While working part-time as a food deliveryman, Antoine, an aspiring young rapper from the suburbs of Paris, meets Mrs. Loiseau, an eminent teacher at the Paris Opéra. Stunned by the young man's raw talent, she introduces him to the world of opera. As Antoine becomes one of Mrs. Loiseau's students, he hides his new dream from his friends and family, fearing that they won’t understand – this double life burdens him... Somewhere in between the gilded and uptight Parisian upper-class, and the harsh yet free-spirited and familiar suburbs he grew up in, Antoine will have to find his own voice.

Nestled deep in the Australian Outback is the town of Larrimah and its 11 eccentric residents. When one of them mysteriously disappears into thin air, the remaining residents become suspects and a long history of infighting is unveiled.

Kada ga otkrije glazbeni producent, mladi ribar sa skrivenim talentom mora odlučiti je li spreman za slavu... i ljubav.

Rainer toils by the sweat of his brow on a building site. His first job as site manager is his much-needed big break. Rising rents in the city have already forced him, his pregnant wife and 13-year-old daughter Doreen to move into a little house in the outskirts which needs renovating. At first, Doreen is not thrilled about her new life but then she meets her neighbour Mara, a girl whose parents are as rich as they are narrow-minded. Before long the new friends are playing with fire. Mara incites Doreen to play some nasty tricks and also entangles her in a theft.

After a meet-cute in a bar, Dawn and Micah's road trip to Portland turns into a nightmare when they're hunted by an infamous serial killer known as the Mechanic Maniac.

Set in a gritty and decadent 1970s America, American Boogeyman follows the elusive and charming killer and the manhunt that brought him to justice involving the detective and the FBI rookie who coined the phrase ‘serial killer’.

Follow a group of children who are evacuated to a Yorkshire village during the Second World War, where they encounter a young soldier who, like them, is far away from home.

Alex je mladi ukrajinski imigrant koji financijski pomaže svoje roditelje obavljajući ilegalne poslove na internetu. Kada njegova majka ostane bez posla, te tako ne može otplaćivati kredit, Alex postaje član "Dark Weba", odnosno okupljališta hakera. Njegov prijatelj postaje Sye, sitna varalica koji se snalazi kao trgovac na internetskom crnom tržištu i koji pomaže Alexu da zaradi novac. Problemi nastaju kada upoznaju Kiru, još jednu hakericu. Kira je djevojka kojoj je Alex privlačan, ali koja je istovremeno i krtica koja radi za FBI.

Casey Stuart (Lindsay Lohan) je nedavno umrla majka zbog čega djevojčica izbjegava društvo u školi i svađa se s prijateljima. U nastojanju da oživi svoju majku, nađe knjigu čarolija u lokalnoj knjižnici i odluči isprobati čaroliju za oživljavanje. Casey marljivo skupi sve majčine vrijednosti kako bi čarolija uspjela, ali ona ključna, majčina četka za kosu, sadrži vlasi njezine omiljene lutke pa čarolija pođe po krivu.

After thirty years of marriage, a middle-aged couple attends an intense, week-long counseling session to work on their relationship.

In 2013, there are no highways, no I-ways, no dreams of a better tomorrow, only scattered survivors across what was once the Unites States. Into this apocalyptic wasteland comes an enigmatic drifter with a mule, a knack for Shakespeare, and something yet undiscovered: the power to inspire hope.

Charmed by Hollywood's brightest stars, Olivia Bolton agrees to become Ava Von Richter's surrogate. But behind the lies and the dark of Ava and her husband makes her realize that she and her unborn child are in undeniable danger.

Probudivši se bez sjećanja, muškarac mora slušati tajanstveni glas iz uređaja u svojem uhu i krene na misiju spašavanja talaca prepunu opasnosti.

Da se ne zna što je opasnije bez osigurača, ljubav ili pištolji, pokazat će nam ovaj odličan avanturistički triler smješten u nepredvidljivu vrelinu Meksika. Jerry Welbach (Brad Pitt) upravo je suočen s dva ultimatuma. Njegov mafijaški šef namijenio mu je odlazak u Meksiko, gdje bi trebao doći u posjed dragocjenoga antiknog pištolja znanog kao "The Mexican". Time bi se iskupio za svoje prethodne greške, a ako ne uspije, snosit će ozbiljne posljedice. Drugi ultimatum nameće mu njegova djevojka Samantha (Julia Roberts), koja želi da Jerry pod svaku cijenu prekine sve veze sa svojim šefom. Zaključujući kako mu se više isplati razljutiti djevojku, ali ostati živ, Jerry odlazi preko granice, gdje lako nalazi pištolj, ali problemi počinju kod transporta. Pištolj, navodno, sa sobom nosi prokletstvo, u što je Jerryju nakon serije problema sve lakše povjerovati.

Lucía and Ofelia, two sisters, finally meet after 7 years of cold relationships upon Lucia 's wedding. But when Juan, Lucia's husband, and Ofelia meet, they feel like a disruptive fantasy have enchanted their minds and bodies...

Obavještajac koji treba baciti sjenu sumnje na političara čistog obraza mora odlučiti postoje li ipak granice koje neće prijeći.

U ovom akcijskom trileru u Ali (Ruby Rose), bivši marinac počinje da radi kao portir u zgradi u New Yorku, gdje se sprijatelji sa jednom porodicom. Njenu novu, trivijalnu svakodnevicu, narušiće lopovi koji su odlučili da napadnu tu porodicu, ne bi li pronašli jednu umjetničku dragocjenost skrivenu u njihovom stanu. Djevojka Ali je jedina osoba koja ih u tome može spriječiti.

Grieving over the loss of her son, a mother struggles with her feelings for her daughter and her husband. She seeks out a ritual that allows her say goodbye to her dead child, opening the veil between the world of the dead and the living. Her daughter becomes the focus of terror. She must now protect against the evil that was once her beloved son.

Varalica iz malenoga grada i njegov manipulativni brat pridruže se lokalnoj mafiji, a njegova opsjednutost uravnoteživanjem karme postane urnebesno brutalna.

The trip aboard a luxury yacht of three couples that will turn from an exciting experience to a terrible nightmare.