La cei 78 de ani ai săi, profesorul Isak Borg este chemat la universitatea din Lund, în sudul Suediei, unde va primi un doctorat onorific pentru contribuțiile sale științifice. Călătorește cu nora sa, care îi poartă pică pentru soțul ei, fiul profesorului, dă dovadă de un egoism similar cu cel al bătrânului și, mai mult, refuză să aibă copii. Pe drum dau peste trei autostopiști pe care îi invită în mașină spre Lund. După ce vizitează vechea casă de vară a familiei, Borg este asaltat de coșmaruri în care i se reproșează toate greșelile din trecut.
Un ofițer de securitate est-german primește misiunea de a spiona un dramaturg bănuit de planuri subversive la adresa regimului comunist. În scurt timp, sensibilul și meticulosul securist va fi pur și simplu fascinat de lumea ce i se descoperă prin intermediul microfoanelor care împânzesc casa scriitorului. Dar, odată pornit, teribilul sistem de opresiune nu mai poate fi oprit. A început un joc periculos, în care nu există intimitate, în care nu mai există nimic sacru, în care totul este posibil.
Un baron Sicilian căsătorit se îndrăgostește de verișoara sa și jură să se căsătorească cu ea, dar cu divorțul ilegal, el trebuie să născocească o crimă din pasiune ca să scape de soția lui.
Young Vincent Malloy dreams of being just like Vincent Price and loses himself in macabre daydreams that annoy his mother.
A young neurosurgeon inherits the castle of his grandfather, the famous Dr. Victor von Frankenstein. In the castle he finds a funny hunchback, a pretty lab assistant and the elderly housekeeper. Young Frankenstein believes that the work of his grandfather was delusional, but when he discovers the book where the mad doctor described his reanimation experiment, he suddenly changes his mind.
A married farmer falls under the spell of a slatternly woman from the city, who tries to convince him to drown his wife.
The lives of five prostitutes employed at a Japanese brothel while the nation is debating the passage of an anti-prostitution law.
David Huxley is waiting to get a bone he needs for his museum collection. Through a series of strange circumstances, he meets Susan Vance, and the duo have a series of misadventures which include a leopard called Baby.
Imigrantul polonez Karol Karol se trezește fără o căsnicie, un loc de muncă și o țară când soția sa franceză, Dominique, divorțează de el după șase luni din cauza impotenței sale. Forțat să părăsească Franța după ce a pierdut afacerea pe care o dețineau în comun, Karol îl înrolează pe un coleg expatriat polonez Mikolah pentru a-l aduce clandestin înapoi în patria lor.
In Italy, a dying woman tells her granddaughter that she hid her treasure many years ago in Russia, in the city of Leningrad. Other people (who were around when she died) also learn about it. Thus several people arrive in Leningrad trying to find the treasure, each one for himself/herself. What's worse - the only information they have is that the treasure is under a lion - and it's in Leningrad, a city known by its numerous statues of lions. The story gets even more interesting when the soviet militia (police) learns about the whole thing and send an undercover agent...
After nearly two decades of legendary criminal feats, making him France's most notorious criminal while simultaneously feeding his desire for media attention and public adoration, Mesrine becomes increasingly paranoid and isolated, leading to a dramatic confrontation with the law that ultimately seals his fate as the nation's most infamous public enemy.
London. A mysterious serial killer brutally murders young blond women by stalking them in the night fog. One foggy, sinister night, a young man who claims his name is Jonathan Drew arrives at the guest house run by the Bunting family and rents a room.
Gabby, the waitress in an isolated Arizona diner, dreams of a bigger and better life. One day penniless intellectual Alan drifts into the joint and the two strike up a rapport. Soon enough, notorious killer Duke Mantee takes the diner's inhabitants hostage. Surrounded by miles of desert, the patrons and staff are forced to sit tight with Mantee and his gang overnight.
A woman with psychic powers has a vision of a murder that took place in a house owned by her husband.
Philippe Jordan is a policeman prone to advancing the cause of justice by any means necessary. On his agenda is a powerful drug cartel working out of Paris and Marseilles, with a drug lord who is essentially inaccessible -- but not immortal.
While Yeung Kam Wing is trying to remove all connections between the mob and him, his actions are being carefully observed by Lau Kin Ming, who bears a personal grudge against him.
A collection of Winnie the Pooh's memorable holiday adventures, as Winnie, Piglet, and Tigger set out to find the right ingredients for Winter, Rabbit learns how to manage a complicated Thanksgiving dinner, and everyone gets a special visit from a new friend. Featuring a number of delightful songs for singing along, this video is sure to become a favorite holiday classic.
A few days before Christmas, traveling entertainer Marc Stevens is stuck at nightfall in a remote wood in the swampy Hautes Fagnes region of Liège when his van breaks down. An odd chap who's looking for a lost dog then leads Marc to a shuttered inn.
A comic movie divided in three episodes.
A group of friends are planning how to spend their summer vacation. One plans to go to the Seychelles with his American girlfriend. At the airport she dumps him for another guy. He has no money so he steals a backpack and goes camping. Somehow he meets a pretty girl and convinces her to share his tent. But a famous singer sees the girl and wants her too. He convinces the luckless guy to act like a fool and the girl leaves him and goes with the singer to the French Rivera.