The actress Lola Dewaere recounts the film career and traumatic life of celebrated actor Patrick Dewaere, the father she never knew, under the watchful eye of director Alexandre Moix.

A musical adaptation of Victor Hugo's novel "Notre Dame de Paris" which follows the gypsy dancer Esmeralda and the three men who vie for her love: the kind hunchback Quadimodo, the twisted priest Frollo, and the unfaithful soldier Phoebus.

Spider-Man and Daredevil team up to fight Kingpin.

A cynical samurai is left as the sole survivor to fulfill a plot to assassinate the puppet of a villain intent on usurping the shogunate in the 17th century. A Shogunate Elder connives to rule Japan by making his puppet, the Shogun's brother Tsunashige, the next Shogun. The best strategist in Japan, Yamaga, leads a plot to stop the Elder, but his cabal is betrayed and most of the conspirators are captured and tortured.

V blízké budoucnosti ovládl velkou část světové populace záhadný virus, který po nakažení během jednoho dne zabíjí hostitele. Neexistuje žádný trvalý lék, pouze dočasné sérum, které se obnovuje každých 24 hodin. mladá dcera žoldáka speciálních jednotek Noaha je jednou z nakažených. Když záhadná teroristická organizace ukradne z přísně tajné laboratoře trvalý lék, je Noah najat, aby ho získal zpět a nakonec zachránil život své dcery. to, co začíná jako už tak nebezpečná mise, se změní ve smrtelnou past, když teroristé přivezou patnáct obrněných vozidel plných stovky vycvičených zabijáků po zuby ozbrojených útočnými puškami, granáty, a dokonce i raketometem. Navíc tajná vládní organizace, která si Noaha najala, může mít pro lék i postranní úmysly. Noah teď musí závodit s časem, aby ochránil to jediné, co může jeho dceři zachránit život, zatímco honička se mění v symfonii ultranásilné akce; plné automobilového masakru,...

Ricky and Melanie are a couple that face the gritty realities of living an impoverished lifestyle in an extended-stay motel. To make things more complicated, Ricky, confused with his sexuality, hires a male escort behind Melanie's back. Unfortunately, Melanie comes home early that day after being fired from her job.

Téměř 5000 let poté, co byl obdařen všemocnou mocí egyptských bohů – a stejně rychle uvězněn – je Black Adam vysvobozen ze svého pozemského hrobu a připraven rozpoutat v moderním světě svou jedinečnou formu spravedlnosti.

On their way to Mexico, six students are stranded in a small town where years before a tragedy took place.

Dokument Nezanechat stopy se zabývá staletou kamufláží, poté co se 82 000 mužů přihlásilo s obviněním ze zneužívání, a poukazuje na selhání amerického skautského hnutí při ochraně svých mladých svěřenců.

The story of Vincent Lacroix, a businessman convicted of defrauding thousands of investors and embezzling over $130 million in mid-2000s Quebec, Canada. Inspector and auditor Éric Asselin is mandated to monitor the activities of the Norbourg firm. Literally fascinated by the audacity of Vincent Lacroix, the investigator leaves his post and becomes his right hand man. Norbourg then thwarts the investigations and checks by embezzling hundreds of millions of dollars. But the party can't last forever when the company is surrounded from all sides.

Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.

Camille potkala Erica v šestnácti. Vášnivě se do sebe zamilovali a Camille porodila holčičku. O 25 let později Eric Camille opouští kvůli mladší ženě. Na silvestra se Camille najednou vrátí v čase do své minulosti... Je jí opět šestnáct. Znovu se setkává s rodiči, kamarádkami, svým dospíváním... A s Ericem. Uteče a pokusí se tak změnit svůj i Ericův život? Nebo se do Erica opět zamiluje, i když ví, jak to dopadne?

Faced with the suspicious death of their father, two brothers must motivate one another to get back on their bikes and take the Las Vegas Motocross Championships by storm.

The chilling story of a young American boy living in France in 1918 whose father is working for the US government on the creation of the Treaty of Versailles. What he witnesses helps to mold his beliefs – and we witness the birth of a terrifying ego.

A woman lies awake at night. Nearby, a set of theatre backdrops unspools itself, unveiling two alternate landscapes. Upon the woman’s blue sheet, a flicker of light reflects and illuminates her realm of insomnia.

Píše se rok 1975 a politické napětí stoupá. Dojde ke krádeži kontroverzního filmu „Salò“ Piera Paola Passoliniho, ale to je jenom začátek mnohem vážnějších problémů.

A celebratory parody of the traditional TV holiday romance that follows Holly, a go-getter real estate exec from New York City who heads to a small town to buy the quaint Clüsterfünke Inn and transform it into a mega-resort.

Yellow or Adicolor Yellow is a 2006 futuristic short film by director Neill Blomkamp, written by Terri Tatchell and Blomkamp. It was produced at the request of sportswear maker Adidas as a part of its "Adicolor" viral ads campaign, in which advertising agency Idealogue gathered seven directors, assigning a different color to each of them, and asked them to produce a feature based on their emotional and creative response to the given color, later to be distributed in the form of podcasts. The four-minute film, shot by Trent Opaloch in Blomkamp's usual handheld camera mockumentary style, deals with an Israeli robotic globe-trotter gone rogue.

A man wakes in a hospital with no memory, and quickly finds himself on the run in a locked down hospital with the Cartel on his tail.