Lepnā slavena arhitekta projektētā namā plaukst modernās pilsētvides elites pārstāvju dzīve, savukārt kādā nolaistā puspagraba miteklī savu situāciju apņēmīgi cenšas pārvarēt trūkuma un neveiksmju vajāta ģimene. Kad liktenis piedāvā iespēju šādu cilvēku ceļiem krustoties, ieguvumu un postījumu apmērs nav paredzams.

Stāsts balstīts uz reāliem faktiem par Džordanu Belfortu – sākot ar kļūšanu par bagātu akciju brokeri līdz pat viņa norietam, kas saistīts ar noziedzību, korupciju un federālo valdību.

After the cataclysmic events in New York with The Avengers, Steve Rogers, aka Captain America is living quietly in Washington, D.C. and trying to adjust to the modern world. But when a S.H.I.E.L.D. colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue that threatens to put the world at risk. Joining forces with the Black Widow, Captain America struggles to expose the ever-widening conspiracy while fighting off professional assassins sent to silence him at every turn. When the full scope of the villainous plot is revealed, Captain America and the Black Widow enlist the help of a new ally, the Falcon. However, they soon find themselves up against an unexpected and formidable enemy—the Winter Soldier.

Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween Night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield, Illinois to kill again.

Viņu sauc Kevins un viņā mīt vismaz 23 personības. Kevins nolaupa trīs pusaudzes, un kamēr viņas atrodas ieslodzījumā, pamazām sāk materializēties viņa galvenā personība - Zvērs...

Cilvēce atrodas uz iznīcības robežas. Ultrons - mākslīgais intelekts, kurš bija radīts, lai aizsargātu Zemi no ārējiem ienaidniekiem, ir kļuvis par ienaidnieku pašai cilvēcei. Vienīgie, kas var mest izaicinājumu tik neapturamam pretiniekam, ir Atriebēji. Taču Ultrons ir pārāk spēcīgs - viņa laikmets ir sācies un tajā nav paredzēta vieta cilvēkiem.

Four undying warriors who've secretly protected humanity for centuries become targeted for their mysterious powers just as they discover a new immortal.

Lai apprecētu princesi Jasmīni, jaunais zaglēns Aladins sapņo kļūt par princi. Tajā pašā laikā vezīrs Džafars plāno sagrābt varu un sava plāna izpildei viņam ir nepieciešama burvju lampa, kura glabājas Brīnumu alā. Kā izrādās, alā var nokļūt tikai cilvēks, kurš ir apveltīts ar tam nepieciešamajām spējām un, kā izrādās, tādas spējas piemīt tieši Aladinam...

When the crew of a space junk collector ship called The Victory discovers a humanoid robot named Dorothy that's known to be a weapon of mass destruction, they get involved in a risky business deal which puts their lives at stake.

Agent 007 is back in the second installment of the James Bond series, this time battling a secret crime organization known as SPECTRE. Russians Rosa Klebb and Kronsteen are out to snatch a decoding device known as the Lektor, using the ravishing Tatiana to lure Bond into helping them. Bond willingly travels to meet Tatiana in Istanbul, where he must rely on his wits to escape with his life in a series of deadly encounters with the enemy.

Cilvēka prāts ir lēns, tas nespēj fokusēties uz vairākām lietām vienlaikus. Atliek vien novērst upura uzmanību un tad veikli viņu aptīrīt... Šo ļaužu vājību savā labā izmanto rūdītais mahinators Nikijs, kurš krāpnieka aroda smalkumus māca arī savai draudzenei Džesai. Tomēr, kad viņu romantiskās attiecības kļūst pārāk ciešas, Niks Džesu pēkšņi pamet. Pēc trīs gadiem bijusī mīļākā - tagad satriecoša "liktenīgā sieviete" - uzrodas Buenosairesā, kur Nikijs izplānojis kārtējo afēru.

Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.

James Bond is sent to investigate after a fellow “00” agent is found dead with a priceless Indian Fabergé egg. Bond follows the mystery and uncovers a smuggling scandal and a Russian General who wants to provoke a new World War.

On a long-awaited trip to Europe, a New York City cop and his hairdresser wife scramble to solve a baffling murder aboard a billionaire's yacht.

Detektīvi no rēgu patruļas izmeklē aizkapa pasaules pretējā pusē notiekošos noziegumus un vajā kādu pārmēru veiklu mošķi. Jauns policists, kurš gājis bojā no nezināma ļaundara rokas, ierodas citā pasaulē, kur apmaiņā pret palīdzību savas slepkavības izmeklēšanā, viņš apņemas turpmākos simts gadus veltīt dienestam rēgu patruļā.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

This time around, Chucky and his homicidal honey, Tiffany, are brought back to life by their orphan offspring, Glen. Then the horror goes Hollywood as Chucky unleashes his own brand of murderous mayhem!

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

Four comedic episodes framed within the story of a tyrannical Zen master and his two hapless disciples.

An estranged family take a trip to the desert in their used RV and become stranded and isolated in the scorching terrain. They soon learn their RV holds terrible, haunting secrets, and it starts killing them off one by one.