superboy, Steel, and the Cyborg Superman all attempt to fill the vacuum left by the world's greatest champion. Meanwhile, Superman's death has also signaled to the universe that Earth is vulnerable. Can these new Supermen and the rest of the heroes prove them wrong?
Grindelwaldove vyhrážky sa naplnia a podarí sa mu z väzenia uniknúť. Začne zhromažďovať svojich nasledovníkov, ktorí nič netušia o jeho skutočnom pláne - získať čistokrvných čarodejníkov, aby ovládli všetkých nomágov. V snahe zabrániť Grindelwaldovym plánom, Albus Dumbledore povolá svojho bývalého študenta M.L.O.K.-a Scamandera. Ten prisľúbi svoju pomoc, hoci netuší aké nebezpečenstvá na neho čakajú.
Tygrica, Had, Opica, Žeriav a Modlivka sa z obyčajných cudzincov premenia na legendárnu zúrivú päťku kung-fu.
Animované dobrodružstvo pre všetky vekové kategórie obráti mýtus hore nohami, keď mladý šikovný Yeti nájde niečo o čom si myslel, že neexistuje, človeka – piadinôžku. Chýr o piadinôžke sa veľmi rýchlo rozšíri do kmeňa Yetiov. Vyvolá senzáciu nad tým, čo ešte môže byť tam vonku vo veľkom svete za ich zasneženou dedinkou. Všetko sa dozvieme v novom príbehu o priateľstve, odvahe a radosti z objavovania.
Afraid her husband will fall back with his ex girlfriend after they're assigned to work together, Adriana and her sister set sail to the U.S. to go after him to stop this from happening.
Alex Truelove is on a quest to lose his virginity, an event eagerly awaited by his patient girlfriend and cheered on with welcome advice by his rowdy friends. But Alex, a super gregarious dude, is oddly unmotivated. A magical house party throws Alex into the presence of Elliot, a hunky college guy, who pegs Alex as gay and flirts hard. Alex is taken aback but after a series of setbacks on the girlfriend front he takes the plunge and learns some interesting new facts about himself.
A legendary secret service agent comes out of hiding and returns to France to help the son he's never met get out of trouble.
A chief mechanic at a factory, haunted by apocalyptic nightmares, becomes a hero when Earth is invaded by a mysterious army bent on destruction.
Mladík Alex je jedným z tých, na ktorých si každý dovoľuje. Jedného dňa však nájde bájny meč Excalibur a pod vedením legendárneho čarodejníka Merlina sa začne pripravovať na dráhu rytiera. Čaká ho náročná úloha odvrátiť stredovekú hrozbu a zastaviť zlo, ktoré by mohlo ohroziť aj súčasnosť. Najprv však bude musieť svojich školských nepriateľov premeniť na spojencov a stať sa niekým, o kom sa mu ani nesnívalo - vodcom, ktorý dokáže poraziť podlú čarodejnicu Morganu a zachrániť svet.
Štrnásťročný Elijah "Eli" Soliński žije v Detroite so svojím prísnym adoptívnym otcom, vdovcom Halom. Keď Eli prechádza opustenou budovou a hľadá medené drôty, ktoré by mohol predať, aby si zarobil na živobytie, objaví následky šarvátky, po ktorej zostali na zemi roztrúsené nehybné obrnené postavy a supermoderné zbrane. Jednu z nich zdvihne, ale odhodí ju a potom, ako sa mechanicky aktivuje, utečie. V ten večer sa objaví Eliho starší brat Jimmy, ktorý je biologickým synom Hala. Jimmyho práve prepustili na podmienku a Hal jeho príchodom nie je nadšený. Eli musí stále myslieť na super zbraň a vykradne sa po ňu z domu. Keď sa vracia, začuje hádku Hala s Jimmym. Ten dlží miestnemu zločineckému bossovi Taylorovi Balikovi vysokú sumu a žiada Hala, aby mu pomohol peniaze ukradnúť z trezoru jeho zamestnávateľa. Hal odmietne a Jimmyho vyhodí. Nasledujúci deň sa všetko skomplikuje.
A slacker switches up his cleaning job by pretending to be a mental coach's assistant and consults an injured ice skater who has lost her confidence.
Paz seems to have a perfect life. She has a job, a partner and friends but something's missing. In reality, there are things she is unhappy about. She feels anxious and burdened but can't bring herself to express these feelings. Until one day she turns to a strange therapy that will make her say absolutely everything she thinks. How would your life be if you only said what you think?
A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hannibal, that climaxes with the battle of Zama.
Newlywed Jennifer is brutally attacked at a dark rest stop. While healing from her injuries, she can’t recall anything from her past, including the ordeal. Her husband, Russell , is just thankful she’s alive and eager to get her home. As he reintroduces her to their secluded mountain estate, Detective Page pursues Jennifer’s assailant — his own daughter went missing and was never found. The same fate now awaits Jennifer, unless someone realizes that her loving caretaker is actually her captor.
Ruben, Durex and Nora are three students in their last year of college. Ruben has already failed his exams once due to his lack of self-confidence. He's been as useless with Nora, to whom he dares not confess his feelings. And his childhood friend Durex, the most embarrassing guy in the world, is no help at all. When Ruben discovers that Nora is a dealer and that she's going to Amsterdam to bring back a new kind of drug, Ruben bucks up the courage to accompany her. This trip to Amsterdam is an ideal situation in which to at last seduce Nora. But his bad luck: Durex comes along for the ride. While the trio discover Europe's craziest capital, their lives really get complicated when they realize that the drug they've just picked up belongs to one of Amsterdam's most dangerous gangsters. Very quickly, Ruben, Durex and Nora will understand that to get their old lives back, they must stop being nerds in order to become true heroes.
Americký priekupník diamantov Lucas Hill vyráža do Petrohradu predať vzácne modré diamanty pochybného pôvodu. Keď sa mu obchod čoskoro skomplikuje, vydá sa na Sibír hľadať svojho partnera, ktorý zmizol aj s ich diamantmi. Tam sa zamiluje do Katje, majiteľky sibírskej kaviarničky. Čím ďalej tým viac sa zaplieta nielen do vášnivého vzťahu, ale tiež do zradného podsvetia obchodu s diamantmi, z ktorého sa už nedokáže vymaniť sám bez cudzej pomoci. Lucas zúfalo hľadá únikovú cestu zo sveta, odkiaľ niet návratu.
James, a college freshman and computer genius, is enlisted by his womanizing roommate, Lance, to code the ultimate hook-up app. But when James discovers that his divorced mother is using the app, unexpected consequences ensue.
A teenager and his mother find themselves besieged by threatening forces when they move into a new house.