Fotograaf murrab autovõidusõidul pildistades jala. Nüüd veedab ajutiselt ratastooli aheldatud mees aega enda New Yorgi korteri tagaaknast naabreid vaadates. Ühel päeval jääb talle aga kummaline mulje, et naabrimees on enda naise tapnud. Kuna ta pole juhtunus täielikult kindel, saadab ta enda hooldeõe koos tüdruksõbraga asja uurima.

A man is sent back and forth and in and out of time in an experiment that attempts to unravel the fate and the solution to the problems of a post-apocalyptic world during the aftermath of WW3. The experiment results in him getting caught up in a perpetual reminiscence of past events that are recreated on an airport’s viewing pier.

In Depression-era West Virginia, a serial-killing preacher hunts two young children who know the whereabouts of a stash of money.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

New York comedian Alvy Singer falls in love with the ditsy Annie Hall.

When French criminal Corey gets released from prison, he resolves to never return. He is quickly pulled back into the underworld, however, after a chance encounter with escaped murderer Vogel. Along with former policeman and current alcoholic Jansen, they plot an intricate jewel heist. All the while, quirky Police Commissioner Mattei, who was the one to lose custody of Vogel, is determined to find him.

Melanie Daniels tutvub ühes San Francisco linnupoes advokaat Mitch Brenneriga. Hoolimata mehe pisut sarkastilisest käitumisest snobistliku Melanie vastu, otsustab Melanie teda, tema ema Lydiat ja õde Cathyt Bodega Bays külastada. Kui Melanie kohale jõuab, ründab teda üks kajakas. Kuid see rünnak ei jää ainukeseks: päev hiljem ründavad kajakad lapsi, kamina kaudu lendavad majja varblased, leitakse surnud farmer, kelle silmad on välja nokitud. Järjest rohkem linde hakkab inimesi ründama.

Zhenya and Boris are going through a vicious divorce marked by resentment, frustration and recriminations. Already embarking on new lives, each with a new partner, they are impatient to start again, to turn the page – even if it means threatening to abandon their 12-year-old son Alyosha. Until, after witnessing one of their fights, Alyosha disappears.

Peppino is an aging taxidermist constantly ridiculed for being short and somewhat creepy. He meets Valerio, a handsome young man fascinated by Peppino's work. Peppino, in turn, becomes entranced by Valerio and offers him a large salary to come work as his assistant. But when Valerio meets Deborah, their fledgling romance is threatened by an insanely jealous third wheel.

Looduskaitse aktivistid tungivad Londonis asuvasse uurimiskeskusesse, et päästa vabaks seal puuris olevad ahvid. See oli aga suur viga, kuna need loomad olid nakatunud "raevu", mis levib edasi minutitega. 28 päeva pärast indsitendi ärkab postikuller Jim ühes Londoni haiglas koomast. Tema imestuseks on terve London inimtühi. Peatselt selgub noormehele karm tõde – linna valitsevad "raevu" nakatunud, kelle hirmus vähesed terved on põgenenud. Jim otsustab lahkuda Londonist koos mõne vähese tervega, keda ta kohanud on. Nendeks on Selena, Frank ja Hannah. Nende eesmärgiks on suunduda Manchesteri, kus elab kuuldavasti rühm terveid inimesi, kes pakuvad kaitset nakatunute vastu.

Billy is released after five years in prison. In the next moment, he kidnaps teenage student Layla and visits his parents with her, pretending she is his girlfriend and they will soon marry.

As the police launch a full-scale crackdown on organized crime, it ignites a national yakuza struggle between the Sanno of the East and Hanabishi of the West. What started as an internal strife in Outrage has now become a nationwide war in Outrage Beyond.

The Yamadas are a typical middle class Japanese family in urban Tokyo and this film shows us a variety of episodes of their lives. With tales that range from the humorous to the heartbreaking, we see this family cope with life's little conflicts, problems, and joys in their own way.

A documentary about the father-and-son boxers, John and Ole Klemetsen.

With the help of his girlfriend Cathy and Dr. Fong, a psychiatrist, ambitious journalist Johnny Barrett poses as a madman in order to be admitted to a mental institution where a bloody murder has been committed.

When Eve, an interior designer, is deserted by her husband of many years, Arthur, the emotionally glacial relationships of the three grown-up daughters are laid bare. Twisted by jealousy, insecurity and resentment, Renata, a successful writer; Joey, a woman crippled by indecision; and Flyn, a budding actress; struggle to communicate for the sake of their shattered mother. But when their father unexpectedly falls for another woman, his decision to remarry sets in motion a terrible twist of fate…

A young opera singer is stalked by a deranged fan bent on killing the people associated with her to claim her for himself.

After his young lover, Gitone, leaves him for another man, Encolpio decides to kill himself, but a sudden earthquake destroys his home before he has a chance to do so. Now wandering around Rome in the time of Nero, Encolpio encounters one bizarre and surreal scene after another.

A timid, nearsighted chemistry teacher discovers a magical potion that can transform him into a suave and handsome Romeo. The Jekyll and Hyde game works well enough until the concoction starts to wear off at the most embarrassing times.

A father and teen daughter attend a pop concert, where they realize they're at the center of a dark and sinister event.