Erreway is trying to get famous in Argentina, but a few suprises on the road makes it a little hard...

Foo Fighters have established themselves as a premier alternative rock band, offering a mixture of bittersweet harmonies and full-on rock anthems. Their formidable live act is second to none, and EVERYWHERE BUT HOME cements their reputation with a combination of stadium shows, festival appearances, and intimate acoustic performances. Endearing behind the scenes footage illustrates the goofy nature

A nationwide manhunt for Hank Venture leads to untold dangers and unexpected revelations, while The Monarch is literally out for Dr Venture's blood. An imposing evil from the past reemerges to wreak havoc on the Ventures, The Guild, and even the Monarch marriage—it will take friends and foes alike to restore the Ventures' world to order… or end it once and for all.

A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that becomes famous for its delicious chicken. Due to the unexpected popularity, the detectives find themselves in a situation they never expected.

Beavis ja Butt-Head lähtevät avaruussukkulamissiolle vuonna 1998, putoavat mustaan aukkoon ja palaavat takaisin maan pinnalle vuonna 2022. Heitä etsii NSA, Texasin kuvernööri ja erittäin älykäs versio heistä itsestään rinnakkaisuniversumista.

Political commentator Matt Walsh explores the changing concepts of sex and gender in the digital age, particularly the transgender rights movement, anti-transgender bigotry, and what it means to be a woman.

On Christmas Eve, a fighter pilot on his way home gets lost mid-flight over water and needs a miracle to land safely.

Michele relocates from capital to remote village Rupe in Abruzzo park. Challenges emerge as she aims to keep local school with few students open, set against idyllic winter and summer backdrops.

A loser of a crook and his wife strike it rich when a botched bank job's cover business becomes a spectacular success.

Kate kuulee Pariisista uhkaavia uutisia kihlatultaan ja säntää Pariisiin lentopelkoaan uhmaten pelastaakseen suhteensa. Matkalla hän kohtaa pikkurikollisen, ja tapaamisesta kasvaa muutakin kuin ohimenevä episodi rakkauden kaupungin taivaan alla.

Suburbanite Ron is spoiled, young and not overly worried about the marijuana charges leveled against him. But, after being made out to be a drug dealer, he faces a five-year jail sentence in San Quentin State Prison. Physically frail and unaccustomed to his rough surroundings, Ron is primed to fall victim to sexual predators and bullying guards – that is, until he's befriended by Earl, a veteran inmate who finds meaning in protecting the vulnerable new kid.

Half brothers Raymond and Ray reunite when their estranged father dies—and discover that his final wish was for them to dig his grave. Together, they process who they’ve become as men, both because of their father and in spite of him.

Lukas on viisikymppinen yökerhon portsari ja 8-vuotiaan Sarahin yksinhuoltaja. Eräänä päivänä heidän elämänsä mullistuu, kun Lukas menettää hermonsa riideltyään asiakkaan kanssa. Hän saa potkut ja joutuu ongelmiin poliisin kanssa. Rahapulassa Lukas menee töihin strippiklubille, mutta pian hänelle paljastuu, että sen omistaa vaarallinen rikollisporukka, joka toimii ympäri Eurooppaa. Porukan jäsenenä hän ajautuu väkivallan kierteeseen. Lukasin pitää taistella säilyäkseen hengissä ja suojellakseen tytärtään.

Amerikkalaisessa pikkukaupungissa teini-ikäiset Steve ja Jane näkevät, miten meteoriitti iskeytyy maahan. Pian käy ilmi, että meteoriitti onkin ulkoavaruudesta saapunut avaruuslima, joka alkaa syödä ihmisiä. Steve McQueen on ensimmäisessä pääroolissaan tässä varhaisessa scifi-elokuvassa.

A teenager struggles to keep her scandal-ridden past and a big secret from getting out when she strikes up an unlikely romance with the crown prince.

A crew of hardy road workers, led by a bickering Father and Son, must survive the night when they accidentally awaken an ancient Irish vampire.

After small town waitress Joey is sexually assaulted after a date with her old friend Mike, she befriends mysterious stranger Regina. Regina introducers her to The Cherry Bombers, an all femme gang including Beatrice, Lily, Sal, Jett, Angie, and Fala. All suffering from past traumas, together they fight a misogynistic society by targeting violent frat boys, a corrupt police force of human traffickers led by Sheriff Morel, and the dangerous alt-right group MFM (Men’s First Movement) headed by Mark Vanderhill. As Joey is drawn further into their chaotic world, Sal’s old flame, Logan County Sheriff Vernon, investigates MFM, leading to a thrilling showdown.

A declining writer arrives in a small town where he gets caught up in a murder mystery involving a young girl.

A couple are given a camera and a set of instructions which they must follow or else someone will die.

Homeboy Cameron tries to juggle his time between his girlfriend Sandy, the record label, and hanging out with his boyz. But his relationship with Sandy eventually sours when Cameron devotes more time to his friends. Tired of his lies and excuses, Sandy ends the relationship. Dealing with depression from the breakup.